The Idea

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A sharp knock  on the door greets the duo.

   The door opened revealing a tall man with glasses, pale skin and had a lab coat on. He had dark purple hair on one side and white on the other. He works in the Administration Department which didn't really explain why he wore a lab coat.

When Amane first met him, he thought the dude had a terrible sense of fashion and looked like an overgrown teenager who hasn't gotten over his his emo phase. Don't tell him that though.

It turns out that the guy was actually one of his lecturer's friends that worked for Live-Corp. Apparently his lecturer saw potential in him and took the opportunity when his friend mentioned there was a job interview for the new generation in the Ideas and Invention Department.

The bloody guy is in his fourties already.

"Hey kid-" Tsuchigomori started but then stopped when he saw the robot he was holding.

"Ah! Right on time, Teacher!" Amane chirped. He went over to the elder and nearly yanked his arm out of its socket as he showed Yashiro off to his colleague.

    Since that Tsuchigomori was the one who helped Amane, they had a relationship that was as close a father and son could be. Though Amane didn't tell him a lot about his past, he had the urge to take care of him, help the poor kid get his life together and teach him a thing or two along the way, thus earning himself respect from the young lad. The young man has this vibe that makes him interested in learning about him.

"Teacher! Meet Project Miracle; Yashiro Nene. Yashiro, meet Mr. Tsuchigomori."

Yashiro puts on the same unnatural smile and does a quick bow causing both of the men to flinch.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Tsuchigomori. Is here anything I can do for you?"

"No." Yashiro nods, looks around, notices a broom and started sweeping. Amane realized how long it was since he last gave his lab a good clean.

"I see that you've finished your project," Tsuchigomori stated in a as-matter-of-a-fact tone with an amused look on his face.

"Ooooh~ I'm just getting started, Teacher," he replied as he went to his desk away from Yashiro.


" If you noticed, Yashiro is clearly a robot even though she looks human. But to avoid people getting scared or suspicious, she has to put on a little more natural traits for a girl. I made sure her features are similar to a human structure like..."

"The real Yashiro, I assume?" Amane nodded.

"I don't want her to just look like her, I want her to be like her or at least be more real, you get what I mean?" He looked at Yashiro who was starting to wipe the window that looked like it has been decades since the last time, someone cleaned them as well.

Seriously, it was a good idea he made a housekeeping robot.

Yashiro was scrubbing the window clean in silence without struggle.

The Yashiro he knew would complain when it comes to do chores.

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" Yugiiiiiiiiiiiiiii," she groaned as she mopped the bathroom floor.

" Yeeeeeesssssss," he'd reply lazily every time she called him like that. Despite his reply he was struggling as he tried scrubbing the window as hard as he could. The heck is wrong with this sponge. He muttered to himself as he stole glances at the green part of the sponge he was using.

"Are you done yet? I wanna go home," she whined for the hundredth time. Amane smiled at her little antics.

"Fine," was all he could say.


"You can go," he said nonchalantly.

"But what about you?"

"I'll finish it on my own, it's my punishment anyway. You were the one who wanted to help." He answered plainly.


"But?" He stopped what he was doing and faced her as he took of his cleaning gloves.

"I don't want to leave you alone..." Amane smirked. Her cheeks was turning pink all of the sudden.

"A-and besides who's gonna walk you home! You'll be bored out of your skull!" She continued rambling. He puts his hands on his cheeks and cooed,

"Aww... Is little Yashiro wowwied about the poor ol' me?"

"What do you mean little?! You're just as short as I am!" She bluntly points out causing Amane to gasp dramatically.

"Am not!"

"Am too!"

"Am not!"

This went on for a while until Nene asked, "Why'd you punch that upperclassman, though?"

"'Cause I wanna test my punching fist?" He answered in a form a question. She gave him the 'are-you-kidding-me' face.

"Okay, I'm leaving, bye." She turns around on her heels as she puts away her mop and starts to head out.


She turned around. Amane was scratching the back of his head.

"I... didn't like the way he kept eyeing you as you were talking to him during lunch."

It was Nene's turn to tease him. "Is little Amane worried about me?" She puts her hands on her cheeks mimicking him.

Amane looked away quickly, too cut- what the heck is wrong with me today? He looked back at the girl.

"No..." He slapped himself mentally at himself.

"Don't worry, he isn't that bad. He's handsome, cute and athletic too. Not to mention that he's kind.  He helped me with my books this one time-."

"Kind?!" He bursted. He stormed his way towards her and grabbed her shoulders, scaring her in the process.


"This is exactly why I'm worried! If it wasn't for his looks you would've realized that he was just using you to make his ex jealous! It was too obvious that he was doing that and it makes me annoyed to see how..."

He stopped. He said too much.

Nene looked at him in surprised. She was probably shocked at what he told her but since that the cat's out of the bag, she should just accepted that, move on and avoid the bastard for toying with her.

But instead, she looked at him and admitted, "That's the first time you've opened up properly, Yugi."  She slowly brushed off his hands and went back to mopping the floor.

"Come on, the bathroom isn't going to clean itself now, is it?"
She stated once more with a soft smile.

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"Hey." Tsuchigomori snapped his fingers at the young man. Amane looked away and turned his back him. He wiped his face and took a deep breath.

The elder looked at him in pity. He doesn't know who the real Yashiro Nene was or where she is now but it was obvious she played a big role in his life until he made a project based on her. His mood change was so quick that even Yashiro stopped what she was doing to look at her creator. Sure she doesn't have emotions but she could detect feelings by body movements and voice. One of the perks of being an animatronic.

When Amane finally turned around to face them, she gave him the same akward smile as before.

Amane sighed at the view but quickly recovered it with a new determination in his eyes. Oh no is that an idea I see? His colleague thought. Kids.

"That's why a new project is beginning!" He exclaimed, excited and confident with his decision.

Tsuchigomori looked at him in a skeptical way as Yashiro wondered why her master was standing on one foot with on his other chair with a finger pointing the ceiling.

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