Chapter 55: No More Waiting

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There were only two days until the wedding and you were still in the house outside of the palace. You were not planning to leave the house because, for one, the house was pretty nice, and two you didn't want to give Quinn the chance to see you. Sarah would come and deliver breakfast and anything you needed. Sarah also informed you that Quinn was respecting the decision you made about living in the house without seeing him. Other maids would come and visit you to talk about the old days when you worked together. It was nice to talk with everyone again and to chat as nothing had ever happened. Today the sun was hiding behind some clouds and it looked like it might rain. The gray clouds stretched across the sky and you waited for the rain to come.

' This is nice. It's better than just sitting in the palace fearing for my life every minute. This is calming and somewhat relaxing. Especially with the rain it's going to be a relaxing day. '

You walked across the house and climbed the ladder to get to the platform of books. There were a lot of books and some had spines that were worn down and others that looked perfectly new. You wandered around the bookshelves to find a book that caught your eye. Your eyes wandered over all of the books until they landed on an emerald green book. You walked over to the book and pulled it off the shelf. The spine was a little worn, and the pages looked old. The cover was clean of any title and author so it started to pique your interest more.

' I'll go with this one. '

You walked back to the ladder, climbed down, and settled on the bed. You leaned your back against the wall and opened the book. The rain started dropping from the sky when you hit the one-hundredth page of the book. The book kept your interest and the water droplets made you very calm. In the palace, however, it was anything but calm. Quinn was getting antsy and aggravated at every little thing. He felt as if you were taken away from him again, and he wanted you beside him. He wanted you to at least be in the castle where someone could watch you and keep you dormant inside. He respected your decision and understood the tradition in your family and chose to not disrespect it. But it made him go crazy.

" I hate this. As soon as the marriage is over she won't leave my side again. I don't like feeling this anxious. "

Quinn decided to leave his office and go to the garden to see how the wedding venue was coming along. He knew it was raining but, he didn't care. All he cared about was the venue being ready on the day of his marriage or if it was finished early. He walked down the stairs and went straight to the garden. He saw all of the workers inside the castle, dripping wet. He walked to the manager of the project and tapped his shoulder. The man turned to him and Quinn noticed the cigar in his mouth. It looked like the cigar was just lit and he started smoking once he got inside the castle walls.

" Yes your majesty? "

" How much longer will it be until the venue is done? "

" Well, considering the wedding is the day after tomorrow and it's raining today, we might need to take another day to finish up. We can't work in the rain because we don't want it to be sloppy. "

" Another day? I've already sent out the invitations and guests will be arriving on the day of the wedding. I can't hold off on the wedding any longer. "

Actually, Quinn was furious that he had to wait another day to marry the love of his life. He didn't want to wait another day and he didn't want his guests to see him as unorganized.

" I'm sorry, your highness. We can't-"

" You will! I am not going to wait another day to marry my love! " Quinn yelled grabbing the collar of the manager.

The manager dropped the cigar from his mouth and it hit the floor, leaving embers on the carpet. The manager wasn't one who got pushed into things or scared easily, but that all washed away when he saw Quinn's eyes and sword on his belt. He heard about Quinn's father and he knew that the rebellion didn't want Quinn to be like him, but the manager saw him. The manager saw the killer inside of Quinn, but the only difference between what he saw in Quinn and Francis, was the eyes. Francis's eyes were greedy and vengeful but Quinn's. . .the were angry and held love in his orbs. He knew that whoever was marrying Quinn was the object of his anger, love, lust, and obsession. He pitied the woman.

" A-Alright. . .we'll get back to work. "

" Good. " Quinn seethed.

Quinn let the man go and walked away from the group, getting ready to go outside and get back to work. Quinn walked to the back of the castle and looked through one of the glass windows that looked out of the back of the castle. From this window and angle, he could see the house you were living in clearly. He couldn't see anything clearly because of the rain and the house was far away so he couldn't see inside the huge window.

" Only a couple of hours. Only a couple of hours. "

Quinn started out at the house, resisting going outside to get to it. He didn't have the key to get inside, so he knew he would just be soaking wet and sick, preventing his wedding even further. So, he stayed by the window, staring out at the house.

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