Chapter 59: Nikoli and Elina

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When you opened your eyes you found yourself still in the carriage. You slowly got off of Sam's shoulder and looked at his face to see his eyes shut and he was peacefully sleeping. His posture was perfect with no flaw anywhere.

   ' How can he sleep sitting at a perfect angle? Elina was right, he is a very skilled and determined guard. '

You turned and looked out of the window and saw that you were still going through the woods. The sun was up and shining brightly. A small smile came on to your lips as you gazed outside. 

   ' I don't think I've ever been so happy to see the sun. '

As you looked outside you could spot something in the sky. It was silver and unmoving. It was pointing at the sky and when a tree passed by you could see that it was the top of a building. It was a metal sharp piece that you would see on the top of castles. A couple more trees went by and when the carriage broke free from the forest you could spot Prosan. The castle looked beautiful and the sun rays bounced off of it making the metal on the castle shine brightly. The castle sat in the middle of the empire with houses, tents, and stores. The gates opened up and the carriage glided through the gates and met the clean streets. The city looked huge and it looked as if the walkways never ended. You didn't notice it but Sam was awake and looking out of the window as well, admiring the city.

   " Welcome to Prosan. " Sam said.

You were getting closer and closer to the castle and you noticed two figures standing at the ends of the steps. You recognized one of them as Elina and the other one you could see was Nikoli. You could see the expression on Elina's face was one of worry, but you only wore a smile. When the carriage stopped you opened the door and ran towards Elina.

   " Elina! "

   " Y/n! "

When you both met in the middle, it was in a tight hug. You both hugged each other like there was nothing else that mattered. You could feel tears pricking in the corner of your eyes from being free and seeing Elina. When you both slowly pulled away, you saw that her expression of worry was gone and she was smiling brightly with her own tears streaming down her cheeks.

   " I'm so glad you're okay. I-I don't know what I would have done if I lost you! I would have gone mad and died of misery. "

   " Elina, don't be so dramatic. You would have lived. "

   " No. . .no, I wouldn't, Y/n. You're the only friend I've got left. That sick bastard killed Aileen and Genevive. I. . .I can't lose anyone else. "

   " I'm glad you helped me get out of there. I wouldn't have been able to live after all of that, and Jin. . ."

   " Oh god, Jin. I didn't even think of getting him out. I thought he-"

   " He's fine. Another friend of ours met with me before the wedding. He's part of the rebellion and they got Jin out. "

   " You didn't want to go with him instead of Sam? Don't get me wrong I'm glad you're here with me and Nikoli, but why not go with Jin and the rebellion? "

   " Honestly, he's safer away from me. When this is all over I'll meet up with him again. But until then it's better if he's not with me. "

   " Quinn will still go after him. "

   " But he'll try and get to me first. "

   " But he'll have to get through me first. I'm not going to let him take you from this empire. Even over my dead body he won't touch you. " Elina said in a scary tone.

   " You know, I love her but she scares me sometimes with that voice. " Nikoli said walking up to you two.

   " Understandable. It's good to see you again Nikoli. "

   " You as well Lady Y/n. Please come inside and get some breakfast. You must be starving. "

   " Thank you, and Sam is an excellent guard. He was amazing and I don't think either of us got a scratch let alone a bruise. "

   " Good. He is our most skilled guard. I would expect nothing less. "

   " Come, let's go get you some food and get you out of that gorgeous wedding dress. "

You walked with Elina up the stairs to the castle and entered. She got you some new clothes and brought you to the main hall to eat. She had talked with you until someone came and regretfully took her away to discuss plans for the future war. You left the dining hall and traveled through the castle. You could see the garden outside and it was tremendously different from the garden in the castle at Madrathia. The flowers seemed brighter and in the center was a fountain. Sitting on the edge of the fountain was Sam and he was reading a book feeling the cool water droplets splash him every few seconds.

   " If you don't mind me asking, I have a question. "

   " Yes, my lady? "

   " I noticed that as we escaped you never harmed anyone. I mean you used your sword and fought against the guards but you never laid a scratch on them except for that one guard who grabbed me. Tell me why did you not kill any of them or attempt to harm them until one of them touched me? Usually guards would shed blood when in a situation like that. Even those guards were planning on killing you. "

Sam closed the book he was reading and set it beside him on the fountain. He turned his head to look up at me and his face was serious.

   " I didn't want to kill someone in front of a lady. Queen Elina had received reports from a spy that King Nikoli had placed in Madrathia and she would go over the reports with her husband. As the king's right-hand man I would always hear the reports along with King Nikoli.  I had heard that you watched your friends get slain in front of you because Quinn made you watch. So, I didn't want you to see any more bloodshed. You don't deserve to see that or to experience someone dying in front of you once more. I tried to be docile and push them back and deflect their attacks, but then one guard grabbed you. I knew I couldn't defend you or help you from that position which led me to cut his hand off. If there was any other way to get him safely away from you, I would have taken it. "

   " You are very formal and respectable yet you said, King Nikoli and Queen Elina but when referring to Quinn, you didn't use his title as well, why? "

All was quiet in the garden except for the water splashing in the fountain. Birds were chirping in the morning air, but the neutral look on Sam's face was gone and replaced with a scowl. You knew it wasn't directed towards you, and his next words were said in a stern tone, but not threatening to you.

   " Because that man is not a king. "

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