Chapter 41: I Do or I Do Not

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   " Where is she!? "

Quinn slammed his desk with his hands as he stared at the map. It's been weeks since he saw you. When he woke up in the cell, without you there he figured out what happened and he was livid. The servants found him and when he got out he asked where you were and no one could say. They said his mother was gone too, and he knew his mother helped you escape. 

Ever since he got out he's been looking everywhere for you. He just couldn't seem to find you.

   " Sir, we've looked all over the kingdom and she's no where to be seen. " His assistant said cautiously.

   " And what about that assassin? Jin? Where is he? "

   " It seems he is gone as well, your majesty. "

   " Damn it! "

Quinn was furious. He wanted to find you and punish you for leaving him and tricking him as you did. And he wanted to have Jin hanged. He even was so blinded by rage that his own mother would be tried for treason once he found her. 

   " Where could they have gone? They're not even in the kingdom anymore. "

   " Your majesty if I may add, the knights found a small hole near the wall covered by a bush. It was on the south wall. "

   " The south wall. "

Quinn looked down at his map and pointed at his south wall. He traced his finger from the south wall down, further south. His finger went past his border and past the hills to the Ezoba Empire. 

   " That's where they're heading. Send out a letter to the king of the Ezoba Empire about the future queen of Madrathia being kidnapped and possibly headed towards his territory. If he finds her he is ordered to have her sent directly to me. "

   " Yes, your majesty. "

His assistant left the room to prepare the letter and Quinn stared at the map at the Ezoba Empire.

   " I'll find you and no one will get in my way. If they do I'm going to kill them with my bare hands. "

( With You )

   " Is this the cabin? "

   " Yeah, it's nice isn't it? "

The cabin was small, with only one bedroom, one bathroom, and a kitchen that connected to a living room. Jin was unlocking the door to get in, and when he did the cabin looked a little dusty, and there were cobwebs over the furniture.

   " It needs a little fixing up but I think it's nice. " Jin said looking back at you.

   " Let's get cleaning. "

You set your bag down and noticed a broom in the kitchen. You took it and started sweeping the dusty floor. After years of being a maid your cleaning tick kicked in and you wanted to clean the entire cabin before sundown. Jin grabbed a duster and started cleaning the cobwebs and the dust from the corner and crevices. It didn't take you long to sweep all of the floors and sweep it out of the house. 

When that was done you looked in the bedroom at the mattress and closet and decided to just take the bedsheets off the mattress and set them outside for the coming rain to wash. You walked back inside and saw Jin lighting the fireplace with some fresh wood and flint. 

   " The rain will be here soon so if there's anything we need to wash we need to put it outside. I'm going to hang the bed sheets up for the rain. "

   " Okay, I'm going to get the stove working. "

After that little discussion, you both got to work on cleaning the cabin. You didn't know how long you were going to be there but you were at least going to make it comfy to live in. When everything was taken care of and cleaned you sat on the freshly cleaned couch and waited for Jin to get done with the bathroom.

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