Sports Festival 7 (Round 2 and start of three)

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I'll do my best here cause I'm putting one massive fight in this chapter after a pretty quick round let's hop on in

Not long after Ojiro and Shinsos fight ended and Ojiro and Toru got together as a couple the second round started. With a little switch up Ojiro and Bakugo were the first up.

"Tch let's get this over with already fucking monkey boy." Bakugo scoffed as he walked onto the field.

Ojiro chuckled, "I couldn't agree more Bakugo, I don't plan on losing."

The two stood facing the other and then Midnight began the match. I'd love to say that Ojiro brought Bakugo close to defeat, but let's be honest their fight lasted only a few minutes as Bakugo changed up his style of fighting and pushed Ojiro back hard before knocking him out of bounds.

"Ojiro is out of bounds!! Bakugo moves to the semi finals!!" Bakugo smirked then jumped off the field and helped Ojiro to his feet.

"Don't tell anyone I said this but only because I know about you and that invisible girl is the reason I went a little easier or you'd be in the medical wing." Bakugo whispered to Ojiro which threw him off guard as Bakugo walked off and he followed him.

With another switch up it was time for Todoroki and Kirishimas fight. Like before Kirishima tried his best breaking through the ice before falling to fatigue and being encased in ice. Iida and Urarakas fight was a little better but Uraraka ended up winning by getting close and using her quirk to push Iida out of bounds.

Finally Izuku and Jiro walked onto the field and immediately Jiro noticed his smirk as he stood relaxed.

'What the hell is that idiot planning,' Jiro was thinking when her head immediately went him in a suit as a villain, and she could feel her face heating up slightly, 'shit! I gotta get that out of my head.'

Jiro was just out of it enough that she didn't hear that Midnight started the match before she heard Izuku start talking.

"Hey Kyoka, you Know I told Momo that I would only use my opponents quirks against them." He said as he started forward and snapped her out of her stupor.

"Huh what?" Jiro asked confused before she noticed him getting closer and she got ready to fight, before noticing that he hadn't activated her quirk.

"What are you up too Izu?" She mumbled and he smirked.

"I made only two exceptions to my rule, one for Kaachan, and the other for you, cause I have another way I can win against you." He said which confused her before he got even closer and pulled her into a kiss which made her brain go numb and her eyes close as she pulled him into the kiss more.

She didn't even hear the crowding cheering the two of them with Awws and Oohs before gasping at what happened. She felt Izuku pull away and her lips tingled from the kid before she noticed that her feet were outside of the line for the field.

She looked up into Izukus eyes and saw nothing but his will to win but also his apology for using her like that.

"Damn it, your lucky your cute." Jiro muttered as she hurried her face in his chest to hide her blushing face.

"Love you too Kyo." He whispered before Midnight spoke up.

"With that display of affection Izuku has pushed Jiro out of the ring and is moving on to face Todoroki in the semi finals."

Izuku smiled and looked over at her, "I'm all good to just start immediately if that's alright."

He turned and looked up at the stands with Zoom at Todoroki, "If it's all good with Todoroki as well." He said and saw him nod and get up. He then made a little ramp of ice down to the ground and slid down it. Izuku wrapped his arms around Jiros waist and used OFA to jump up to the stands and let her go.

"Go win this Izu." She said and kissed his cheek which made him smile as he jumped back on onto the field where Todoroki was waiting.

"Alright so the first semifinal match begins," Icy air started coming off of both of them, "NOW!!"

Almost immediately Todoroki lashed out with a wave of ice, but unlike him Izuku was ready as he released fire from his left side to counteract it all. Izuku then took a step and blasted forward off the ground right to Todoroki, who tried to stop him with more ice.

Izuku jumped up and over the ice with ease and blasted some fire as he came down, but Todoroki blocked it luckily with a thick wall of ice and tried to dodge to the side, but Izuku guessed where he would go.

"You know as well as I do Shoto, that you can't beat me without using your flames back!" He exclaimed as he spun and launched a roundhouse kick at his head, but Todoroki was quick to throw up an arm to block his kick but he was still pushed back.

"You know why I can't do that Izuku." He said as he lashed back with a punch of his own which landed in Izukus left side making him hop back and lash out with more ice.

"I...know...but it's your quirk Shoto, be your own person and become a hero!" Izuku exclaimed, with a little panting from the hit, which sparked a chord in Shotos heart. He had a flashback to Fuyumi telling him the same thing before he snuck out one day.

The arena then started to heat up and the ice melted that had collected as flames erupted from Shotos left side. Izuku grinned wildly as he finally got through to Shoto a little.

"Now you've done it Izuku! I'm not going to lose!!"Shoto yelled and blasted fire at his friend, who instantly had red lines arcing around his body before green lightning started to spark off him.

He held up a hand and flicked a finger that blasted a gust of wind and blew away the flames. Izuku growled in delight as he ran forward and used some ice to slide around Todoroki who tried to blast him with fire.

"Like you said Shoto, I don't plan on losing this either!" Izuku yelled as he jumped and launched himself at his friend, who in surprise didn't try to stop him as he grabbed his neck and slammed Todoroki into the ground and out a knee on his chest.

"Surrender!" Izuku exclaimed and Shoto sighed.

"Good job Izuku, that was a really good fight, now do it again in the finals." He said then tapped out.

"IZUKU YAOYOROZU WINS BY SURRENDER!!" Midnight yelled, which made the crowd go wild.

Izuku and Todoroki were both breathing heavily as Izuku helped him to his feet.

The two of the smiled then chuckled a little as they started to melt the ice to get it cleared for the next fight. They then made their way to the tunnel where they met Uraraka and Bakugo.

"Nice fighting Deku!" Uraraka exclaimed and he chuckled.

"Thanks but you should say that to Shoto really, if I hadn't gotten him to use his flames it would have been a boring match."

Shoto chuckled softly as Bakugo grunted, "Whatever, I didn't care who would win because I knew I'd face them in the finals anyway."

Uraraka puffed out her cheeks, "Hey don't go underestimating me!"

Bakugo scoffed and started to the field, "I'm not, you have to have some skill to be able to make it this far, don't disappoint me."

Izuku and the others watched him walk away, that was not what I was expecting."

"Yeah same here, anyway, it's time to start the fight!" Uraraka exclaimed pumping a hand in the air.

"Good luck." Shoto and Izuku said at the same time.

Uraraka smiled and ran off down the tunnel to the field.

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