A Miracle

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What happened next was something she didn't prepare for. She felt something huge blossom in her chest causing her to tremble and fall to the ground.

If she knew what regret was she probably would have admitted it.

She didn't expect the programme to work in such speed. Unlike most of the updates Amane usually added, it was instantaneous.

Was this what he made for me?

This is The Heart?

Something is wrong.

She tried getting up and steadily walks towards the mirror in the room. Her ruby eyes were somehow brighter. Like there was something in there. She resisted the urge to pluck it out to inspect it even further. The last time she did that, Amane had a hard time trying put back in without damaging it.


"Yashiro! Are you alright?!"

Why did he make it for her?


Why did he wasted his life on her?

Suddenly, her vision blurred and clear liquid streaks down her chin. Yashiro was shocked by her own reflection.

Am I... Crying? She rubbed her eyes to get rid of it. More kept flowing down her face. Her body started sputtering like an old car that hasn't been used in years.

Why did Amane make something so... Painful?

She was shaking even more violently than ever. She held her chest at the part that was hurting. Out of all the things she could have felt, why was pain the thing first thing she felt? She thought she was going have to a break down.

Why am I crying?

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"Why are you crying?"

They were watching a movie about a prince who was abandoned at an orphanage and grew up there only to become a servant for his twin sister who was the kingdom's cruel ruler after their father's death.

Amane was crying at the scene where the boy switched places with his sister for her execution. He didn't answer as he was so absorbed into the movie and she had to wait until it was over to ask again.

Amane's face turned red as he realized Yashiro was watching him cry. He scratched the back of his head and cleared his throat.

"We cry over sad things, Yashiro."

"What is sad?"

"Well..." He thought for a while, "sad is when you lost something very precious to you or when you break something or do something else that will make you regret later. You feel bad for it."

She blinked at his answer.

"I am sorry Amane, your explanation exceeds my understanding." She suddenly grabbed her cream hair and started pulling it as she said so. A frown hardened on her cold, smooth skin. Her unexpected reaction startled Amane.

"Yashiro stop-"

"I do not know understand being happy nor sad. What should I be happy for? What should I sad for? How should I react to people being either of that? Should I do the same? Should I do the opposite? It is just not in my data. What should I do?"

The cream-haired AI started hitting her head.

He sweat dropped as he guided her to her seat.

He gave her a sad smile as he made her charge for the day ahead of them. They were planning to go somewhere just for tomorrow. She heard Amane spoke as she closed her eyes.

"You will understand one day, Yashiro."

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But she doesn't. She still doesn't know what it is even with the programme set.

She couldn't figure out why she was crying or what sadness was.

When Amane said that we cry when we lose precious things, did that mean he was precious to me? Was that why I felt bad and kept going through my Memory Chip for him? Was that because I felt guilty of not being able to save him?

Guilt washed over her.

It was slowly eating her up. Why didn't she stop him? Why didn't she notice it sooner? If only she didn't hold back, would Amane still be with her? She could have prevented his death and he would still be here with her.


The room suddenly grew hotter as she grabbed the pen holder next to her and flung it across the room. What she was angry for was unclear to her as well.

She watched as the object hit the bookshelf causing it to fall to ground spilling out all its' content all over the place. It was like an office crime scene with books and folders instead of blood and murder. She stopped and panicked. She ran to the spot and quickly picked it up. She was lucky nothing broke.

Amane wouldn't want any of this. He would not like any of it at all! He made her to keep the place clean, not the opposite. She places the object back in it place and hugged her knees. What if she couldn't control herself any more? What if she broke down at work? What will they do to her? Will they have her put to sleep? She shivered at the thought.

No... Amane wasn't the type that would create things to destroy. He makes things that creates and gives small pushes to move forward. There has to be a reason behind all of this. She needs to get a grip of her herself.

Maybe I should've find the camera first...

Amane always made the AI girl start recording whenever they did some progress on her. Maybe there'll be hints on how to use it. She decided to begin her research on his behalf.

There's no stopping the new desperate and determined emerald-eyed girl now.

The Miracles of The Heart (Toilet Bound Hanako Kun)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu