Chapter 27: The Stars

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   " So, you're going to the Prosan Empire? On what matters? "

   " Well, Francis, I am visiting a dear old friend at that palace, and she requires my aid. I have a carriage coming tomorrow and I will be back in a few days. "

   " Exactly how long, Aileen? "

   " I'll be back before Quinn moves on to the second princess. I can tell you that much. "

   " And you need a maid with you? "

   " Yes, I feel more comfortable bringing a maid with me, one with whom has served us. "

   " The one that brought us breakfast? "

   " Yes, She was on breakfast duty before resigning back to cleaning. I trust her since she has served us food with no poison in it. "

   " Okay, I trust you both. Good night Aileen. "

   " Night, Francis. "

The flame on their candle was blown out and their room was enveloped with darkness. Not a sound was heard in the room, so it told Quinn they were on the verge of sleeping. He had been listening through the door to see what they were talking about. For weeks he was doing this, so as to catch anything his father said, that could be used against him. but now, with this new information, he was angry.

He was angry about the fact that you didn't listen to him. That you still planned to go to the Prosan Empire. To leave him. 

   ' I will not let her leave like this. '

He stood from the floor and made his way down the royal hall, keeping his feet light on the ground, as to not make a sound. He descended the stairs and reached the maid's quarters and looked for your room number. There had been many times he watched you go to your room, now he had the number memorized. He found your door and turned the handle ready to give you an earful, but when he got inside you were sitting on your window sill, asleep. Your head was leaning against the glass and it was turned up like you were looking at the sky.

Quinn's rage left him immediately and he found calmness in seeing you asleep, under the stars. His shoulders relaxed and he slowly walked towards you.

   " My star? " He whispered.

You didn't move or shift in any way. Your chest rose and fell with a normal breathing rhythm. Quinn walked to your form and seen the bags that were laced under your eyes. You were tired, he knew you would be with the five new arrivals and their constant need for things. He wondered what you would do during the day now that they were here. He stood in front of you form now and the smile on his face was replaced with a sad frown.

   ' She must be really tired. She's still in her clothes and her door wasn't even locked. She's sleeping very heavily too, the poor thing. '

He picked your form up from the window chair and sat down on the sill chair holding you in his arms. You were warm against his cold skin, a perfect match to him. You were still asleep and shifted a little, but never woke up. He glanced upward at the stars and smiled at the situation. He liked this; having you with him, sleeping under the stars and with his heart in your hands.

   ' I'll remember this until the day I die. What a lovely picture this would make. '

He held you close and had no intentions of letting go. His eyes changed from looking at your form to the dazzling sky outside. The stars were bright and there were no clouds in the sky to hide them. He could pick out a few constellations, but ultimately he could still see your name written by the stars, right beside his own.

   " And there's our stars, my little star. They're together and entertaining with one another. One day you will see we are fated for one another. You don't see it now but you will. We will be together until the end of time, I'll make it so. It's in the stars so I know it's true. Even if you don't see it, I'll make you see it. " He whispered.

It's In The Stars ( Yandere Prince x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now