19. Mint

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After our 'deal' I haven't seen Lucas anywhere. Its been almost thirty minutes i'm waiting near his locker.

Is this a prank? Should I just ignore him and act like nothing happened?

I sighed deeply and checked my phone for the time. Five more minutes and its first hour.

Fine. Let him come to me when he wants.

With that, I started walking to my first class - algebra. I spotted Brian and Mia by her locker.

They perked up their heads, when they saw me approach, and waved to me. I waved back and started walking towards them.

While I was walking to them, two strong hands came around my waist- hugging me.

I knew it was Lucas right away.

His minty scent invaded my senses. Hmm...Mint. Am I a creep?

Brian and Mia looked at me like they've seen a ghost. All the students around us were murmuring.

"Hey, cupcake. Lets go to the class together?" He turned me around.

I couldn't look him in the eye, not able to process any thoughts, and looked down.

I wasn't ready for this. We should've talked more. What the hell was I thinking? What do I say to him?

Probably noting my discomfort and uncertainty, Lucas took my hand and started striding out of the lockers hall.

When we were a distance away from the students, I stopped walking.

"I'm sorry. It was too much. It felt suffocating. It was....I'm sorry...I'm-" I was cut off abruptly.

"Hey. Stop apologizing. I should've talked to you about this yesterday. Its my fault. I'm sorry" Lucas stated.

"I'm sorry. I've never been in a fake relationship before. I'll do better next tim-" I was cut off again. But this time it was someone else.

"So its just as I suspected. There's nothing really going on between you guys.......is there?"

Mr. McCarthy

"Look, im not nosy or anything.....well....maybe I am, just a little bit. But that's not my point. My point is...you two suck at this fake relationship thing" he stated.

"All you need is a little tips and tricks from the right person. And that person is me" he pointed at himself with a smug look.

Lucas and I exchanged a glance, confused.

"I wont tell anyone about this. I'll help you form a believable relationship" he assured.

"Why?" Lucas asked, his voice laced with confusion.

"That's what teachers do" Mr.McCarthy stated as if its the most obvious thing in the world.

"Setting students up?" Lucas snorted.

"Helping is what its called ,dummy" Mr.McCarthy chuckled.

"We don't need your help" Lucas muttered.

"Lucas, I think we should listen to Mr.McCarthy. I'm positive we both know nothing about a proper relationship" I stated.

"Uh huh. And what makes you think that cupcake?" Lucas cackled.

"Both of you just listen to me and follow my tips. Then you'll be a perfect couple" Mr.McCarthy looked at his watch.

"But first, go to your classes. And Nora, meet me in my office at Lunch break and Lucas, after school" Mr.McCarthy stated just as the bell rung.

"Why at different times?" Lucas asked.

"Just because" Mr.McCarthy winked at him and left.

I'm starting to have doubts on whether Mr.McCarthy really is a teacher.

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