Stain Arc (1)

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Finally the Stain arc

Also uh, I know people wanted Izuku to train with GranTorino, but uh......hehe don't hate me

"Are you really sure about this Izuku??" Midnight asked as she read where he wanted to internship.

"Yeah, your quirk is somehow the only one I haven't memorized, plus it was between you, Todorokis Father, or Mirko."

Midnight chuckled softly, "Well thanks Izuku, your in luck because my agency and Manuel's are patrolling around Hosu, the latest spot of the hero killer, Stain."

"Wait, isn't that who hurt Iidas brother? And where he's interning as well?"

Midnight put the pieces together and blanched, "Your right, I think Iida is going after the Hero Killer, we have to make sure he's not going to go crazy."

"I'll keep an eye on him Ma'am, I'll train hard to memorize your quirk in case I have to use it on him."

"You do know that my quirk is not very effective against the same gender as the user right?"

"I know that but well uh.." he caved and told her his and all mights story, promising himself to apologize to him later, "that's how I'm going to use your quirk."

"It could work, but are you absolutely sure?"

Izuku nodded with a bright smile, "Yes I'm sure, your agency did put in a request for me after all."

Midnight sighed, "That's true, I called my assistant after your fight with Bakugo and told them to send in a request, I'm more surprised that Endeavor wanted someone besides his son."

Izuku chuckled, "that surprised him too actually, when I showed him the request."

Midnight chuckled, "Alright then, me and my sidekicks will be meeting at the agency and then taking a train to Hosu."

"We will be staying at Manuals Agency for the week to make it easier to patrol the area, so follow Iida to Manuals agency and we will meet you there."

"Yes Ma'am," Izuku said and started out of the faculty room.

"Oh and Izuku," he turned around, "I'll keep everything a secret if you tell me anything juicy that happens between you and Kyoka." She said with a lick of her lips.

Izuku shivered but nodded, "Of course but don't really expect anything for a long time."

He sighed after seeing his teachers lecherous face and walked out to go warn Kyoka.

The weekend came and went sadly quickly for Izuku and Jiro, who had spent the entire weekend both training and going on a date. The two never left each other's sides the entire weekend. Every couple ended up being the same way.

Finally everyone stood on the train platform.

"It's finally time everyone." Izuku said standing next to Iida, who was forcing a smile on his face.

"Remember, in this week we need to learn everything we can from our internships and make sure to keep a level head." Izuku told his classmates and threw the last words to his friend beside him.

Everyone nodded and started dispersing to catch their trains. Jiro stayed back and waited with Izuku and Iida until their train came.

"I only have one thing to say Izuku," Jiro said from beside him making him look at her, "don't let Midnight tempt you to do anything at all, if I find out then I'm gonna kill you."

He chuckled softly and pushed her side lightly with his, "Don't worry, I told you before when we started dating," the train doors opened and he turned to stand in front of her, and he leaned down close to her face, "You are the only girl in the world I ever need and the only one I want, mentally and physically, we are going to have some fun on your birthday." He whispered to her then stole a quick kiss and rushed to the train.

He looked back at her and her face was bright red but she was glaring at him, "Love you Kyo!" He yelled to her and just barely heard her say that she loved him back before the doors closed and she waited before walking off.

Izuku chuckled and followed Iida to look for a seat. When they found one open Izuku let Iida have it and he chose to stand, which started up Iidas questions.

"I thought Midnights agency was far away from Manuals agency?"

"It is, but apparently the two agency's plus Endeavors are all patrolling around the area because of the hero killer."

Iidas face tightened at the mention of the hero killer and Izuku noticed it, "Don't try anything Iida, I was tasked to look over you while patrolling, plus Todoroki will be around."

Iida didn't say anything and turned away from his friend. Izuku sighed and got on his phone and started texting Todoroki and Kyoka. Todoroki to inform him of his plan, and Kyoka just to tease and talk to her like a boyfriend does.

After a while the train pulled up to the station and the two teenagers got off and walked to Manuel's Agency where they met the hero and started patrolling while waiting for Midnight and her sidekicks to show up.

Only a few hours went by before Midnight showed up and Izuku left to patrol with her, and started learning more about her quirk.

Then two days later is when everything changed for Izuku, Iida and Todoroki as they got into trouble with both their mentors and the villain Stain.

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