Mock Fights Part 1

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It was the next day and everyone was in class just talking to friends before the day got started. Currently Jiro and Izuku were talking to Hagakure about an idea that Izuku had so the class could see her.

"So my idea is to combine Creation with Erasure and create some eye contacts that will in theory erase your quirk in our eyes so that we can see you?"

Hagakure seemed to be happy, "That sounds awesome Izuku!" Izuku and Momo had already told the class to call them by their first names so they wouldn't get confused.

Jiro nodded from where she sat on the desk behind Izuku who was leaned against her softly, "True, but they'd have to be easy to remove so we don't accidentally see her naked because of her hero costume, and you too Greenbean, I know you have her quirk memorized by now."

Izuku blushed, "yeah I do and I'm working on a way that will help her turn it off and on so she doesn't have to be invisible all the time."

Hagakure clapped her hands together drawing their attention to their friend, "Yes please I'd love that, especially if Ojiro could see me all the time." She said softly with a little swoon at his name.

Izuku smirked, "Oh so you like Ojiro huh? Want me to help? Me and Mina are already planning how to get Todoroki and my sister together and how to get Kirishima and Kaachan together as well."

Jiro didn't seem surprised by this but Hagakure giggled, "Wait Bakugo and Kirishima like each other? Todoroki and your sister is obvious to everyone but them."

Izuku nodded, "Oh yeah considering that besides me Kirishima isn't really bothered by Kaachans actions, and that Kirishima seems to calm him down as well."

Hagakure giggled again and the door to the classroom opened so everyone scrambled to their seats. It almost was perfect until a giant crash was heard from Kaminaris desk.

Everyone turned and tried not to laugh because Kaminari had tripped over his chair and crashed to the floor. He sat up and rubbed his head as Jiro lent a hand up, "Thanks Jiro."

"No problem."

"New record, 15 seconds besides Kaminaris incident, getting faster, now class's are going to start in about another half hour so just talk or something quietly because I'm going back to sleep." Aizawa said as he hopped in and slouched against a wall in his yellow sleeping bag and fell asleep.

Everyone chuckled softy at their teacher and went back to talking but didn't move so they mostly just talked to the others beside them.

The rest of the day went smoothly after that with only Shinso and Kaminari falling asleep. Shinso because he had been up late at his uncles house where he stays while his dad is over in the USA with his mom, and Kaminari because the lessons basically fried his brain.

Before long it was time for the last class of the day.

"I am here!!!!!" The door slammed open and All Might leaned in like ready for takeoff, "Coming through the door like a hero!!!"

Everyone was excited to see him because they knew what this class was going to be.

"Alright! For our first class we are to be doing some mock fights!!"

Bakugo smirked as everyone sighed.

"Alright! Grab your hero costumes and meet at Ground Beta!!" He exclaimed as he pressed a button on a remote making 20 cases come out of the wall on racks.

He then exited the room which signaled everyone to go grab their case.

Izuku grabbed Number 18 which was his and went to the locker room to go change.

After a little while everyone but Izuku had walked onto Ground Beta and was standing around admiring everyone else's costumes when a blue light come from the tunnel and scanned the entire group.

Everyone turned and saw Izuku walking up with a smirk on his lips. The light retreated back into a little sensor on the back of his right hand. "Costumes copied, some are change for a guy."

"What do you mean copied Deku?" Bakugo asked as Izuku got closer and they saw his costume shimmer and soon he was wearing Bakugos costume.

"This is what I mean Kaachan," he said as his costume changed back to its normal green bunny like costume with a clear see through mouth mask but it had shining blue lines on his arms, legs, chest, and head that made him look like he was using a blue full cowling, "my costume can scan other costume and stores it in a memory bank connected to my brain."

"So say I use my sisters quirk," his costume shimmered and he was wearing a pair of red shorts and his red sneakers, "this is what I get."

Everyone was stunned by a few things. Most of the guys were acknowledging Izukus physic, the others were slightly jealous of it, mainly Kaminari and Sero.

The two girls that weren't his sister, were gay, or his girlfriend were staring at his abs, Mina and Hakagure. Momo, Toga, Uraraka, and Shinso just chuckled because of one certain person next to them.

Jiro was left absolutely speechless. She knew he worked out and had a toned chest because of their hugs, but this was the first time she was seeing him without a shirt on. His six pack was on full display and his arms had enough muscle on them to not be huge, but she knew how strong he was.

She felt a warm liquid trickle into her lips and when she tasted metal she knew her nose was bleeding badly from staring at him, but could you blame her?

Izuku saw their reactions and noticed Jiro and smirked as he winked slyly at her which caused her to wipe her nose and blush profusely.

A Blank Song (IzuJiro)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ