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Third Trail

"Why do I have to read books, Amane?"

It was a lazy cloudy summer morning that they when she asked that. Amane had set up a table for her  near the window and made her sit down as he told her what they were going to do today.

"You see, I've registered you for this year's General Certificate of Secondary Education. You don't need to go to school, don't worry, I just want to see how you hold the information and how you use it."

Yashiro looked at him blankly as she processed what he said. He sighed.

"Naturally, I could just transfer data to your Mind Bank, but that's too hard and takes forever so I thought, let's see how well you can learn on your own. You're always welcome to ask me on anything you don't understand a few things."

He places textbooks that ranged from elementary school to high school on the table she was using. It's not that he wants to torture her, he just wants her to have the school basics first, then he'd spare from her from all the work with another chip that he was working on.

He gave her a pencil case filled with the necessary items for a student, "have fun studying." He grinned mischievously.

He sat back at his desk and took out his journal for some ideas. He was the type who would just need a blank piece of paper and silence to think straight and boom there's an idea.

The Heart was something delicate. Something that he couldn't grasp so easily. It's going to take a lot of work for him to achieve it. He dreamed to see Yashiro able doing things so happily and freely. To be able to see things in a way people could. Not just find the problem and fix it, but to enjoy doing it as well.

He had been gathering ideas for the project as he started doing research on the human mind so as to the project for a while when he realized Yashiro had been quiet.

Too quiet.

Wouldn't she usually be making some noise like fixing her hair or playing with her removable fingers? He remembered panicking when he saw she lost a pinky a few weeks ago. When asked, she pulled out the finger from her uniform's pocket and handed it to him.

"Here it is, Amane!" She sang, "I was playing with it before you came." Amane nearly fainted when she showed him her tiny pink finger.

He turned around to see Yashiro busy making notes in an empty thick book that he gave her.

He got up and looked over her shoulder. She was simplifying the text in History into points. He realized she had made two piles of textbooks already. She probably has finished the elementary school syllabus and the middle school syllabus and was probably making notes for the high school syllabus now.

He grinned. What did he expect? She definitely was doing a good job. He patted her head and went back to work.

A few hours later, she came to his desk to show him what she did. To his amazement, her hand writing was just like a computer. Monospace. He smiled. At least she can read and write. The hand writing might be a bit strange but that's what makes it unique right? She could paraphrase and draw diagrams neatly as well.

Amane also noticed she answered questions that were on the textbook and when he checked the answers, which was also in monospace, were the same in the book.

Then he became suspicious. What if she just copied the answers from here?  He gave her a suspicious look.





"A surprise test!"

Yashiro:  ( ʘ‿ʘ ) ?

They were still in the lab at her desk. Amane just got back from the nearest bookstore to buy her the latest mock exam book for the test.

He took out the math one, ripped the answer part of the book and held it close. He then gave her the book and gave an hour and fourty minutes to to solve.

He then started the clock and sat back as he watched her answer the questions with a smug smile on his face.

He then walked towards the window. When he left earlier for the bookstore, it was cloudy. Now it was drizzling as he stood there staring outside the window.

Pit pat.

Pit pat pit pat.

Pit pat pit pat pit pat

Pit pat pit pat pit pat pit pat pit pat pit pat pit pat pit pat pit pat pit pat pit pat pit pat pit pat pit pat pit pat pit pat pit pat pit pat pit pat pit pat pit pat pit pat pit pat pit pat pit pat pit pat pit pat pit pat pit pat pit pat pit pat pit pat pit pat pit pat pit pat pit pat pit pat pit pat pit pat pit pat pit pat pit pat pit pat pit pat pit pat pit pat pit pat pit pat pit pat pit pat pit pat pit pat pit pat pit pat pit pat pit pat pit pat pit pat pit pat.

He closed his eyes and released his breath that he didn't know he was holding in. He realized that he hadn't been this peaceful for months. He was busy so he didn't really time to stop and take a breathe.

Isn't it kinda funny when we were so busy focusing on something so hard we tend to forget everything around us? And before you realize it, a lot of time had gone by and you still haven't finished your task. And when you take a break from it, you realize that the flower that you have been taking care of had withered and died long before.

Maybe he should take yoga as Yashiro once had offered. She did say it helps release stress and helps your anger issues. I don't know. I'm overreacting, am I?

Popipopipopipo. Popipopipopipo.

Oh. His alarm went off.

"I am finished."

He turned to her with an eyebrow raised. "Huh?" She went over to him as she handed him her test paper. He then had to spend the next hour grading her paper.

He didn't really know how to feel as she scored a full mark on her mock test.










"She's ready."

The Miracles of The Heart (Toilet Bound Hanako Kun)Where stories live. Discover now