Y/n: "Alright... Escord for this group, have them be send to the group in the mansion, to regroup and make our way back here. Then plan an-"

Kridis moved over to her king and put her hand on his shoulder.

Kridis: "Calm yourself your highness. You are starting to Overplan things again."

He cocked his head back at the towering berserker, then took a few deep breaths.

Y/n: "right, right. I'm sorry kridis. Please, manage the army under your command, I'll focus on my Crimson brigade."

Kridis: "Of course my lord."

Varix: "My lord! We have new allies! But- We've been found by the grimm queen herself during our escape! Oscar and Hazel are trying to hold her off!"

Y/n: "Damn it! Taniks! Give them cover fire with your Hydra! Varix! Keep them as safe as you can I'm coming!"

Wasting no time, y/n jumped onto Redrix and few as fast as he could up to the whale. However, as he got closer, about to reach the back side, the entire whale exploded into a gigantic white orb, pushing Redrix, Taniks' Hydra and the gas barge back quite a distance. Y/n collected his thoughts as he looked at the completly destroyed Whale. Then only one thought shot to His head as he saw the destruction.


Redrix road at his master's rage and few at highspeed to the whales remains laying in the Atlas cornfields. The area was a rubble field, scorched and completely destroyed.

He landed Redrix on the back where the most damage occured after seeing taniks as well as the gas barge flying to that location. Jumping off Redrix, he scouted the area for the group.

Y/n: "NEOOO! VARIX! Anyone!....please..."

As he was about to break down, he heard coughing in the rubble. He rushed towards the coughing while the gas barge was landing. The one caughing was Yang who was laying with most of the group.

Y/n: "Yang?! Are you alright? Where's the rest?"

Yang slowly sat up and looked around to see Ren and jaune near her, Emerald was just a bit further as well as Oscar on top of a small hill before coughing more.

Yang: "I'm...I'm not sure..."

Y/n: "please...no...varix I'm begging you, please answer or move..."

Inthe distance to the right, rubble was being pushed away as varix revealed himself. And holding in his arm, protected, was y/n's little girl.

Y/n: "Neo..."

He rushed towards his sniper who let's go of neo to let y/n grab and hold her close."

Y/n: "Neo...thank God...varix, thank you for- who did this?"

Looking at the Crimson Brigades sniper, he was missing his right arm from the elbow down while the bleed has stopped already.

Varix: "Salem's doing, yes? During protection of the princess."

Y/n: "Maxis will have a new one attached in no time, you're still my sniper and scout varix."

The Sniper nodded, and as everyone was getting back to their feet and getting onto the gas barge, Taniks left to continue with Arial combat against any stragglers. While y/n was carrying a weakend Neo, Jaune stopped him for a second.

Jaune: "What are we gonna do with her?"

He pointed back as the looked at a emotionally hurt Emerald.

Y/n: "Did she help you, or try to stop you?"

Jaune: "She...was trying to help us and Oscar get out of that thing."

Y/n: "....Emerald...."

The green haired girl looked up with a tear running down her face and a confused look.

Y/n: " Come on, get your ass on here before we leave you behind."

She didn't have to be asked twice before getting up and joining the group on the barge, on their way to the Schnee mansion to meet up with the rest.



Sooooo here's the thing, we know that Malok has brought the lamp to the nexus and Myrrha, now the question is, how would I best set up the ending of Volume 8/ Beginning of Volume 9 with cinder. Since cinder can't know what Ruby is planing from the lamp, how would/should she know her plan?"

Other than that, i hope you all enjoyed the chapter!!

For my Queen (Gears of War Reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now