Chapter 5: Reality is sets in

Start from the beginning

Sawyer: why

Shane: I just dont wanna get on the bus today


Sawyer: Sure why not? my house isnt that far anways

We started walking and we talked along

Shane: So Sawyer have you found any luck in love lately?

Sawyer: i mean i have this huge crush on Ingrid! Ian told me she liked me

Shane: you should go for it man!

Sawyer: I will soon, so are you happy for Lisa?

Shane: i mean she makes me happy and all but i just dont feel the sparks as before

Sawyer: im sorry dude

Shane: its okay

We arrived at Sawyers house and he opended the front door

Sawyer: Mom! im home and Shane is here too!

no respons

Sawyer: oh yeah! she is working late today so we are alone

Shane: Oh okay cool!

We walked up the stairs to Sawyers room, he had a wall that was light grey and a big bed near his window. Our rooms kinda looked like eachother except i had dark grey walls and i had a window to my right right next to my bed. Sawyer and i threw our backs on the side of his door and sat down on his bed

Sawyer: Shane pleasseee tell me now!

Shane: Fine.. so have you ever like thought someone was attractive or sweet and doesnt deserve certain things but is not supposed to be thinking that way?

Sawyer: umm.. eh i dont think so

Shane: well i feel that and i wanted you to know tha..

I didnt even get a chance to finish my sentence

Sawyer: Omg do you like someone or are you cheating!

Shane: no or i mean i like someone..

Me Shane fucking Dawson was in love with someone i have looked at for maybe 5 minutes and dont even get to have a real conversation with plus did i mention i have barely known him for a day! I love Joey Graceffa!!

Sawyer: What about lisa?

Shane: like i said no sparks..

Sawyer: Tell me!

Shane: umm.. im not reall..

Sawyer: Omg you like meghan i know it!!

I couldnt get it out, i couldnt say to Sawyer i was gay just then and loved the one i fucking hurt! so i just decided to play it off

Shane: umm.. Yeah! but please dont tell Lisa

Sawyer: I wont! i have noticed how you give her those glances sometimes but she hangs out with the fags..

Shane: i know but we are friends she just doesnt tell anyone because of course i bully her friends

Sawyer: oh! right but im glad you told me man

Shane: yeah.. um i gotta go my mom said i should get home soon she has something to tell me i think

Saywer: oh okay see you later

Shane: see you

We hugged and i left to go to my house

I walked up to the front and pushed the door

Shane: Im home!

Joel (Shanes dad): Hi son had a good day?

(A/N i just wanted to say Shanes dad is not abusive or anything in this story and i dont know his name so i named him Joel)

Shane: it was like the other days

Joel: well im gonna go to a meeting now, love you!

He said while kissing my forehead and walking out the door

Shane: love you too!

i mumbled as he already was out the door. I was on my way up to my room but then my mom came

Theresa: Hi honey! how was your day?

Shane: It was okay

Theresa: Well im going to whole foods you want anything?

Shane: ehh no thanks!

Theresa: Okay bye honey see you later!

Shane: Bye!

i shouted as i walked up the stairs, now i was alone i threw my backpack on the floor and closed the door and layed down on my bed and reached my computer. I started to go through facebook and i decieded to look for Joey i typed in "Joey Graceffa" and there he was so perfect ugh how can a person be so perfect just everything about him makes me shiver!

I eventully found out alot about him that Lisa had talkes about but also new stuff, like what kind of shows he likes and much more, wow im a stalker. While i scrolled trough my twitter i got a text.


??: Party at my house Friday at 10 PM! bring all the guest you want at (address) hope you can make it!

omg it was my childhood friend Luke! its been so long since i saw him, he didnt even live that faraway we saw eachother like 5 months ago! i can invite Sawyer and the others and maybe Meghan and convince ger to go out with me or something becasue im getting so tired of Lisa and since i have told Sawyer that i "like" Meghan i guess i should try..


Hey guys! so what do you think? So we reached over 300! and i think thats so amazing and i just wanna say thank you guys for sticking around and reading, it means alot! well this is not gonna be a long A/N so i will see you guys in the next chapter! ily all <3

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