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"Yashiro, wake up!" He commanded excitedly. Today is the day when Amane was going to test her abilities that he had first added before she came to life.

He took out his favorite camera to record her results just in case she lost her version of the test.

First trial

"Let's see if your vocals are okay."

He wanted to give her a more sing song voice just for the fun of it for the time being as he was still planning on the programme. He showed her another video he found on the internet.

Amane had been doing a lot of research on vocal training as he tried to make her vocal chords more like the voice synthesizer programme that was made not so long ago.

"Okay, so let's start with the Yawn-Sigh Technique."

This technique is supposed to be a quick vocal exercise, simply just yawn (take in air) with your mouth closed. Then, exhale through your nose as if you are sighing. This will help relax your voice and improve its range.

Yashiro did as she was told even though she doesn't need air to breathe.

"Good. Now try humming."

Humming is one of the best vocal warm-ups because it doesn't put a lot of strain on your vocal cords. Place the tip of your tongue behind your bottom front teeth and hum up and down the major scale while keeping your mouth closed. Each note should sound like "hmmm" - including the "h" sound is less taxing on your voice.

As she was going up the notes, he noticed that she was more like jumping on them rather sliding on it. He tuned her scale to make it more smoother.

"Take this straw and hum through it again." He gave her a blue straw that he used to drink iced tea he got from the cafeteria. Yashiro looked at him blankly as she didn't like the idea. Ugh... Germs. The robot probably thought so as he glanced at her from the monitor.

To perform the vocal straw exercise (also known as straw phonation), take a straw and hum through it. Start at the bottom of your range and slide up to the top slowly and evenly. Then, hum your favorite song through the straw. You can also place the straw in a partially full glass of liquid and blow controlled bubbles in the glass.

She wiped the straw at the hem of her uniform and hummed through the straw with a bored look on her face.


They continued on doing the rest of the vocal training. They did the Lip Buzz exercise, a warm-up to make a motorboat sound by making your lips vibrate as you blow air through your mouth and nose. It was hilarious watching her puff her cheeks to make sound.

Next was the Tongue Trill Exercise which was curling your tongue and rolling your R's as you go through your range from low to high. It was easy for her so he didn't need to modify anything in that area. They continued the rest without wasting anymore time.


When singing, you want to drop your jaw lower than when you are just talking. With your finger, trace back along your jawline from your chin to your ear. That curved space between your jaw and your ear is where you want to drop your jaw.

Pretend you are yawning with your mouth closed and feel where your jaw drops. Avoid just dropping your chin.

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The Miracles of The Heart (Toilet Bound Hanako Kun)Where stories live. Discover now