Chapter 12: Contained

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   " Did you hear? "

   " Hear what? " 

Erina was sitting in the garden with you, eating your lunch. Genevive had fallen ill and stayed in the room to get better. She was unable to work so you took her workload along with your own. It was getting colder as the days went by. Snow would be falling soon if the weather continued to turn cold. 

   " You really didn't hear? I thought you would of since you give them their breakfast. "

   " I didn't. No one wanted breakfast this morning. "

   " Oh, that explains why you were still in your room tending to Genevive. "

   " Anyway tell me what happened. "

   " Prince Quinn was placed in a cell, somewhere in the palace. "

   " What? "

Now, you were confused. You didn't understand what happened a couple of days ago. A few days ago the butlers said that there was a fiery argument between Quinn and the king. It led to the king storming out with the queen following. Now you find out he was placed in a cell somewhere secretly in the castle. 

   " What happened? "

   " I heard it was because of the argument that happened a couple of days ago. They said that they've never seen the king so furious with someone. Last night the guards went to Prince Quinn's room and dragged him out. They dragged him to the cell and locked him up in there. "

   " Did he fight back at all? Anything? "

   " They said he did. They said as he was dragged, he had yelled to be released and when they didn't respond he let them drag him. He gave up fighting them. "

   " What happened once he got to the cell? "

   " I don't know. They say he's been there since last night and no one knows where it is but those two guards and the king. The guards who took him there haven't been seen since. "

   " Oh, shit. That's scary. "

   " I know. I would hate to be those guards. "

   " I would hate to be the prince. "

   " On a better note, I'm in contact with that guy you saw me dancing with at the ball. "

   " Really? "

   " We've been sending letters back and forth to each other. It turns out he's a prince of a neighboring kingdom and his sister wanted to attend the ball to catch the prince's eye. He came as a form of protection for her. "

   " You two seem to like each other a lot. Have you thought of visiting him? "

   " I have. I think I might leave tomorrow to go and see him. "

   " What about all of your work? "

   " I was going to ask if you could take it, but I don't want to knowing that Genevive is sick. "

   " I'll take it. You should go see him. You two seem to like each other and if something were to blossom between you two I don't want work to be in the way. Go and see him tomorrow. "

   " Thank you! "

She threw her arms around you and hugged you tightly. When she let go she smirked at you.

   " I also noticed that Jin has been seeing you almost every day now. "

   " Yeah, and what about it? "

   " Please just get together already! Seriously it's killing everyone that you two will not get together already. We know you two like each other. "

   " I'm just enjoying my time. "

   " Well, if you don't hurry someone else might grab him. "

   " Then she's lucky. "

   " No! You're supposed to say 'no way' or ' she can't beat me to grab his heart.' You need to fight back! "

   " I just, want to take it slow. "

   " Then, go at your own pace, but be aware that he likes you. "

   " And how do you know? "

   " The other assassins have told me that he talks about you all the time and it's starting to get annoying. "

   " I can't stop him. "

   " But you can court him. "

   " Oh hush up! "

You laughed with Elina and hit her shoulder. You two ate your food and enjoyed the cold weather. It would snow soon and you were excited to see all of the white snow. It would jewel the ground in white glitter. But some people were not having such a good time.

Deep in the castle, was Prince Quinn. He was so deep in the castle that everyone thought that part of the castle didn't exist. Of course, the maids and butlers knew that it was there because they cleaned it, but only on special occasions. Like parties and balls, but since there was a ball days ago no one would be down there. Except for Quinn.

Quinn was in a room that had cell bars. It was only one cell and the cell bars cut the room in half. There was nothing in the room but a wooden stool and a small window far above him in the cell. Quinn had a chain on both wrists that connected to the wall. The chains were tight and restricted any movement. 

They kept his arms away from his sides and kept them suspended in the air, letting his feet barely touch the ground. His hair was damp with sweat and his eyes were half-lidded. All he wore were his boxers and pants. His shirt was gone and so were his shoes and socks. His toned back had red lashes, each bloodier than the last. 

His back had ten strikes in total and they were all bloody. The crack of the whip sounded in his ears and it made him flinch. Of course, no one was there but just the thought of the whip made him flinch and the picture of it in his head only provided the sound. He was tired and in pain. He wasn't served food or water, and he stayed hanging in the air. He was limp in the chains but he knew he was awake and alive.

His heart was still beating and he knew that he could survive this. He looked up at the window and saw the view of the sky. The clouds were coming quickly and he knew it was getting closer, meaning snow would hit the empire. With the clouds moving so fast he knew that the stars would be out of view for him. He let his head fall back down to look at the floor that was stained in blood, his blood.

   ' Y/n. '

Your name had only surfaced his thoughts and the image of you at the ball stayed in his mind. The picture he had seen, in his mind, of you standing beside him with a crown on your head made him smile. In the picture, he was smiling genuinely as he held you in his arms and your smile seemed to radiate endless happiness. He was wearing his favorite color, black, in the painting while you wore a beautiful white dress. 

His arms were around your waist and your bodies were pointed towards each other, but his right side was touching your left while you looked at the painter. On your ring finger was a gorgeous expensive ring and in your arms was a baby. A baby wrapped in a light blue blanket, as it was being held delicately in your arms. A family, that was happy and loving. 

   ' That's what I want. '

He smiled as tears left his eyes. He let the tears fall, knowing that his family was broken and no one else could see it except himself. He had a wonderful mother but she was oblivious to her surroundings. His sister didn't care about anything but herself and would have sex with anyone she wanted to. Then his father was a cheating, abusive, and horrible bastard. 

   ' I want Y/n. '

He let his tears fall and allowed himself to dream of the life he wanted. Of the life, he wanted with you, in a loving and happy marriage. Something that he promised, himself, he would make happen.

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