Chapter 61: One Life for Another

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You rode a horse through the woods, towards Madrathia under the setting sun. Sam was beside you on another horse and there were two other guards following behind you. Your group had already split from the general and you were going to go into town with Sam to get Quinn to spot you. Today was the harvest festival so Quinn was going to be in the town helping them get everything together. Sam was going to go with you into town so he could make sure you were protected. It looked like there was more security on the walls, and in town. You wore a new set of clothes that was comfortable to fight in with a sword strapped to your side. 

   " I don't know how we're going to get in. They've increased the guards. "

   " There has to be a weak spot somewhere in the wall or in their rotation. "

You told the two guards with you to stay where they were and hold your horse as well as Sam's. They nodded their heads and took the reins to the horses. You and Sam walked along the forest line to find a spot in the wall to slide through or possibly to get into the kingdom. 

   " I'm not seeing anything. "

   " I don't either. We might have to sneak in. "

You turned your head when you heard rustling in the bushes. A head popped out and it was a boy looking at the two of you. The boy had black hair and green eyes, but he looked harmless.

   " Hello, are you Y/n? "

   " I am. Who are you? "

   " I'm Bruno. Benjamin said to be on the look out for you if you decided to come back this way. "

   " Benjamin. . .can you take me to him? "

   " Yeah I can. "

Bruno stood from the bushes and guided you over to the wall when the guards had already passed. Bruno crawled along the wall a little further until he knocked against the wall three times. He pulled his hand a way and the wall start sliding open. Bruno went inside quickly leaving Sam and me outside. I got closer to the doorway and saw that it was an opening into a small corridor. I slid inside with Sam coming in behind me. There were people besides the rock wall that pushed it back in place. 

   " Let me go get Benjamin. " Little Bruno said, running away.

Inside the small corridor were half a million people. It was crowded, but everyone seemed to know each other as they walked by someone. There was plenty of weapons and on their hands was a certain mark. One you recognized when Jin had entered the rebellion. 

   " Whoare these people? " Sam asked.

   " They're part of the rebellion. The stamps on their hands signify that they're in the rebellion. "

Bruno made his way back to you through the crowd and behind him was Ben.

   " Lass! You made it! "

   " Ben, what is all of this. I thought your hide out was somewhere in the town. "

   " It is, this is just our second hideout. While you were dreading the wedding when you left Chevalier I met with the rebellion and it was decided we needed a second base just in case we needed it. Our main base is still in town. What are you doing here? "

   " Prosan is going to war with Madrathia today. I'm sure you know that. "

   " I do. That's why we've been getting ready. "

   " Well, to make sure that Quinn stays here and doesn't go to Prosan I came back. He needs to at least glance at me in order to understand that I'm somewhere in town. "

It's In The Stars ( Yandere Prince x Reader )Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя