Day 113

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~ Day 113 ~

~ 14 / 01 / 2013 ~

So I don't think anyone is even reading these entries, but that's okay. I just need a way to channel my thoughts.

Today I ate SUPER healthy :)

Breakfast: grapes (I was at work and the alternative was pancakes...)

Morning tea: handful of grapes

Lunch: 3 small chicken drumsticks (only a little bit of meat on each)

Afternoon tea: handful of grapes

Dinner: 2 New York steaks

and lots of water :)

... I realize the food above makes quite an UNbalanced diet, but this was just one day where we kind of lacked decent food at work. Hahaha...

Okay, so the reason I ate such a huge dinner was because I'd just woken up from a 5 hour sleep haha, I'm so weird! I was sooo hungry!

Anyways, but I didn't eat too much. The important thing is to eat small portions every 3 hours. and small dinners. Which I failed at hahaha. 

On reflection, I probably shouldn't have put that anorexia reference in my blog yesterday because I don't promote that type of thing AT ALL.

But I'm not going to delete the reference because that's how I felt at that time, and everyone has different mental journeys in weight loss.

BTW, tomorrow I have a day off work, so it's exercise time! I'm going to try to do 30 minutes of weights, 5 calorie-burn workouts, and 20 laps at the park.

Remember: no matter what you write down, your body will show what you've truly done.

 Stay beautiful, whoever is reading this xo

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