The Next Stage: OFA Evolution (6)

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It was the strangled sound that Jirou gave off that triggered something inside of Izuku, and his eyes glowed red as he saw the past users of One For All.

"Everyone, please help me save her, help me evolve One For All farther." Izuku asked the past users who all smiled at him and nodded.

"Good luck Kiddo, as much as we don't like killing, I think it's the only way to stop him now." Nana Shimura told him and ruffled his hair softly, "use all of our quirks carefully."

Izuku smiled softly as he stared down AFO with a dark grin gracing his lips and his eyes flashing a multitude of different colors.

"I will give you one chance All For One," Izuku spoke with a power that shouldn't belong to him, "release the love of my life, or I will not hesitate to end you here and now."

All For One let out some loud laughter, but didn't release Jirou from his grasp, "Izuku Yaoyorozu, you may be the current holder of the power I created, but you will never be worthy of it."

As he spoke his hand started to slowly close more on Jirou throat, making her give off strangled cries pain and give Izuku a helpless look.

One second Izuku was watching in horror, the next he had blasted forward in the blink of an eye right into All For Ones face. A demonic look in eyes that actually made the main villain halt his speech.

"I warned you, to let her go." He said deathly calm which made the villain and Jirou shiver for two very different reasons.

All For One because he actually realized that this boy, the current holder of his brothers given power, was not to be taken lightly. The boys glowing red eyes digging into him as his smile was like a villains.

Jirou because even though she was in pain, her boyfriend grinning like a villain and having green lightning arc off his body, was making her incredibly hot and bothered.

Izuku grabbed the villains face and started squeezing it hard. So hard that All For One had to release his grip on Jirou, who started to fall down from how high in the air she was with a scream.

She soon felt her descent slow and then felt strong arms hold her in a bridal carry position.

"I didn't want to give you whiplash so I had to use a telekinesis quirk to slow you down before I could grab you." Izuku told her making her smile and kiss him gently.

"That's fine, I'd rather not be light headed." She told him as he soared over to All Might, who was in his skinny form, and set her down next to him.

"Sir, please don't let anything get to her okay?" Izuku asked as he backed up and started to use Float so he didn't have to use Hawks wings.

"Don't worry Izuku, just be careful." All Might promised and begged.

"Yeah, what he said, I don't want my boyfriend to die before we can, well you know." Jirou muttered with a blush as she felt Izuku glide down to her and kiss her softly, making her melt into his arms.

He pulled away after a minute, "Don't worry, I don't plan on dying, I've got the other holders, plus the entire Hero Society on my side." He told her knowing All Might was listening as he felt his eyes glow green.

Izuku looked at his girlfriend and at his mentor, noticing the dying yellow flame in his mentor, and smiling softly seeing the roaring purple flame inside his girlfriend, showing that he got his wish, that now him and Jirou share One For All, helping it grow.

He kissed her softly one more time before he backed away, "I will be back, safe and sound."

Izuku turned and felt electricity start shooting off of him as he stared down the main villain in front of him, "All For One, it's time to end your reign once and for all."

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