"Wanna Do A Blood Bond?"

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"So... What happened earlier? Didya get him?"

Our strange duo had finally left the Minamoto residence at around six in the evening. Amane didn't say anything before, which Nene was grateful for, but it didn't last long.

It was six in the evening when they decided to go back. Kou had walked them over to the front door and thanked them for visiting him. Lucky for Nene, Teru wasn't there so she could easily smile and wave goodbye jovially at Kou as the two began making their way to their street.

"What do you mean? I'm fine."

Amane frowned at her answer but pressed on.

"Really? Are you sure?"


"Are you sure about that?" He asked again. "Like really really sure?"

"I don't care." She said in a warning tone paired with a sharp glare. Her hand was still throbbing even after treating it and she was still not over her rejection. The last thing she needed was him taunting her in that manner.

"I don't care that you don't care. I care," he answered.

What the- ?!

"Right. Even Godzilla died trying to understand the heck you just said."

"Well I didn't know that being fine was acting the complete opposite of your cheerful self and have a bandage on your- don't scratch it, you genius!"

Nene scratched it even more to aggravate him. Achieving her goal, Amane yanked her shoulders and shook it hard, stunning her.

"Just tell me, god damnit! Remember when you told me I wasn't being fair by avoiding your question when you found me in the bathroom? You're doing the same! How can I help you if you won't tell me? How can you get close to the people you are to if you can't tell the truth? There people out there who are willing to listen!"

It's not fair.

Sure I do nag at him for not telling me about it, but I never tried prying into his business. Why is he so persistent?

Nene didn't even bother getting his hands off her. She was so fed up with everything, she couldn't care less if he wanted to push her down the stairs. Speaking of it, there is a set of stairs next to them leading to the field. Hopefully, if he did push her off, she would be able to break an arm or two. Or her neck. She didn't mind.

If Yugi won't do it maybe I'll just do it myself...


What am I even thinking right now?

Overwhelmed, Nene started tearing up.  She bit her lip as her shoulders started hunching up.

"Crap. Oh God! I'm sorry, Nene, I'm sorry! Are you okay?" He let go of her shoulders and took a step back.

Yep. At this moment he knew, he effed up.

Nene started crying.

Does he care what happened to me or was it because he pitied me?

Even if Nene was that type of girl who yearns for love and attention, she hates pity. She hated the fact that she had to endure misfortune just to be noticed. Only then she could get the things she wanted. It only made her feel even more pathetic than ever! Why is it that when she gets good grades, her parents just nod and wave it off? Why was it that when she deliberately failed some, then they would make a fuss about it? Why is it that when she showed them something she found in the garden only to be ignored but when she hurt herself for trying to climb a tree she got scolded?

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