187. they're a prince

Start from the beginning

The news of your engagement to Prince Michael hadn't gone down well at all. You'd always known that as the only son of the current monarch, whoever Michael chose to spend his life with would come under extreme criticism from his family, the royal council and the general public. The speculation over his involvement with you had been the biggest scandal within recent memory and you'd been advised to break things off. Of course, the love you have for each other hadn't allowed either of you to entertain that possibility and you'd chosen to weather the media storm together. However, just when your relationship was starting to become 'old news', Michael had proposed. You'd both done your very best to keep it a secret, but someone close to you had leaked some photos and Michael had been forced to make a formal announcement. That had been a week ago, and the media are still talking all kinds of shit and you're worried that Michael is close to breaking point. When the prince walks through the front door of private estate you'd been granted, looking pale and exhausted, you contemplate whether you should just call the whole thing off. As much as you love Michael and want to spend the rest of your life with him, the drama surrounding your impending marriage is already taking its toll on both of you. "I don't know how much longer I can cope with that fucking circus out there." Michael sighs, leaning heavily against the door he's just closed. "Haven't they got more important things to focus on?" You frown, getting to your feet and walking over to your fiancé, feeling the soft silk of your long slip dress tumble to your ankles. "You'd think so, but I guess not." You reply quietly, cupping Michael's cheek gently. You flatten your lips into a sad, compassionate look as he leans into your touch, a tired smile gracing his face. "If this is too much for you..." Michael doesn't even let you finish your sentence. He scrunches his eyes shut as he shakes his head and covers your hand with his own, pressing your palm to the corner of his lips. "Don't say it, angel." He whispers. "I can cope with anything as long as I have you by my side. If you left, I don't know what I'd do." He tells you. You scoff gently, thinking he couldn't possibly be that lost without you. "Go about your royal duties without being hounded about how you're bringing shame on your family and your country by marrying me?" You try to joke, although there's a serious note in your voice that you can't hide. "Your life was so much easier before I was a part of it." You point out. It was objectively true, but any girl that came into his life would bring loads of attention and drama to the royal family, no matter who it was. You just happen to be not as royal as him. Michael opens his eyes to meet your gaze. "I don't care about 'easy'." He replies. "Everything seemed pretty meaningless before you. I was just a shell, a doll that my family and the royal council used to do whatever would make for a good news story." This was also true. Even a lot of the general public know that Michael is used as little more than a prop a lot of the time. It doesn't stop everyone from expecting him to act the part, though. If he's ever seen doing, saying or even wearing something he's not been authorised to, the consequences are harsh. No one else sees this side to royal life. Not that Michael would ever really complain. He knows he's lucky to have this privileged life and he does his very best to use what influence he does have, for good. No member of the royal family has ever dedicated as much time, effort and funding to important charitable causes as Michael. It's those kinds of things that the media should be broadcasting. The should be singing his praises for all of his hard work instead of tearing him down just because the person he wants to marry isn't who they'd have chosen for him. You wished they could see the side of him that you got to experience, watch and fall in love with. In an attempt to comfort him, you cuddle into Michael, resting your head on his chest while he wraps his arms around you. "Well, one day you'll be the one making the rules, this will all seem worth it, then." You offer softly, tightening your hold around his waist. "The thought of being King used to scare me so much." Michael whispers, sounding smaller and more vulnerable than ever. He takes a deep breath and lets it out in a sigh as he rests his chin on your head, your short height allowing him perfect access. "All of that responsibility... It seems less terrifying knowing that you'll be by my side now." He adds, cuddling you harder as if to strengthen his statement. "I'll be by your side for as long as you want and need me to be." You promise, hoping to soothe some of his anxieties, but you weren't saying it just to make him feel better. You truly meant it. You were in love with the boy you tightly held onto to, grateful to have that love returned. Michael relaxes a little in your hold, allowing your presence to calm him. "Forever, then?" He asks, a small smile curling his lips and brightening his face a little bit. "Forever." You agree. "Now come on, Princess, time to get you showered and ready for the charity gala tonight." Your fiancé gives a small chuckle, he loves the fond pet name you have for him and the fact that you're not scared to use it like most other people would be. "I wish we didn't have to go." Part of you feels the same way but it's more important than ever that Michael upholds his public profile. "If you hurry we might have enough time for some pre-gala fun..." You tease, sliding your hands down his back to give his ass cheeks a firm squeeze. A tiny moan escapes the blonde man and you know you've succeeded in helping him forget his troubles for now. "I thought you'd like that plan, Princess... time to get out of those clothes for me."

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