Cooking (Edited)

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"Yashirooo! Let's make donuts together!"

"Yes Amane but-" Without letting the android finish he took her hand and led her to the kitchen.

"Yashiro, record video." He commanded. She stood straight and her eyes changed color from ruby red to lime green as a signal she was recording.

He needed proof so that when he gave the higher-ups a presentation, he could proof her harmless and useful. For safety measures he decided to put a camera on a cupboard facing them.

"Yashiro make donuts!" Yashiro did as she was told and started to take out the ingredients that he just bought recently.

"What type of donuts would you like, Amane?"

"Just plains ones."

  She then proceeded to mix the ingredients and shape them out. Then she started to heat up the oil and waited for it to heat up. Till now Amane was impressed at how calm and neat she was being. When it was hot enough, she gently puts the shaped dough into the pan and let deep fry for a few minutes.

Amane was glad that he added another programme in her that was search engine to help her with any chore in the house or  anything else. In this case was to help make food with any edible ingredients in the household. It was a huge encyclopedia for her to go through from time to time.

Not only that, he tried tweaking her system to make it accept problems and solve them in an instant and precisely. After doing a few more mock tests, he realized chances of her getting the wrong answer was 2 out of 10.

"Good job, Yashiro!" He praised as his hand reaches out for a donut she placed on a plate and on the counter. He was about take one when a hand stopped him.

"Amane. The donuts are still fresh from the stove. You have to wait for about three minutes and forty-five seconds for it to cool down. He pouted to see her reaction. She looked at him straight in the eye with an even more straight face. Amane groaned as he sat near the counter.

"May I ask you something?"

"Fire away."

"Why did I make donuts?"

"I wanted to see if you could cook." He simply answered without sugarcoating it.

"But why donuts?"

"They're my favourite."

"Why do you favour donuts?"

There was silence.

"It's a long story..."

"I have all the time in the world, Amane. I'm curious!" She sang. Amane could just sigh.

"Sit down Yashiro, this is going to take a while." He patted the only chair next to him. Yashiro did as she was told and looked at him intently. A bit flustered at her question and her stare, he coughed and looked to the side.

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Fifteen-year-old Amane looked up from his book. He was at the rooftop since he accidentally left his lunch at home and only drank chocolate milk from the rooftop's vending machine.

It was a girl with rubies for eyes and cream hair and teal tips at the end. He noticed she had... Strange... Yeah that's it. Strange ankles. It reminded him of radishes his grandma would plant back at his hometown. He quickly fixed his gaze on her face hoping she didn't notice what he was doing. She didn't but if she did, she ignored it and continued talking.

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