Class Rep Time

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Been waiting for this one mates
Also results of the other fights:
Team C: Ojiro and Shinso won against Team F: Koda and Sato
Team H: Uraraka and Iida won against Team E: Momo and Toga because Toga was distracted by her girlfriend
Team B: Jiro and Kaminari won against Team G: Sero and Mina
Team I: Tokoyami and Asui won against Team J: Kirishima and Shoji

Final score was Villans Three vs Heroes Two


It was the next day and Izuku was on speaker phone with Jiro as they both got ready for school and he was smiling ear to ear.

"Man yesterday was fun, especially because I caught Kaachan off guard with my strategy." He said with a chuckle as he buttoned his shirt.

"Yeah the look on his face when Hagakure captured him was priceless, honestly if you were a real villain everyone would be terrified of you because of your strategy's."

Izuku chuckled, "Yeah, but if I was a villain then I couldn't be with you so there's that, plus being a hero has been my goal since forever."

Jiro was silent on the other side and Izuku smiled knowing he made her blush with his comment.

"Are you thinking about what I'd look like as a villain Kyo?"

" totally not.......shit, that suit idea though...." she muttered absentmindedly and Izuku laughed at his girlfriend.

"Tell me what it looks like and I can make it, I wouldn't mind acting as a villain for you." He said smirking.

He could hear Jiros breathing on the other side and chuckled, "If you don't want to tell me then draw it, now I'm curious."

Jiro sighed, "ok fine I'll draw it when I have time, anyway we got to hurry up and finish getting ready, I'll see you in a bit Izu, love you."

"Love you too Kyo." He said with a smile as they hung up the phone call.

He finished getting ready and ran out his door and downstairs. His family was waiting on him and he dodged outside to ignore the questions and they got into the limo and went to pick up Jiro and get to the school.

As the limo pulled up to the school Izuku saw all the reporters outside the gates questioning their friends from class. Kaminari was having a field day before Shinso pulled his boyfriend away.

Jiro sighed, "Kaminari is still an idiot."

Izuku chuckled as they climbed out of the limo, and Momo and Jiro stood next to him.

"So how are we getting past them?" Jiro asked.

Izuku shrugged, "push our way through and ignore them?"

The two girls nodded and followed his lead. As Izuku got close to the crowd he spotted a woman that looked like Kaminari off to the side scowling deeply, but he pushed the thought aside as the three of them pushed through the crowd and got inside the gates.

One reporter tried to follow them with a determined look on her face before her cameraman pulled her back and the security system took effect.

The three looked at each other and continued inside the school. No one saw the hooded man on the sidewalk watching the crowd.

Izuku, Jiro, and Momo finally made it into their class and was talking to their classmates when the door opened and Aizawa walked in.

"Ok class, today you have something very important to do."

Aizawa sighed, "You must choose a class representative, and do it by vote and you can't vote for yourself, you have until the end of the day or whatever, I'm going to sleep."

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