Chapter 7: An Assassin Cleaning

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   ' Damn, I almost had her. ' Quinn thought to himself.

   " Quinn we need to have a talk about the ball tonight. "

   " Please sit mother. "

   ' Sit in the chair she was supposed to before you bursted through my doors without knocking. '

The Queen walked to the other side of the table and sat down. The sun behind her didn't highlight her features the same way it highlighted yours. You were more angelic, while his mother was dull.

   " Tonight, as you know, is your engagement ball. You must find a woman to become your wife. "

   " Mother must I? "

   " You must in order to become king. Your father and I are not getting any younger you know. I want to see some grandbabies before I die. "

   " Mom, what if I don't want anyone there? "

   " Then, pick five girls. "

   " What? "

   " Pick five girls who you think are worthy of ruling beside you, and then in the next couple of weeks, you'll have more time to get to know them. THen you can pick your queen. "

   " Isn't that against tradition? "

   " It is, but I see no harm in it. You'll at least be finding a wife of noble birth. "

   ' Y/n isn't of nobility. '

   " What if I choose someone that isn't of noble birth? "

   " Oh, Quinn don't worry about that. There will be no one like that there except for the maids and butlers. "

   " So, I can't choose someone from a lower class? "

   " No, sweety. Why would you? Your royal blood must be shared with someone else of noble blood. Our bloodline will be tainted with commoners' blood if you marry from a lower class. "

   ' Y/n wouldn't taint it. She would make it sweeter. '

   "Anyway, I will take my leave, and allow you to eat the rest of your breakfast in peace. "

The queen stood up from the chair and kissed her son's head. She left the room and the prince alone. Quinn had lost his appetite. His thoughts were occupied by the ball. And of how he was going to choose a queen out of the waves of thirsty princesses.

   ' Y/n will be there, but I don't know if she'll be helping the kitchen staff or dancing. I need to find out. I at least want a dance with her at some point during the night. '

His thoughts were plagued with you. Images of your face, and body. He wondered what would happen if someone of royal blood married a commoner, someone lower than him. Quinn didn't mind what class you were, because to him you were above all and untouchable. He smiled as he looked out of his window.

You had just ripped the sheets off of the bed of the last bedroom. You set them outside when your arm was grabbed. 

   " Wow, I don't think I've ever seen anyone work so quick. What's the rush? "

You looked to the side to see Jin. He had a playful smile on his face and his hand still gripped your arm.

   " Tonight is the ball. We have to clean everything. "

   " Oh, really? Do you have any spare time to talk with me? "

   " I'm afraid not. I have to keep cleaning if everything is to get done by the start of the ball. "

   " Then, I'll help. "

   " What? "

   " I'll help you. As we clean we can talk at the same time. "

   " You don't have to. "

   " I want to. You seem like a pretty interesting person. In fact, to help you and the butlers out, I'll get my assassin buddies to help clean too. "

   " Funny. "

   " Hey, we might as well. "

Jin ran off and then appeared in front of you. Behind him, he had a lot of the assassins to help. You told them what needed to be done and they started getting to work, with the butlers and maids. Jin stayed with you and the two of you went to the next floor. You grabbed a bucket filled with water and two mops.

You set them to the entrance of the hall and picked up the red and gold rug. The rug stretched to the very end of the long, enormous hallway. You picked it up and started rolling it. Jin got on the floor with you and started rolling it beside you.

   " You maids sure have a lot to do. "

   " Of course. The king will kill us if everything isn't clean. "

   " Why? "

   " Because that's just how he is. He's killed maids before for spilling something by accident. "

   " Harsh. "

   " You're telling me. That's why we're working so hard to make sure everything is spotless. "

   " So, he won't kill you. "

   " Exactly. "

   " He's a harsh king. Here, take this and eat. I'll roll up the carpet. "

He held out an apple to you, but you pushed it towards him. Jin rolled his eyes and took your hands in his. He put the apple in your hands and started rolling the rug again. He left you to stand on the bare floor with an apple. Your body took over and you started biting into the apple. 

Jin smiled seeing you bite into the apple and he rolled the rug. You finished the apple and ran to the end of the hallway to meet with Jin, who finished rolling the rug up. He took the core from your hand and threw it out the window.

   " Hey! "

   " What? It'll decompose. "

He set the rug upright and he ran to the other end of the hallway with you following behind. You handed him a mop and he took it. He started mopping along with you, up and down the halls. You felt something wet hit your arm and you gasped at the coldness. You looked to see Jin smiling and holding the mop by your arm. 

   " Jin! "

   " What? I had to. "

   " You did not. "

   " I did. "

   " Fine, then I have to. "

You got your hand wet in the bucket and pressed it against his shirt. Your handprint was left on his shirt. You smiled seeing your print. Jin put his hand in his bucket and put it on you. There was now a wet handprint on your stomach. 

It was cold and you continued to throw water at each other. You had a smile on your face and so did Jin. Your stress started to leave you and a small fuzzy feeling was replacing the anxiety. What the two of you didn't know was that someone was watching you both from the corner.

   " Those two are cute together. Who would have thought a maid and an assassin would be a good combination. "

Queen Aileen Harding smiled with delight seeing you and Jin mess around.

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