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Happy new year guys! Sorry for the very late update I've been busy with, you know, life lately and couldn't help but feel down about it to the point I lost motivation to live this point. And this is the result!

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Yashiro Nene.

The girl who didn't know how impactful her presence is around others.

Especially guys.

Cute and innocent.

And that's just it. She had nothing else interesting. Those traits are something that everyone could find in anyone anywhere. If it wasn't for her unique taste in accessories, she was someone he could easily forget.

So why was Fuji so smitten by this young lady?

That was what he was wondering as he listened to the girl talk.

"You look hungry, want some?" She handed him a plain doughnut. When he took a bite he thought, 'maybe it's because of the way Fuji talks about her that made me biased.'

Fuji worshipped her like a goddess of some sort making me think of her as a Mary Sue. Almost unrealistic.

Perhaps that's another reason why the other guys avoid her.

God, I feel bad for her.

He knew he should stay away but her childish nature made it easy for him to open and talk about himself. At home, especially now, his mother rarely talked. It was just, "make sure to eat breakfast," or "the milk ran out, could you please be a dear and buy a carton or two?"

And yet Yashiro Nene just popped out of nowhere and there he was suddenly engaged in a conversation about how Lays is just a flavoured airbag rather than a bag of chips.

Maybe things will change for the better.

After chatting for awhile, the conversation naturally ended as the bell rang and they split ways.

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A month later...

"Yugi-san!" A cheerful voice suddenly disturbed his train of thought. Like any other hot day, he was on the rooftop staring at the plain view of the town.

Could it be that this school is the tallest building here?

"Yugi-san? What are you doing?"


"Come, come!" She waved her hand as in a 'come-here' motion.


The girl rolled her eyes. Amane found himself staring at her all of the sudden. To him, her eyes were like rubies shining from the sun.

That's a very strange eye colour... Strange but... Nice apparently?

Before he could react, his arm was pulled by Yashiro.

"Uhhhh... Where are we going???" He tried getting out of her grasp.

She's stronger than she looks. Just what does she eat for breakfast?!

"Lunch, of course!" She answered in a sweet yet commanding tone. Amane felt chills running down his neck as she smiled.

"Uh... N-no thanks!"

This made her stop. "Huh? Why not?"

"I don't like going to the canteen. Too crowded."

"Oh really? Relax, we're eating in the School Garden."

"But I don't have lunch."

"Then we'll share! My mom suddenly had her random days when she would wake up early and make lunch for me. But the thing is she would always cook extra and tell me to share with others! So that solved your problem if you're being shy!"

Ughhhhh... That's not it Yashiro.

To get to the School Garden you need to go downstairs. To get to the stairs you need to go past their year's corridor. To pass their year's corridor is to pass Amane's class and that means to pass Fuji and his devoted followers!

Just imagining the look on his face is enough to make all of Amane's hair spike up in horror.

Not that he's scared of him, noooo! It's just that he'd rather go back home in peace instead of being tortured. His followers were ordered to make him listen to 'Carameldansen' while hanging upside down near the edge of the roof. He'd also do some brainwashing while saying, "Yashiro Nene is Fuji's and him alone," and make Amane repeat it until he was satisfied.

He had to give credit to Fuji though for putting this torture to practice. It's creative enough to traumatize him AND leave no proof.

Nope. Not today.

Using his utmost strength he tried steering her over an even longer route to the School Garden. Yashiro's hand made a crack sound that made him cringe a little.


With an angry look on her face, she yanked his arm that was suddenly grasping her tightly with both hands causing him to yelp. Not wanting to give in, he used his hand and clasped it over hers.

"Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Come on Yugi-san! We! Have! To! Go! On!"

"No!!!! I'm too young to do this! Urgh!"

"Aaaah! Yugi-san, be gentle!"

As you could imagine, their little tug of war managed to gather a lot of attention. After all, anyone who heard such ambiguous remarks and grunting would get suspicious. It was his bad luck that their voices echoed along the empty corridor.

"Is that Yashiro-san with... Who's that dude?"

"I don't know. Could be the newbie."

"What the hell is he doing?! He's gonna get himself killed by You Know!"

"Let's just prepare the candles out for him. He'll die with honour at least," *sobs and wipes a fake tear*

"Look. You Know's coming out!"

"Crap! Get inside! Get inside!" With that everyone peeking at them rushed back to safety leaving Amane bare without protection.

How can Yashiro not care about her image at all?! Did she even hear what they were saying?

Amane could only sigh as he gave up and let the girl drag him around.

It must be nice to be this naive. I can't imagine what Fuji's gonna do once he gets his hands on her.

That's when it hit him.

What if I do make them get together?

That way, with her, he'll abandon all his tyrannical ways and probably be a gold retriever boyfriend to her.

That's perfect! No more isolation and brainwashing. By then he'll be too busy trying to please this munchkin to do so. That's it then, I'm going to settle down for that!

As he was scheming, he didn't realize he had a small grin on his face. To people who don't know what he was thinking, it looked as if he enjoyed Yashiro's special treatment.

As they walked away, Amane felt something stinging on his neck. He slapped it but nothing was there. He then turned around to see what was the cause.

Surprisingly unsurprised, he saw Fuji glaring daggers at him for the hundredth time this month. Amane's smile cracked a little as he quickly caught up to Yashiro.

Welp. If I'm going to die, I might as well have lunch first.

A/n: looks like Amane's in a pickle guys! What do you think might happen next?

The Miracles of The Heart (Toilet Bound Hanako Kun)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora