I suddenly felt bad for Gunhoo, he has been experiencing those at such a young age.

"And Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, the reason why he has difficulty in speaking even if he is already five years old." Mr. Park added.

PTSD? Its not a common psychological condition for children. I want to ask the reason behind Gunhoo's trauma but.. I don't want to give Mr. Park a false hope about me accepting his offer.

"I can be Gunhoo's personal psychologist."

That's the only help I could give to Gunhoo. I can be a mother figure to the child, I can let him call me his Mama but I can't marry his Father just for that sake.

Atleast I am still sane enough to refuse such a powerful, rich, and gorgeous bachelor's offer!


"Are you out of your mind?!"

Lisa shouted hysterically after I told her about what happened in my meeting with the famous Park Chanyeol. I felt like my eardrums broke because of her sudden burst of emotions!

"You rejected a multi-billion dollar tycoon Rosé! He could literally pay all of your academic debts and your Father's debts combine!"

I munched on my toasted bread as I let her rant her heart out.

"I did not fully reject him just so you know. I offered to be his son's psychologist."

"And?" Lisa probed.

I shrugged my shoulder and put my feet up the table to relax, "he declined my offer because Gunhoo already has a personal trusted psychologist."

"You know every girl wished to be his wife! You just wasted your chance Rosie posie.." Lisa's words just went inside my right ear and flew outside my left ear.

She really loves to rant. While me? I just like to eat and stay quiet as I listen at her banters. Sadly, I am somehow at the center of her topic for the day with Mr. Park Chanyeol and his rejected proposal of marrying a normal, humble, and poor Doctor like me.

Well, it's not like he like me or love me or something. And I don't like him either so why would I marry him?

I just got out of a failed relationship.

I don't want to welcome another heart ache.


"Gunhoo wants Dr. Rosé Park to be his Mama." I told Sehun.

"So when's the wedding?" He asked.

I shook my head as an answer to his question and all I got is a chuckle from him that made me scowl.

"Man! I can't believe you got rejected!" He laughed.

My face darkened at the echoes of his laughter on my whole office making Gunhoo to look up at us and pout in wonder that made me resist myself from punching Sehun's face for laughing.

It is my first time being rejected. And a marriage proposal at that.

When infact, many of my business partners offer their daughter's hand for me and I am the one that has been rejecting them because I am only interested in business and my son.. Gunhoo never liked any of those girls.

"Let me guess.. you offer her money in exchange of marrying you?"

I nodded. There's no better way in proposing an offer than money. "Every people have their price."

Sehun gave me a look of disappointment after I said those words. I raised my brow at him because I believe I am right. People value money more than anything, it's just that I can't guess how much more money does Dr. Rosé Park want to accept my offer..

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