Taking Second Place

Start from the beginning

"Why are they still after her?" Lexa finally asked, looking over at Nat.

"Whatever it is we did by putting that alien material in Y/N it has caused quite the commotion amongst Hyrda scientists and they want Y/N so they can conduct experiments and replicate it. That and they still need her to complete the research that you stole a couple of years ago. Clint and I found where they Hyrda base is and it is the biggest presence we have seen here in a long time. They are serious about this, serious enough to take us all on to get what they want" Nat explained as she nudged the duffel bag under the bed with her foot, before moving to stand in front of Lexa.

Nat hoped that Lexa would understand how serious the situation was and that right now was not the time to be going awol. She couldn't help feeling bad for her though, even if they didn't have the greatest past, Nat knew what she was asking Lexa to do by staying wasn't going to be easy for her.

"Fine, but as soon as the crisis is over, I'm leaving" Lexa said accepting that she couldn't just walk away now.

"Thank you. I know this isn't easy but maybe look at this as your chance to be whoever it is you wanted to be, before you got wrapped up in being an agent. Who knows maybe you'll become a Lexa that I like" Nat teased gently, offering Lexa a small smile.

"The one and only Natasha Romanoff offering me a second chance, who'd have ever thought that would happen" Lexa laughed softly.

"I'll let you unpack your things, now you've stopped being dramatic. You know where to find me if you need to talk" Nat headed toward the door, "You both deserve to be happy, Y/N has found hers, you need to find yours."

Nat didn't wait for a reply from Lexa before slipping out of the bedroom, she was going to have to tell Tony he owed her for single handily keeping the team together again. Spotting Clint and Bucky in the communal area, Nat headed in to join them, grabbing a well earned beer before dropping down onto the couch next to Clint.

"Rough day?" Bucky asked as he dealt out the cards, dealing Nat into their game of poker.

"It's definitely been a a day, but for right now I am going to give myself the night off. I think it's going to be our last one for awhile" Nat said as she took a sip of her beer before picking up the cards.

"Steve mentioned that Steven Strange is coming here tomorrow, that true?" Clint asked as he checked his cards.

"Yeah, the hope is that he'll be able to figure out the whole Y/N situation" Nat nodded as she pushed a couple of poker chips forward, raising the bet.

They didn't talk about it anymore after that. A silent agreement in place that the evening was a chance for them to unwind before there wasn't time for it once the mission started.


Y/N laid in bed next to Wanda who was fast asleep pressed up against her side. Sleep wasn't coming as easily to Y/N though, her mind was refusing to slow down as she thought about everything that had happened in the last year.

Y/N had never been one to believe in all that destiny nonsense, but maybe everything that had happened had been for a reason. Maybe it had to be like this for her to find Wanda, for her to find a new family with the avengers. Y/N just hoped that this was it, that there were no more surprises, that things could go back to some kind of normal.

Looking at Wanda, Y/N smiled to herself, still amazed out how incredibly beautiful the other woman was, inside and out. This was who she wanted everything with, Y/N had never been so certain of anything before.

Y/N would do anything to make sure that Wanda was happy and safe, that they got to have the life together that they both wanted. Hopefully once they had to some answers about her powers then they could finally move on from everything that had happened.

"You should be sleeping" Wanda said quietly as she reached out for Y/N's hand.

"Sorry I didn't meant to wake you up baby" Y/N apologised, pressing a gentle kiss against Wanda's cheek.

"Mmm you need to learn to think quietly then, I could hear you in my sleep" Wanda shifted slightly so she could look at Y/N.

Y/N blushed slightly, she really needed to start remembering she was in love with someone who could read peoples minds.

"I want that life with you Y/N and I know we will make it happen. I want us to build a home and a family together. Being with you makes me happier then I could ever possibly put into words, you don't need to do anything more than just be here with me, okay?" Wanda smiled at the blush on Y/N's cheeks.

"A family huh? You really were getting ideas from that wedding episode earlier weren't you?" Y/N grinned, her heart skipped a beat though knowing Wanda really did see a future together with her.

Wanda nodded, "Obviously not right now because that would be crazy, but yeah someday. I can see us having kids and a dog and a big house. Somewhere to grow old in."

"I really like the sound of that Wanda" Y/N said before leaning in to kiss Wanda, her heart full of hope.

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