The Next Stage: AFO Rises (5)

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Villain Hideout

"I thought he was supposed to be more vicious?" Shigaraki commented as he scratched his neck and looked at Bakugou, who was smirking darkly.

Reaper groaned as he pushed off the bar and walked over to Bakugou, who smirked up at him, "He does seem calmer then what we were told."

"You extras are so stupid, you targeted me, but you didn't plan on one exact thing, did you?"

The villains stared at him in confusion until he started to laugh deeply and his features started to melt. Revealing that it was Izuku that they had kidnapped instead.

Izuku was grinning darkly. His plan had worked perfectly.


Izukus mind flew at dangerous speeds as he was fighting Muscular making sure he didn't try and chase after Jirou and Kota.

His mind finally settled as he dodged an attack and backed away, charging up his next attack. He watched and waited as Muscular charged him to attack. Izuku waited and then jumped in a bolt of green lightning, at his peak he turned and smirked.

"Delaware Detroit Smash!! 1,000,000%!!!" He yelled as he crashed down into Muscular. Green lightning going wild around them causing the mountain to crumble around them.

Izuku picked up the knocked out villain and jumped away before they were crushed. When he was in the air he noticed that the tornado of gas had dispersed and smiled to himself.

He landed, put Muscular against the rubble of the mountain, and then jumped away again. Search active as he zeroed in on the one person he wanted to find.

He landed next to Bakugou and Todoroki, who looked at him.

"Hey Kaachan, Shoto, what's up?" Izuku said with a smile that had residue blood in it.

Bakugou scoffed lightly, "Obviously we're trying not to fight the freaking villains Deku."

"Well good, but I have some bad news, but also a plan."

He quickly told them the news and the plan he had. His two friends immediately looked at him like he was crazy, which he was.

"No, if they want me they can come get me." Bakugou growled in response to the plan.

"Kaachan, your my best friend, but you and I both know that I can escape easier then you can thanks to the quirks I've memorized." Izuku explained making Bakugo growl deeply.

"I understand why you want to do the plan, but I agree with Bakugou, this is reckless, even for you Izuku." Todoroki commented.

Izuku sighed, "Yes I know this! That's why I need you two to help me pull it off!!"

Flashback ends

Izuku grinned darkly as he watched realization dawn on the villains face. He saw Shigaraki lunge towards him with his hand outstretched, but Izuku was faster.

He immediately activated Shigarakis quirk and decayed the chair he was tied to, then deactivated it, took Shigarakis wrist and flipped him into the wall. A bell went off in his head and he dodged Reapers lunge at him making him crash into the wall by the door.

"Let's be honest here, you wanted my friend, and now you have me, so just what is your plan now?" Izuku taunted with a smirk and saw all the villains look at him.

Reaper was rubbing his head from where he had landed, and Shigaraki was rubbing his back as he groaned, "I don't like you, you little NPC bastard."

He looked over at Kurogiri, who just nodded, "Not like you could escape anyway, so find a corner or whatever to sleep in, since you decayed our chair."

With that Shigaraki walked out of the room with a growl. Izuku smirked, but then was slammed against the wall with Reaper grabbing his shirt.

"Listen you little brat, I don't care who you are, just don't get in my way." He growled and then let him go as he moved back and walked out of the room as well.

Izuku rubbed his neck and then noticed the other villains watching him as he walked over to a corner and slid to the ground. He used his sisters quirk and made a few things to keep him company.


Meanwhile Jirou, Momo, Kirishima, Todoroki, and Iida were currently pouring over a map and mapping out a plan.

"I am a co-class rep and I shouldn't be condoning this sort of action!" Iida exclaimed as he moved his arms robotically, "But Izuku is my best friend, and he saved my life, so it's only fair that I do the same for him."

Todoroki nodded, "He is a good friend, he helped me use my left side." He said softly and Momo looked at her boyfriend with a soft smile on her lips.

"Kat told me that he wanted to come, but he didn't want to make the situation worse." Kirishima said and felt Jirou rub his back gently.

"Izu, he's amazing, sweet, and probably will be the number one hero right after we graduate, so we need to rescue him." Jirou said as the tracking device went off and they grinned as it showed up where Izuku was at the moment.

"Ok we can't rush into this plan, we need to get this more ironed out ok." Iida pleaded, surprisingly not doing his robotic motions.

The other four teens nodded, and Jirou looked through the window.

"Just stay safe Izu, we're going to come save you.


All Might was worried sick about his successor, knowing that Izuku was still in the clutches of the villains.

Even though days had passed and they now had more help from heroes for a raid on two known locations of the league of villains, All Might had a pit in his stomach that told him something wasn't right.


Time passed and the raid happened. The heroes crashed into the bar only to realize that there was nobody there, no trace of any of the villains. Then Tsukauchi got a radio call and they were immediate in getting to the warehouse where the worse sight greeted everyone.

Standing in a circle of villains were Izuku and Jirou, who shouldn't be there, but in the darkness of the half destroyed building was a figure that All Might never wanted to see again.

He would have jumped in to help, but he saw the determination in his successors eyes and he was stalled, until the next things that happened scared him to death.

All For One rose into the air and held out a hand. A tendril of red lashed and grabbed Jirou and snatched her away to him before Izuku could even react, as his eyes widened in fear, before his expression grew violent.

Izuku started to growl darkly and red wings exploded out of his back and he rose into the air. Everyone stood by and watched him stare down the biggest villain in the world.

AFO started to laugh viciously and his hand started to close around Jirous neck making her give off a strangled gasp in pain.

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