"Well, i'm not sure if i'm from there but all I can say is I belong to a normal village where magic or spells does not exist," she sighed.

"How did you get here?"

She stopped cutting the strawberries when The Duke suddenly crossed her mind.

"Believe it or not, I just woke up one day and i'm here."

It's been a couple of days since she met The Duke. Maybe she could ask Ingrid about that man since she lives here anyway.

"I don't know why but i'm really curious about you. I think you're nice but my sisters doesn't believe so."

She chuckled. "I also think you're nice and the cutest among your sisters."

Daniela gasped. "Really?! How could not say that a few days ago!" She tapped the table.

Clementine laughed. "Is there something you're going to do, Lady Daniela?"

"Well... I really wanted to invite you for a movie but I think you're scared of me because of what Cassandra did."

"A movie sounds good."

"Really?!" Daniel rose from her seat. "Can we watch one after you're finished with that?"

"I can see why not. As long as I wake up early for breakfast later."

"Yes!" She clapped. "Can I help you with that? I always wanted to learn how to bake but Ingrid's cooking knowledge is average."

"Come here, i'll show you."

The two of them combined the strawberries and dough, then began to roll them into small balls before placing them in the oven. Daniela was very patient as she waits for the cookies to cook.

"What movie would you like to watch?" Daniela asked.

They were walking down the hall towards Daniela's room, where they planned to watch a movie.

"Anything of your choice."

"You're not serious are you?" Daniela asked in surprise.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"Usually Cassandra and Bela would choose what to watch and I figured that you would want to choose the movie."

"You invited me and it's your room we're going to."

"Okay then!" She chimed.

They stopped walking when they reached a door. Daniela opened the door and Clementine walked into the room. She roamed her eyes around Daniela's room and she was in awe.

"This is your room?" Clementine asked.

Daniela nodded. "It's small I know."

"Small? Your room is huge what are you talking about?"

Daniela's room has a second loft where a mini living room is located. She has her own bathroom, study area and a mini-garden by the balcony.

"My room is quite small compared to Bela and Cassandra's. Let's go upstairs." She said.

They climbed the second loft where her mini living room is located. Clementine placed the cookies and milk on the coffee table and she sat down on the couch. Daniela was busy looking at her CDs trying to find a movie to watch.

"Okay, okay! This is going to be good!" Daniela giggled.

"What movie did you choose?"

"Cinderella!" She exclaimed.

Daniela jumped onto the couch where Clementine was sitting. She lay onto the couch while her head was resting at Clementine's lap.

"Do you mind?" She asked.

Behind the Castle's Door [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now