Chapter 34: Trapped For Love

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   " My prince-"

   " My king. "

   " My king the princesses have left and have stated they wish to not marry. "

   " Good, I couldn't even stand one of them for a day. What else? "

   " The assassins your father sent out have won the battle and are due to come back in two days. Your father's funeral is ready to be conducted whenever you please. "

   " Anything else? "

   " Your lady has been requesting you. She says that she wants to talk. "

   " Does she now? "

Quinn leaned back in his new throne and smiled at his advisor. The crown of a king fit perfectly on his head while the king's red robe was a little long for him. The gold chain connected at his neck allowed the cape to be on him, but instead of wearing fancy clothes or his father's colors, he wore a black button-up t-shirt with grey pants. His shoes were black, and he felt comfortable on the throne. He finally had power to his name. 

   " Thank you. You can go. Make sure the changes are made and that there are no gold or red colors left in this building. Those colors made me sick. "

   " Yes, my lord. "

The advisor left the throne room and shut the door behind him. Quinn stood up and walked down the steps of the throne, and onto the glossed floor. He smiled at the room, seeing no red or gold colors around. The walls were now quartz with black and silver accents. That was how he wanted it.

He left the throne room and walked down Cell Hall. He had the maids clean these halls and open the windows for the sun to shine. Though these were cells he wanted it to at least be clean. He had the paintings of his family cleaned and put away. He didn't want to see his father in any of the paintings around the castle. 

He counted the cells and when he reached cell number six he peeked through the bars in the door. Inside was a woman sitting on the floor with her head in her legs. She was silent as the sun went through the window behind him. This cell was different than the first five. This one was a full circular small room, that had a bed and a desk with a few torches on the walls.

He opened the door and walked through, shutting it behind him. The girl didn't look up at him and continued to keep her head between her legs. He looked around and saw how there was so little in the room, but he knew that putting her in here was for the best. He walked closer to the girl and kneeled in front of her. One of his arms was sitting on his knee while his other hand reached out to her.

   " My star. "

He slipped his hand between your cheek and the arm that you laid on. He pushed your head upward and his eyes connected with yours. You had tear stains down your face and your eyes were puffy and red. You didn't smile at him but instead frowned at the new king.

   " My star, you've been crying again. "

   " Wouldn't you, if you were held captive against your will? With everything taken away from you? "

   " Oh, my star, I didn't shed a single tear when I had everything stripped from me and I received those nasty lashes.  "

   " Why am I here? Why can't I go? "

   " Because you're mine. This is for the best because I don't want you to run away from me or have you stolen from me. This way I have a better chance to keep you safe. "

   " You're insane. "

   " Insane for your love my star. Only for you. "

He leaned in to kiss your lips, but you moved away, making him kiss your forehead instead. He accepted it and kissed your forehead, and pulled away. He smiled at you, with his cheeks flushing a bit.

   " I'll let you out when I know I can trust you. For now, I don't believe I can. Now, rest up my star you need your energy. "

   " For what? "

   " For me. I don't want to see you in a bad condition so you need to rest up and one of the helpers will bring you dinner."

   " Let me go, please. "

   " My star I can't do that. I love you too much to let you go. You'll see my star that it's been written from the beginning. It's written in the stars, and our names are intertwining. We are meant to be together, forever. "

Quinn stood up from the floor and walked to the door. He unlocked it and walked outside, locking it back. He peeked through once more and felt his heart soar from having you to himself.

   " For people say if it's written in the stars then it is meant to be and it is meant to happen. For us, we are meant to love one another and live a life of love. For it's written in the stars. "

It's In The Stars ( Yandere Prince x Reader )Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora