Chapter 48: What He Wants

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   ' Where am I? '

I sat up and looked around the room. The room was pearl white with the floors being a light brown wood color. The sheets of the bed were a clear white with the wood framing being white as well. Everything looked clean and expensive. The accents of the room were silver and the room looked like one that belonged in the sky or in a dream.

   ' I've never been in this room before. '

I rubbed the back of my head and scratched my arms. I wasn't wearing the same clothes as I did before. I stood from the bed and walked to a full-length mirror and saw what I was wearing. The dress I was wearing was F/c and it was a short dress in the front but it touched the floor in the back. There was a F/c necklace hanging from my neck and the same color could be seen on my ears. The color of the shoes complimented the dress, and my hair had been combed and styled. One thing that stuck out to me was the ring on my marriage finger. The diamond in the middle was enormous and on the edges of the ring, there were smaller diamonds placed along the silver band.

   ' This isn't my engagement ring. '

I looked out of the balcony doors and saw the moon up, and placed high in the sky. I couldn't see anything outside due to the darkness of the night. I turned and walked towards the doors to the bedroom. I tried turning and pulling on the handles, but the doors wouldn't open. They were locked. 

   ' Am I back in Madrathia? All I remember is Quinn above me. '

   " Hello? " I yelled through the door.

I continued to knock on the door, but no one came. I left the door and tried to open the balcony doors. The doors opened and I stepped outside into the chill night air. I looked around at my surroundings the best I could, and I was right.

   ' I am back in Madrathia. '

I couldn't jump from the balcony because if I did I would die. The ground was too far down, and if I jumped I wouldn't have a chance to live. I walked back inside and started looking around the room to find anything that could tell me where in the castle I was. 

   ' Everything was gold and red. Nothing was ever this clear color. '

I walked to the dresser and looked through all of the drawers, but all I found were clothes. I pulled one of the shirts out and realized I had seen it worn before. I put the shirt back and shut the drawers. There was a photo placed on the very corner of the dresser, and I picked it up. In the photo was a young-looking woman with blonde hair and beautiful bright eyes. She was smiling with joy in the small picture. Beside her was a man who was holding her close to him. His smile seemed so bright and his eyes showed happiness. On the woman's lap was a baby in a blanket, and on the shoulders of the man was a little boy. It seemed like a beautiful happy family that was happy beyond belief. 

   ' They look so happy. '

I heard a key being inserted into a lock and I looked towards the doors to the room. One of the doors was pushed open and Quinn entered the room with the king's cape around him and his crown on the top of his head. He smiled in my direction and shut the door behind him. The smile wasn't one of a maniac or of someone who is looking at their prey. His smile was genuine and it reminded me of the Harvest Festival when we met there. 

   " Well, I'm glad you're awake. It is late however. "

   " You brought me back to Madrathia. "

   " I did. It is our home and it was time you came home from your little adventure. "

I felt speechless. I didn't know what to do, or where I needed to go. I knew if I ran that he would grab me and I was in heels. I could run in the shoes I was wearing but I know I would trip with how shaky I felt. Quinn left the door and walked towards me. I could see him getting closer and closer to me, in the mirror on the dresser. When he reached me he put his head on shoulder and he wrapped his arms around me.

   " That's the only picture I love of my family. "

   " Your family? I've never seen this picture hung up around the palace before. "

   " Because we only took one. And this was it. We wanted something personal instead of showing it off to everyone in the palace. It was ours. "

   " Everyone looks so happy. "

   " We were. This picture was taken before my father changed, and became ruthless. It was a very long time ago. That's what I want for us. A happy family who can always smile instead of faking their smiles and who actually love each other. "

I placed the picture down and sat it on his dresser and placed my hands over his. 

   " Let me go. "

   " But I don't want to. "

   " Too bad, now let me go. "

   " Just stop fighting. We'll be married soon enough. "

   " I don't want to be married to you. I don't even want to be near you. "

   " Now that's no way to talk to your future husband, and your current king. " 

   " I'll talk to you how I want. "

   " Now that's just asking for punishment. "

   " It's asking for you to leave me the hell alone. "

   " Hmm, I was going to do it under your nose but I think you deserve to see it now, since you're acting so high and mighty. "

Quinn grabbed my hand and pulled me away from the dresser and the picture. He dragged me towards the door and opened it, letting himself out first and dragging me behind him. 

   " Bring them to the throne room. " He said to a guard.

   " Yes, your highness. "

It's In The Stars ( Yandere Prince x Reader )حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن