A little Training and more friends

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The Yuuei entrance exam was taking place in two weeks. So Izuku and everyone else met up at the beach to start training when they realized a giant problem. The entire side of the beach was covered in trash.

Izuku rubbed the back of his head, "That's just great, we need to clean this place up first before we can use it."

"Put it into piles and I'll cover it in ice so Bakugo can blast it to bits." Said the monotone voice of their new friend Shoto Todoroki.

They met him almost just two days after they met All Might and Izuku got his power. It was by luck but he had managed to sneak out of his house while his father was busy doing his pro hero work. He had came to the mall to just take a breather and met Izuku and Momo when they came to do some shopping with Bakugo and Jiro.

The four learned of how Todorokis father was Endeavor and how he was created by a quirk marriage to surpass All Might.

Izuku was pissed that a father could do that to his own child, but Todoroki just waved it off, saying that he wanted to reject his left side which reminded him of his father.

"Why though? I get that your angry at him but the quirk is yours and yours alone, plus it seems really strong I wouldn't mind having that in my memory." Izuku had told him and he nodded.

"Yes I am aware of that, but I want to make it into Yuuei and show my old man that he can't control me."

The other four teens nodded that would have to work for now.

Back in the present time everyone agreed with the plan and got to work. Uraraka's zero gravity made the task easier as normally it would have taken weeks to clean it, but with everyone's combined effort they got it done in a little over three hours then spread out to train.

Bakugo and Todoroki were fighting together. Momo and Jiro were training together. Uraraka and Toga were helping Shinso with a few close combat tips since it's what Toga excelled at, and Uraraka helped with her quirk making them a little lighter.

Izuku was using a new notebook to take down notes on everyone else as they trained to get tips and tricks for them and himself.

"Oi Deku!!!" He heard and looked over at Bakugo and Todoroki.

"What Kaachan?!"

"Come fight me!" Bakugo yelled back and Izuku chuckled as he closed his notebook and started over to his friends when he noticed someone coming from the stairs and towards them.

It was a teenager with spiky red hair and shark like teeth, "Hey guys what's up?!"

Izuku tilted his head slightly, "Just training for the entrance exams coming up soon."

"Cool so you guys are going for Yuuei too right?" The shark boy asked.

"Yeah, also I'm Izuku Yaoyorozu, what's your name?"

"Oh sorry man, it's Eijiro Kirishima!" Kirishima said with a toothy smile that made Izuku smile as well and he saw Bakugo staring at the boy with some red in his cheeks.

"Oh I'm so teasing him later." Izuku thought with an evil grin on his lips that made Bakugo shiver and look at him.

"Why the hell are you grinning like a villain Deku!"

"Oh nothing Kaachan don't be so sharky with me." Izuku said back with a tease in the sentence that made Bakugo for red a bit more, from anger or embarrassment was anyone but Izukus guess.

Suddenly a yell sounded and Izuku barely heard the footsteps close by on the sand when Kirishima appeared in front of his vision and the flying knife deflected off his skin.

"Thanks Kirishima."

"No problem."

"Sorry Izuku!!!!!" Toga yelled running towards them with Uraraka and Shinso in tow, "The knife slipped out of my grip when me and Shinso were training and he dodged it."

Izuku chuckled softly and waved a hand in dismissal, "It's fine, no one got hurt, thanks to Kirishima here."

Kirishima grinned with his shark teeth, "It comes in handy to have a quirk like mine I guess."

Everyone chuckled at him, and Izuku smiled, "So what is your quirk?" He asked pulling out his notebook and pen for a new page.

Before Kirishima could speak three more voices spoke up from the stairs, "Hey Kiri!! What are you doing man?!" A boys voice yelled down and Shinso stiffened slightly and backed away as his face went red.

Izuku took note of this as Kiri turned and smiled brightly, "I saw these guys training and wanted to join in!" He called back.

The three teens shook their heads at their friend and came down to the group, one was a plain looking boy with what looked like tape dispensers as his elbows.

The one in the middle was basically a straight up alien looking girl with the pink skin and light beige horns on her head poking up from her slightly darker curly purple hair.

The last teen was a boy with blonde hair and a black lightning bolt mark in his hair. Izuku saw that and put two and two together.

"So he's the one Shinso met." He thought with another smirk.

The blonde looked around the group and noticed a familiar head of purple hair trying to hide, "Hey Hitoshi, I didn't expect to see you here."

Shinso stiffened as everyone turned and looked at him, he coughed as he tried to suppress his blush, "Yeah w-well I didn't except to see you either Denki."

Everyone was going between the two boys when Toga piped up.

"Ok who are you three?"

"Sorry, I'm Hanta Sero, my quirk is tape, I can shoot out tape from my elbows for just about everything." The plain boy said amd the alien girl giggled lightly.

"Names Mina Ashido, my quirks Acid and it's why my skins pink, and also Hantas my boyfriend since the first year of middle school." Mina said excitedly as Sero blushed lightly

"I'm Denki Kaminari, my quirks Electrification, I can emit the stored up electricity in my body, but if I go over my limit I go into what they," points at Sero, Mina and Kirishima, "call my 'whey' mode, and I'm also Hitoshis boyfriend for a few weeks now." Kaminari said not realizing the hell he just unleashed upon Shinso

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