"What do you think?" Adrien laughs maniacally and runs off.

"That's him! He's the real Félix!" Reflekta guessed incorrectly.

The villains attempted to run after Adrien.

"Don't touch him!" Nathalie hurls Princess Fragance into a wall.

Lady Wifi and Reflekta both fired at her but she dodges and foot sweeps both of them. Reflekta falls down but Lady Wifi avoids the sweep. Nathalie then kicked the villain's tablet onto the balcony of the room.

The woman impressively fights and dodges the Trio for a while, before being ganged up on by them, and consequently turned into a Reflekta copy.

Scene: Hawk Moth's Lair.

"You're being tricked, you fools!" Hawk Moth told the villains.

Scene: Adrien's Room.

Lady Wifi shoots Nathalie with a pause icon.

"Adrien has sacrificed himself for his cousin!" Hawk Moth said to the trio.

Reflekta glares at Félix.

"Hey, girls, wait- I didn't do anything!" Félix lied, mimicing Adrien's voice.

"He's the true culprit." Hawk Moth insisted.

"But..." Lady Wifi wasn't sure.

"Oh well, it's too easy." Félix drops his act. "Where's the fun? You want real? I'll show you real." He puts up his hands in a typical karate stance.

"It's time for punishment, naughty boy," Reflekta smirked.

"Be careful what you wish for, naughty girls."

(Sukura41: Ummm... that sounds... wrong...)

The Trio all shoot their various weapons at Félix, but he dodges them all, before landing a kick on Reflekta.

Scene: Garden.

Adrien hides behind a wall.

"Would you mind explaining to me why you're saving this cheese-murderer, who not only copied you, BUT PRACTICALLY ABUSED YOUR GIRLFRIEND WITHOUT HER CONSENT?!" Plagg screamed.

"I'm not saving him, I only did that because I needed to find a place to transform." Adrien scowled. "Plagg, claws out!"

Scene: Adrien's Room.

Félix is still dodging the Trio's attacks. Leopardess grabs him with her yo-yo and proceeds to carry him as she runs across a nearby roof.

Scene: Le Grand Paris.

"Don't worry, Adrien, I'll deal with them later. I'll put you out of harm's way first!" Leopardess leaps onto the roof of Le Grand Paris, letting Félix down. "You'll be safe here." She patted his shoulder and was about to swing away but Félix grabbed her shoulder.

"Wait! What about my girlfriend Kalianna?" The boy asked, mimicking Adrien's voice.

"Girlfriend?" Leopardess raised an eyebrow.

"Er, secret girlfriend." Félix rubbed the back of his neck. "Please don't tell anyone!"

"Uh, I won't. Anyway, she's ah.. hiding downstairs! Want me to send her up?" Leopardess asked.

"Yes!" Félix replied, his eyes brightening.

"Okay then," Leopardess took the way to the stairs. "Sunny, slow down."

Miraculous | Book 3(Old Version)Where stories live. Discover now