Chapter 56: A Wedding Under The Stars

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The day is finally here. It's not raining outside, and there are only a few clouds in the sky. The sun was beating down on the empire of Madrathia. Everyone in town saw the day as perfect for a marriage, but the rebellion saw it as a day of vengeance and a step further for their empire. Inside of a building Benjamin walked the meeting room. He stepped onto the stage where the council members sat and where everyone in the rebellion, fighters, workers, and rookies stood to hear him. There was no podium and it allowed him to walk around freely on the stage if he wished. Everyone's eyes were on him.

   " It's time! Today is the day! It's finally time for us to take action against the royals. After King Francis came to the throne he was feared by everyone and wanted to take over with an iron fist. Raising taxes for a war he could not win and killing logical people. Now his son Quinn Harding is on the throne. And he's just like his father. Killing those for not obeying him. He has Jin trapped inside the cells for loving a woman who Quinn had eyes on. But Quinn is treating her like an object. He killed his mother who helped reunite Jin and his lover and let them escape. Does that sound like a king? "

   " No! " Everyone shouted.

   " So, today let's take matters into our own hands! Let's go in there and save our friends and kick that spoiled man off the throne! "

   " Yeah! "

Benjamin felt confident in those around him. He knew that they could win if they went in at the right time. He planned to separate from the group and meet with you before he rejoins them and hides somewhere in the castle, to take out the guards one by one. He was going to get Jin out but if you had an escape plan or not he didn't know. So, he would try and talk to you before you had a ring on your finger. Inside the castle of the Prosan Empire Elina was standing with her husband Nikoli; talking to Sam Sutcliff. 

   " You will go and meet with my wife's friend, Y/n, before the wedding is to start. If she agrees to come here then you must leave immediately. Lead her out of the bride's room and get outside. There will be a lone carriage waiting for her with no one inside. There will be someone to guide the horses, and if you run into some trouble on the way out you have my permission to use your sword. Do what you can to get her out of there. " Nikoli said to the guard.

   " Yes your majesty. "

Sam bowed to the king and when he lifted his head the sun his light brown hair, and he looked like a true warrior. His eyes were ice blue and inside of his pupils, you could see the loyalty he had for his ruler. 

   " Alright, there is a carriage waiting outside for you. Depart immediately and find where they are keeping my friend. Again, try and not to use your sword when you first arrive. Be polite and say you are our replacement because I am sick. " Elina said to the man.

   " Yes, my lady. "

Sam bowed once more and left the room. Elina looked at her husband and Nikoli hugged her to his chest.

   " Everything will be fine. I promise, Elina everything is going to be fine and she'll be safe. "

   " She's the only friend I have left. They killed Aileen and Genevive. . ."

   " It'll be fine, my love. " Nikoli said hugging Elina closer to him. 

In Madrathia you heard a knock on the door to the house. You stood up and walked to the door and Sarah stood outside looking at you.

   " It's time I'm afraid. " Sarah said. 

   " Alright, if I must. "

   " You must. He sent two guards to make sure you didn't escape. "

You looked out of the door and saw them waiting for you. You walked out of the door and handed Sarah the key. The guards came on each side of you and they started walking with you in between them. Sarah stood in front of you three and escorted you around the building and inside the castle. Quinn was nowhere to be seen and the guards took you up the stairs with Sarah still walking in front of you. When you reached the royal floor they walked you to the king and queen's bedroom and opened the doors for you.

   " We need to get you ready. I will be helping you along with Charnette. The sun will be lower in the sky once we're done and when the wedding starts the stars will be out along with the full moon. "

   " Okay. "

I entered the room and saw the dress on a stand in front of a set of mirrors. The heels rested on the side of the mirror and there was jewelry laying on the bed. 

   " There's a bath ready for you. If you could please go into the bathroom and strip we will wash your hair and take care of you. "

   " I will let you know when I'm ready. "

   " Y/n? "

   " Yes? "

   " I'm sorry. "

   " Please don't apologize. I know you don't want this for me. "

   " Still. . ."

I walked into the bathroom and looked at the bath. It had bubbles and rose petals in the bath. I stripped my clothes off and slipped into the bath. I made sure the bubbles covered me entirely and I called for Sarah. She walked into the bathroom with Charnette beside her and they both looked sad. Charnette had brown hair and blue sad eyes. Her hair was extremely long but it was tied in a braid. They both had sad looks on their faces as they rolled their sleeves up and grabbed the shampoo.

It's In The Stars ( Yandere Prince x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now