17. One Condition

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Okay. Why am I feeling nervous? I'm just gonna go in there, get my diary back and go home. Simple. Then , why am I feeling nervous over a simple thing?

I was clutching my side-bag so hard, that my knuckles appeared white. Suddenly all kinds of insecurities hit me.

Am I dressed properly? Does my face look bad? Does my hair look greasy-

Stop yourself, Nora. You're not here to please Lucas' eyes. You're here to get your diary back!

With that I stormed in the cafe, with a bit too much enthusiasm, making the nearby people look at me like i'm weird. I mumbled a few apologies at them and started looking for Lucas.

Why did he have to choose this cafe? Its way too posh. It looks like only the filthy rich comes here. They're all dressed appropriate for the cafe's atmosphere while im here in my favourite hoodie. Where is that Luc-

"Miss? May I help you?" A voice interrupted my thoughts.

I turned back to find one of the waitresses of the cafe.

"I'm here to see Lucas. Lucas prince?" I added.

"Right this way Miss" the waitress started leading me to a table. I followed her like a lost puppy.

This place is way too posh for me.

I finally reached a table which was booked by Lucas according to the waitress. But he was nowhere to be found.

He must be in the restroom then. I'll wait here, I guess.

After mumbling a thanks to the waitress, I sat on a chair. While waiting for Lucas, I took around the surroundings.

There were hanging plants all over. The interiors were all beige making the cafe look aesthetically pleasing. The smell of fresh coffee invaded my senses first, making me sigh in content.

The place is posh and the people here is too. Most of them were wearing Luxury designer made brands.

Like....this is a freaking cafe not a runway. Chill people. Don't need to remind me i'm broke.

While observing everything around me, someone tapped on my shoulder. I turned around to find Lucas- in a  hoodie and sweatpants.

Talk about coincidence. I don't know, but Lucas in a hoodie right now is putting me at ease.

"Did you wait long?" He asked me while taking a seat opposite of me.

"No. I just got here" I stated.

"Right. Order whatever you want. My treat" he pointed to the menu.

"Really?" I asked , a little stunned.

I mean, who am I to say no to free food?

The same waitress came to take our order and smiled warmly at me.

"What would you like to have?" The waitress asked.

"Umm....I'll have an iced vanilla latte and... a sour cherry chocolate chunk muffin" I closed the menu and looked at Lucas.

"I'll have a black coffee" Lucas stated. After taking both of our orders the waitress left.

Ten minutes of awkward silence.

"So.....My diary?" I asked finally.

"You think I have attractive eyes, hmm?" Lucas smirked.

A blush creeped up to my cheeks.

"No! I-I....its...umm...I must've been drunk while writing that part" I tried to look anywhere but him.

"Drunk? Then why don't you tell me now?" He leaned forward, placing his fisted hands under his chin.

I could see the yellow flecks in his blue eyes vividly, curtained by a layer of his extraordinarily long and silken lashes. His eyes are indeed attractive. I could get lost in the depth of it.


"Your order of an iced vanilla latte, a sour cherry chocolate chunk muffin and a black coffee!" the waitress exclaimed while placing our order on the table.

Perfect Timing!

"Enjoy" the waitress added with a smile and left.

When I looked at Lucas, he was shooting daggers at the waitress.

"Can I get my diary back?" I asked again, getting a little impatient.

"First, have your latte" he pointed to my latte.

"I haven't got all day. Just give it back" I grumbled.

"Fine. I'll give it back to you.....on one condition" he started

"We didn't talk about any condition before" I objected.

"That's what we're doing right now, cupcake" Lucas leered.

"Why?" I asked.

"Just because" he shrugged.

I looked at him, annoyed and crossed my arms.

"If it was someone else who found your diary, they might have shared it with everyone, even post it in social medias. People are like that, posting anything and everything on social medias. You should thank me that I didn't do any of that. There's nobody like me you know?" Lucas explained with a smug grin.

"True" I muttered.

"What was that?" Lucas raised an eyebrow.

"Nothing. So....what is your condition?" I sighed and took a long sip of my latte.

Lucas grinned. Not the sort of pretty or smug smiles and smirks. A wicked grin. I knew something was fishy right away.

"Be my girlfriend"


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