"You won't kill me right? I mean, your claws? You're like a female version of wolverine."

Alcina's forehead creased. "What is a wolverine?"

"Nevermind," Clementine shook her head.

"I won't kill you with my claws," she smirked. "I would kill you with my bite instead."

Clementine stopped in her tracks trying to collect herself. "Dammit, I should've just died with hypothermia instead of living in this misery." She thought.

She catched up to Alcina as they make their way into the castle.

"We're here," the tall lady spoke.

When the two of them entered the castle, they were greeted by a swarm of flies. The insects later transformed into humans, dressed in a dark robe with blood on their faces.

"I knew it. I smelled fresh blood," the brunette woman spoke.

"Oh my~ mother has brought us a pretty prey to play with," the red hair woman played with her hair giggling.

"When can we feed on her?" The blonde woman spoke.

"F-feed? What?!" Clementine exclaimed.

Lady Dimitrescu laughed in delight. She looked at her daughters as she gently shook her head.

"She is not a prey to be devoured. She's our new servant."

The girls looked at Clementine with their brow's raised.

"Servant?" The blonde asked.

"Mother i'm not questioning you but how many servants do you need? We still have–" the brunette didn't finished her sentence, she just immediately closed her mouth shut.

"Well then, hi! I'm Daniela," the red hair woman bit her lip looking at you.

"Bela and this is Cassandra." Said the blonde woman then pointing to the brunette.

"I'm Clementine, and it's a pleasure to meet you ladies," she gave them a small smile.

Cassandra rolled her eyes. "Whatever," she said before disappearing.

"I'll be in the cellar if you need me mother," said Bela before disappearing.

"I'll be in the library if you want to accompany me. I could use someone squeeze," Daniela winked before she finally disappeared.

Lady Dimitrescu and Clementine were now alone in an unsettling silence. She pretended to cough and turned her face to the tall woman beside her.

"Your daughters seem nice?" She said not being sure whether she's asking a question or complementing them.

Lady Dimitrescu looked at her and chuckled. "For now."

Clementine's forehead creased. "For now? What does she mean for now?!" She thought.

"Follow me," Lady Dimitrescu ordered.

Clementine did not hesitate to follow her and led her to a room that appeared to be a study.  Lady Dimitrescu reached inside the drawers and handed it to Clementine. It was a green bottle with a plus logo on it. (This is brought to you by the magic alcohol that Ethan used.)

"Pour that on your ankle and you'll feel better in no time." Says Lady Dimitrescu.

Clementine pondered the bottle for a moment before pouring it into her damaged ankle. After the contents of the bottle were all poured out, she can no longer feel the pain of her ankle, just like magic.

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