(21) Caught in Action

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I looked at the cops, then back at the guys. They all stopped too, not knowing what to do. I looked at them, making a zipper motion at my mouth. The cops all barged in, "Drop your weapons! We have the place surrounded!"

Atleast eight rushed in, surrounding the three of up, each pointing a gun at us. I took a deep breath, dropping my gun to the ground. The other two guys following my actions. I put my hands up in the air, showing we were giving up. The two guys dropped the bags, then did the same. The first cop put his gun away and ran up to me from behind. He push me to the ground, climbing on my back. He patted me down, while another guy held a gun against my head. I looked over at the other two, seeing the exact same thing happen to them. He got off of me, pulling me from the ground. "You have the right to remain silent. You have the right to an attorney and if you cannot afford an attorney one will be appointed for you. If you waive these rights and talk to us, anything you say may be used against you in court. Do you understand these rights?"

I shook my head yes. He grunted, "Do you understand?"

I shook my head yes again. "Now dammit. I need you to anwser. Yes or no."

I shook my head again. He reached his fist back, hiting me square in the nose. "Do you understand now!?"

Nick was stood up, instantly reacting. "Fucking asshole. He can't anwser! He has no voice. He wasn't born with a voice."

I opened my mouth, but nothing came out just like normal. "Can you prove this?"

I pointed down towards my wallet. Another cop came up and pulled it out of my pocket. He opened it up and pulled the paper from the doctor out. He gave it to the asshole cop, still holding me. "Well Michael Way, you are lucky."

He grabbed my shirt, and ripping me outside, almost trying every step. He shoved me down into the car and threw my wallet and paper on my lap. I took a breath, waiting. I heard yelling inside and looked out the window. Ethan had picked his gun back up, instantly getting blown apart. Nick was laying flat on the ground, his hands on his head. The cops slowly pulled him up and brought him outside. They put him into the car in front of me, then some cops got in. Two cops came over and got into the car. They didn't say anything. We drove off of the site and I noticed the van was gone. That motherfucker left us, too scared to work for us. No wonder we got caught, this was a shit show from the beginning. 

Once we were a couple of blocks away, the cop in the passenger seat looked back at me. "So you don't talk? That a choice or.."

I shook my head no, then looked down at the paper. "Well I'm sorry he punched you back there. You didn't deserve it, it's not like you could have answered him. Clearly, as you're mute."

I looked down at my hands. I can't answer them, and I've been trained not to. Not when they could use anything against me in court. Hopefully at least someone will help me on the phone to call Ray. 

We pulled into the police department, pulling out back. The car with Nick pulled in behind mine. The cops got out, then opened the car door. The cop grabbed my wallet and paper off of my lap. He helped me up and out, then folded the paper and put it in my pocket. They pulled Nick out of the car and he looked at me. They dragged us both into the office. They led me back into a room, while they took Nick the other way. They led me into a room and over to a machine. They took my finger prints, then made me write out my whole name. The cop that led me in went and talked to the one in the room. The cop came back, "Alright. You seemed to be cooperating  well, and that you physically can not talk, so we're going to take the handcuffs off. As long as you cooperate, they can stay off. Alright?"

I shook my head yes, then put it down. The cop walked around, the took the handcuffs off. He smiled, then walked out of the room, leaving me with the one cop. He slid me over a paper, and I filled it out. He then made me stand up, and took all of the stuff in my pockets, which was only my wallet and little note pad. I've learned to be smart and not bring all of my shit. He then led me to another room and took my pictures. I just stood there listening, the faster I get out of here, the better. He took my arm and led me to a cell, then shut and locked the door. He turned towards me, "You have the right to one phone call. Would you like to use it?"

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