After Exams

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Right after Izuku had finished his exam he almost collapsed from exhaustion so Iida and Shinso helped him to the infirmary while Uraraka used her phone and called Jiro and Momo to tell them.

Uraraka chuckled as she ended both calls and looked at Izuku, "Both of them are on their way here, Jiro sounded worried and Momo didn't sound surprised."

Izuku chuckled as he laid on the bed, "Yeah, it isn't the first time it's happened, just the first time Jiro knows."

Iida sighed, "How many times has this happened exactly?"

Izuku paled as he mentally counted in his head, "this will be the 15th time it's happened...." he trailed off in a mutter as Iida glared at him behind his glasses.

"15 times Yaoyorozu, why did this happen 15 times?"

Izuku chuckled nervously as he blushed in embarrassment, "I was testing out my quirk when it first manifested and I passed out a good few times."

"Kaachan also knows as well cause he was around for most of them, but Jiro has never known about them."

Iida, Shinso and Uraraka stared at him incredulously as the door opened and All Might walked in in his muscular form before he smoked out and he was skeletal again.

Iida was shocked at the number one hero and looked at his three friends, who were just smiling at him, "Did you three se that as well?!"

Izuku nodded and coughed a little, "Yeah we've known for a while Iida, if it's ok with him I'll tell you everything." Izuku said and looked to All Might who just nodded.

Izuku smiled and went on to tell Iida the story of them meeting All Might and everything.

"So you took on a villain by yourself without knowing what his quirk was?"

Izuku nodded, but growled lightly shocking everyone, "I'm gonna catch Reaper next time, he won't get away."

The others nodded when the door burst open and Jiro ran in. Bakugo, Sero, Kaminari, and Ashido behind her.

Jiro jabbed a jack into Izukus side making him wince, "Damn it you damn memory nerd, why didn't you tell me this has happened before?!"

Izuku sighed and looked over at Bakugo who was smirking, "Just wouldn't let me tell her would you?"

Bakugo scoffed, "Fat chance nerd."

Izuku sighed when Ashido piped up, "So uh who's the Skeleton?"

Izuku chuckled and explained everything again for the three of them.

After he explained the story all three teens looked at Izuku and All Might in shock while also being impressed.

"Dang Izuku! Your awesome man!" Kaminari exclaimed while Shinso chuckled at his idiot of a boyfriend's excitement.

Izuku smiled and winced as Jiro jabbed him again, "Thanks Kaminari, but it was nothing anyone else wouldn't have done right?"

The three stood there in silence as Momo, Todoroki, Kirishima, Tsu, and Toga walked in as well.

"So is my idiot twin brother feeling okay?" Momo said with smirk.

Izuku stuck out his tongue at her taunt and grabbed Jiros Jack and pulled her close gently and pulled her onto the bed next to him where her face went bright red.

His face was red too as he held her to his side and explained everything that happened to him and included the All Might story for Tsu and Kirishima.

While they were stunned everyone looked at Izuku, "So your saying this really isn't the first time this has ever happened?" Kirishima asked after getting over his shock.

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