(18) Sophmore Year Again

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(To Ray_of_Sunshine. You really are one. Thank you for being such an amazing and wonderful friend. In the six months I've known you I think I've made a new best friend that's gonna be there for me whenever I need you. Thank you so much 🧡🧡) 

I woke up, hearing Rays alarm clock go off. I sat up, reaching over him and turning it off. I turned towards him, admiring his beautiful body and face. I reached over, pushing some curls out from infront of his face. I leaned down, pecking his chest. His so beautiful and hot, while I'm here all ugly. Covered in scars from the accidents. How does this amazing man love me? I'll never know. I layed down, snuggling Into rays chest. He wrapped his strong arms around my waist. I smiled wraping my arm around his chest. After a minute or two he began to draw little circles on my side. "Good morning lovely"

He looked down at me smiling. I sat up some, giving him a kiss. He smiled happily, running his hand up my back. I pecked his lips one more time, then laid down. Ray leaned down pecking my forehead. "I love you mikey"

I smiled, drawing a heart on his chest. He smiled, running his hand over my side where the huge scar from the car accident was. I heard him sigh. "Mikey.. I'm sorry. That so much has happened to you. That you got hit. I'm so sorry my love. You deserve the most amazing and joyful life. Not what you got. I'm so sorry."

I could hear him begin to cry. He shouldn't blame himself for everything that's happened to me. I tightened my grip on him, cuddling my face into his neck. I pecked his neck a couple of times, hearing him start to calm down. The clock started to go off again and ray reached over, slapping it off. "I guess it's time to actually get up, come on baby"

He sat up, holding onto me until I was in his lap. I turned facing him. He smirked, putting his hands on my waist. "Nows not the time for this baby, we don't got enough time. Plus your brothers right down the hall."

I rolled my eyes, making a pouty face. "Maybe tonight, if you do good in school today."

I grunted, hopping off of him. I walked out of the room and down the hall to mine. I closed the door, then pulled off my shorts and boxers. I put a new pair on the pulled out a pair of skinny jeans. I pulled them on then grabbed a random t shirt out of my closet. I walked back to rays room to see him pulling his shirt on. I walked over wrapping my arms around his waist. He smiled, looking down at me. "I love you mikes"

I smiled up at him, drawing a heart on his chest. He smiled, leaning down and pecking my lips. "Alright, lets go"

He turned and walked to his side of the bed. I grabbed my wallet, phone, and keys off of the stand then went over to his chair and pick up my jacket. Ray grabbed all of his crap and his jacket. We walked down stairs to see Gerard eating a bowl of cereal with mom. She smiled at us, "Morning boys, would you like anything to eat?"

Ray looked at me, "do you want anything?"

I shook my head no, taking a seat beside Gee. Ray sat down and grabbed a waffle that mom had made. She smiled at me, while I waited on those to finish eating. Once they were done the three of us stood up and grabbed our bags. I put mine over my shoulder and we all walked outside. I threw my backpack in gerards car and walked over to my bike. I pulled on my jacket, zipping it up. Ray put his backpack in the car and looked at gee, "are you going to pick frank up?"

"Ya but id be suprised if he's actually up and ready to go. He's probably hung over and still asleep."

"Alright, well we'll see you when you get there."

"Alright, see you there"

Ray turned towards me and I put my helmet on my head. I held rays, reaching it out to him. He took it happily and I turned my bike on. I revved the engine as I waited for Gerard to pull out in front of me, then slowly rolled us down the drive way. At the bottom I stopped and let Ray on. Once he was comfortable, I turned onto the road, heading towards school. Once we got there, I saw some of our kids all in a circle by their bikes. I pulled up between them all and they smiled. "Sups mikey?"

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