One For All = Full Cowling

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Izuku finally made his way back to the group and while both him and Jiro were blushing from what he had said they both shared a look that said, 'we'll talk later,' and looked at the group.

Bakugo was smirking at him while everyone else, besides Jiro, was stunned. Even his own sister was stunned.

"When did you learn to do that Izu?" Momo asked him. Izuku chuckled as he nodded at Bakugo.

"Me and Kaachan worked on it while we were training, it was going to be a surprise for the entrance exam so I wasn't planning on using it yet, but that villain deserved to be my test subject."

Izuku growled and clutched a fist, "Why are there people like that, that want to hurt others for their own pleasure, I'll do everything in my power to make sure they're stopped."

Momo smiled softly and hugged her brother softly and everyone else smiled at the boy.

"Exactly! There's that spirit! It's why I've chosen you to be my successor!" All Might spoke up making everyone turn toward him, his signature smile shining.

"Chosen? Successor?" Izuku asked confused.

"Yes! To be the next symbol of peace!! I want to give you my power!"

"That shouldn't be possible though," Jiro spoke up as she walked over and stood next to Izuku which made him smile then wince from a Jack jabbing into his side, "you can't just transfer quirks."

"Normally you are correct! My quirk is an exception!" He held up a hand an a ball of light appeared at his will, "my quirk is not really mine, it's a power handed down from generation to generation, each one strengthening it as much as they can."

"It is constantly evolving," He pulled up his shirt and everyone gasped at the purple injury on his side, right on his stomach, "I have evolved it as far as I'm able to because of my injury, I have maybe less then two years or less if my power before it fades completely."

"So you want me to take over the mantle of the symbol of peace, take on this great power, and keep the world save?" Izuku asked as he was thinking all this through.

A giant blast of smoke came from All Moght and he then stood there in his Skeletal form, he coughed up some blood, but smiled at Izuku, "Yes, that's what I want you to do, obviously it is a choice, anyone of the children here I feel would be suitable for the mantle, plus one other one I had my eye on, but it's your drive to protect those you love, and the civilians that drove me to you."

All Might smiled, "My name is Toshinori Yagi, the pro hero All Might, and I've chosen you, uh..."

"Izuku Yaoyorozu."

"Yes, Izuku Yaoyorozu as my successor to accept the power of One For All.

"How am I supposed to inherit your power though?" Izuku asked the burning question.

"Oh uh it's through DNA, so uh you want like a piece of my hair to eat or do you have a better idea?"

Izuku smiled as he held up a hand and a pocket knife popped out of his palm through green sparkles, "Why not blood? It's way faster."

Toshinori nodded, "Good idea."

"Wait Izuku are sure about this?" His mother asked and he turned and smiled brightly.

"Yeah I'm sure, besides if I inherit the power then I need to transfer it to keep it alive then I have some great choices." Izuku said as he smiled at her and his friends smiled, well Bakugo smirked.

His mother smiled, her son was so caring there was no doubt he'd be a great hero.

"Ok sweetie, as long as your sure."

Izuku smiled as he turned back to All Might and a hand was placed on his shoulder, he looked up and smiled at his mentor.

"I'm glad your ok Mentor."

Aizawa grumbled as he looked at All Might, "Look I know your reputation, if anything horrible happens to Izuku because he takes this power I will kill you."

Toshinori gulped and nodded, "Of course," he looked at Izuku, "You ready?"

Izuku nodded and Toshinori held a hand out to him. Izuku ran the blade of the pocket knife of the pad of his index finger and the same for Toshinori.

"Here's to you becoming a great hero Izuku."

With those words Toshinori flipped his hand and pressed his finger against Izukus, passing on his blood and quirk to him.

As soon as the blood touched his own Izukus head immediately went foggy as seven smoky figures appeared in front of him.


"Izuku Yaoyorozu, we are the past Seven users of One For All, the current holder has chosen you to inherit this power, and we have judged you to be a good choice."

One of the figure started to lose their smokiness and a middle aged woman stood in its place and walked over to Izuku. It was a beautiful woman with a tough looking demeanor. She looked like a fairly tall woman of slender yet voluptuous frame, and at the same time, she was well-built, as befitting a One For All user. She was fair-skinned and had a small mole below her bottom lip, centered to the right, and sharp, intelligent eyes with long eyelashes. Her hair was dark and straight, kept shoulder-length with the exception of a clump of short bangs hanging above her forehead.

((Thanks Fandom (website) for the description of her....))

Izuku went to talk but she put a finger on his mouth, "Don't worry you'll find out more in due time, but first control the power, let's start you off at 10 percent." She muttered and the other shadows nodded at her statement.

"Good luck Izuku, and tell Toshinori that Nana says hello."

Izuku had many more questions when the vision started to fade and he was back to normal.

"You alright Izuku?" Toshinori asked as everyone looked at him concerned.

Izuku looked at everyone and nodded, he thought back to the vision and closed his eyes and focused on the power.

"10 percent of One For All," the energy started to surge in his body and he grimaced slightly, but otherwise he felt fine, "it's powerful, and at 10 percent it hurts, maybe I can spread it throughout my body."

He took a stance while his eyes were closed and everyone backed away a little as red lines crisscrossed over his body, green electricity crackling around him.

"One For All Full Cowling." He muttered as he spun and released a shockwave of air as he did a roundhouse kick.

Everyone was blown away by his power as Toshinori nodded, he had made the right choice. Izuku had quickly figured out how to not himself from the backlash.

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