4. Coffee stains

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The teacher came and greeted us.
"Good morning class. Today we have a new student. Please come forward and introduce yourself." She smiled warmly.

I stood up and faced the class. Involuntarily a blush started forming on my cheeks because every student was looking at me . I couldn't help but look down.

" My name is N-nora brown. Im s-seventeen years old. I hope we can be friends" i stuttered.

I didn't look up at the students , not wanting to face them.

"Alright Nora. I am Mrs. Smith. I'll be teaching literature. You can go back to your seat" she pointed to my seat.

I returned to my seat and fumbled through my bag searching for a pencil.

You gotta be kidding me.

I couldn't find my pencil. I swear I packed it in my bag. Where did it go?What do i do now?

Someone poked me on my shoulder. I looked back to see a girl handing me a pencil , smiling sweetly. She was a brunette with dark chocolate eyes. And she had cute freckles on her face. I instantly liked her.

"Here.I have another one. Better listen to Mrs. Smith's class. She is faster than eminem's rap" she joked.

"I'm Mia Carter by the way" she whispered since the class has already started .

"Nice to meet you Mia" i smiled at her, taking the pencil.

The class was fine. Mrs. Smith was indeed teaching us in supersonic speed. Class ended and i met Mia outside.

"Hey. Im going out for coffee after school with a friend. You wanna come?" I asked Mia.

"Sounds good. I'll come" she replied cheerfully.

The rest of the classes went by a blur.
When i looked at the clock , it was already time to go home. The bell rang. I met Mia and Brian outside the campus. We went to the cafe and got our coffee. Brian and Mia became friends real quick.

Once we finished the coffee , we stood up.

"It was nice hanging out with you guys. I'll see you guys tomor-" I shrieked a little when someone's coffee spilled on me....and it was piping hot. I looked up to find that guy again.

What is it with me bumping into people?

I thought he'd help me, but he just stood there.

"Woops didn't see you there" he smirked.

He has the audacity to spill hot coffee on me and not help. And to top it off he is making fun of me.

"Hey , back off man!" Brian snarled

That guy just snorted.

"What are you all looking at?" Mia shouted. There were people filming us. After Mia shouted at them, they lowered their phones.

"Come on, Nora. Let's get out of here" Mia took my hand and we stormed out of that cafe.

"Here" Brian handed me tissues and i started wiping the now-dried coffee stains.

"I can't believe he did that. How dare he" Mia complained.

"Its fine Mia" I said

"Its not fine Nora. He did that on purpose for whatever reason. I don't know. He's getting on my nerves" Mia went on.

"Leave it Mia"


"Let's not talk about Lucas. He is bad news. You don't wanna get involved with him" Brian stated.

"Lucas?" I asked

"Yeah. Lucas prince. He is the high school's bad boy. He gets into trouble, bunks classes , hooks up with every girl in the school. Basically he is a walking red flag. Don't get involved with him ... which just happened ,i guess. But don't worry. We got you" Mia explained.

"Thanks....I guess I'll see you guys tomorrow then" i waved at them and started walking home.

"Text us later!" Mia shouted from a distance.

I turned back and gave them a thumbs up, heading home.

This is only the end of first day and i already got involved with trouble.

Lucas prince.



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