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Somewhere outside the infinite multiverse and the chaos force, there was a world that was outside the reach of those multiverses. A world that was created by a Celestial, a world that transcends that multiverse and the chaos force itself, this is the world of the All-Father. In that world, the void was endless, no time, no space, just a void that keeps going forever. A floating kingdom that is the size of a galaxy, this was King Combo's new kingdom.

This King Combo has gotten much stronger than the last time he attempted at stopping Infinity, sitting in his throne with his Scepter of Light. He can sense Hydra is on his way for revenge, luckily, he reminded all of his armies to be prepared in battle, including his older son as well. Combo is a little concerned about Flame handling the situation, while his younger son is a strong and brave hedgehog, he isn't ready to face off the strongest of all Hydra's. It was quite clear for him that Infinity wasn't involved in this, it was a strange feeling that Godzilla, his old creation, was defeated.

His armies are well-prepared for defending all of creation and history, he fears if Hydra wins, he'll have enough power to destroy all of creation. But he believes his power is enough to stop him, and maybe kill it. Back then in his younger days, he once killed the embodiment of death; Kritanta, for unknown reason, he can still exist even if he kills death itself. Seeing all infinite futures that would lead to victory, he has seen a few of them that would put an end to Hydra once and for all.

His older son; Lord Kai, was all fired up and more then-prepared, he was just waiting orders from his father. It still questions him if he is afraid about his younger son, Kai's brother. He can't recall or remember the last time they spent time as brothers, that doesn't matter to him, he got a job to focus on and he will defend this kingdom.

"Hey father, is it time?" questioned Lord Kai.

"Yes.. You head out to lead my army into battle, Hydra will be here at any moment. I am... I am trusting you, my son." King Combo articulated.

"Oh I know father, I am the God of Destruction after all."

"Don't be cocky, remember what I told you from your training?"

"I know I know. Maybe you should join us father, with you on our side, Hydra would not stand a chance against us combined."

"Even what you say is true, it will only lead to Infinity's plan on gathering the Infinity stones. Every infinite future I saw, most of those outcomes have Infinity getting the Infinity stones successfully, and no one can't stop him, not even I can't stop him.."

"Listen, even if that happens, we will keep fighting back. Remember, we had fusion."

"The fusion won't work. Our gap can't even be compared to, that's like comparing a human being to a Celestial being."

He was right, the gap isn't enough for the fusion to even work. Lord Kai can understand what it means to be king, he kinda understands why being a Celestial is not an easy life.

"I apologize father.. I was suggesting something easy. I haven't gotten any sleep for years." apologized Lord Kai.

"You will get your sleep once this is over. Understood?"

He nods, with that, he left, heading his way to the battlefield, while the Celestial stood there to see the battle. His Scepter of Light started to glow, the power he senses is increasing, healing his wounds from back then, the time where he regrets all his mistakes from the past. A tragic story you could say for that matter. Large airships, that are the size of an average planet, were ready to launch to engage, roughly 20 of them are out there already. This is a war he knows he might not win, but it's a fight to the bitter end.

"I know what Infinity is up to, and this isn't part of his plan."

Far from the distances, he can see large storms coming its way to the forcefield, it was large enough to cover the entire kingdom. He can sense Hydra is here, as early as he predicted, these thunderstorms were much worse as before, thankfully, the kingdom was strong enough to hold on its own from the storm, the army was ready to engage.

A roar was heard from those storms, it started to rain badly, worse than any weather that Earth has to face. Lord Kai wasn't affected by this thanks to his passive aura that protects him from this storm, although this wouldn't even matter to him regardless. Kai floats in mid-air and gets to his stance, numerous flying dark creatures came from the storm, they are the size of a building and resemble a Hawk, they are named Storm Birds. This is where the war has begun, the God of Destruction fires multiple Godly fireballs towards the army of Storm Birds, the army start firing the Storm Birds, the large airships fires powerful laser towards inside the storm where Hydra is, unfortunately, the dragon nullify the lasers and absorb it.

The Storm Birds try their best to attack Kai, but he isn't allowing that, not even a low-class creature like them. As the war continues, King Combo was just watching the war, seeing some of his men dying, looking at his older son battling, he knows the war won't be on their side if he doesn't join in. The storm continues to get stronger and more dangerous, and that makes more Storm Birds to appear, as Hydra fires a gravity beam to where King Combo is, he easily reflects the beam towards Hydra, the dragon doesn't have a special counter to his beam so he has to tank the attack.

"It seems like Hydra is focusing on me mainly. Guess I have no choice..."

The Celestial God steps into the battlefield, with his Scepter of Light, he unleashes a powerful light that blinds the Storm Birds and even Hydra for a short amount of time. This gives his army a chance to fire back, the large airship fires another powerful laser towards Hydra while being blind for a bit, it's capable of damaging the dragon.

Kai fires an omni-directional fire blast that instantly hits the Storm Birds while being blind, this was one of Kai's oldest tricks in the book and one of the attacks that Flame struggles to learn. Part of the reason why Kai is superior to Flame, the hedgehog may know all-known martial arts but Kai has more experience and learned more than him. They were also incredibly fast for an attack, almost as fast as Flame's heat vision if not faster.

The confidence in Kai put a smile on his face, Hydra gets angry as he projects lightning from the tips of his wings in rage, the lightning were very fast, even Kai was caught off-guard and blocked it at the wrong time. Combo creates a shield around him to protect himself from those lightning, it damages two of the large airships and multiple armies from the ground, a rage that the King has never felt before. This was Hydra's inner rage he has been holding for many years since his defeat.

Hydra then vaporizes some of the army with his gravity beam into non-existence, as he tries doing it to the large airships, it activates a shield that is linked to the Light Emerald's energy and blocks the beam. More and more Storm Birds approached the battlefield, the army was getting overwhelmed during this war.

"These overgrown birds are getting on my nerves." noted Lord Kai.

"That's because they were being controlled by Hydra." stated King Combo.

"That... explains a lot why more is coming." Lord Kai said.

Hydra chuckles, each of the heads were communicating with each other for the next phase for his revenge. As the storm's color changed from yellow to green, this concerned Combo, his senses were bothering him, Kai was confused what's going on, "Is this a good thing or a... bad thing?"

"A bad thing..." King Combo replied. The dragon then unleashes a loud call that can be heard throughout the infinite multiverses, communicating all the monsters to join him in the war, a roar that almost shatters reality. Spreading his wings for his call, Hydra knew a few monsters that would resist this call. This is not a good thing...

Flame the Hedgehog Super - Volume IXWhere stories live. Discover now