(4) The School

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(Another update just for the most amazing and supported friend @The_Balcony_Scene but thank you all so much for all the love and support, now on with the chapter ♥️♥️)

I woke up feeling myself sweating. I sat up thinking about the dream I had. Its always fire.. I grabbed the water off my stand. The dream always makes it burn. Makes me feel like I'm there burning again. I drank the whole thing then stood up. I wrapped my blanket around me, pulling it up over my head. I wrapped his tightly around me, then opened my door. I popped my head into the hallway to see nobody. I walked down the hall to Gerards door. I opened it lightly and walked over to him. He was sound asleep, since we've got school in a couple hours. I leaned down lightly tapping his arm. He shot up and looked at me, "mikes? You alright?"

I shook my head no, beginning to feel like I was gonna cry. He sat up reaching out, "mikes.. what it the fire dream?"
I shook my head yes, beginning to cry. He pulled me against him, "here, lay right here with me Mikey. Your ok, the fire can't get you anymore. Your alright Mikey, your out of them, its ok"

He held me tightly against his chest as I cried, soaking his shirt. He kissed my forehead, "its alright Mikey. Your ok, just breath"

I started to calm down, feeling very tired. "Go to sleep Mikey, your alright. I love you"

I closed my eyes falling asleep.

I woke up to hear knocking on the door. "Gerard time for school!"

Mrs. Toro walked away, but then came back. "Do you know-"

She opened the door and knoticed me besides Gerard. "Oh there you are sweetie, are you alright?"

I shook my head yes, and she smiled. "You've got 30 minutes before you've gotta leave. Ray will drive you in his car. Just go downstairs to the living room when your ready, I've gotta go, see you tonight love"

She turned then walked out. I tap up, slapping gerards chest. He groaned at me, "5 more minutes mike please."

I hit him a couple more times until he funny sat up. "Alright, I'm up go get dressed"

I got off of the bed and started back to my room, dragging all of my blankets behind me. I threw on some black skinny jeans and a joy division shirt I bought. I grabbed my vans and a jacket, putting them on. I grabbed my backpack that they bought me last night and put my phone in my pocket. I walked out of my room and ran right into Ray. I fell back hitting my butt off of the floor. Ray leaned down reaching out his hands. "Oh Mikey I'm so sorry. I didnt mean to do that."

He wrapped his strong arms around me pulling me up. He let go, leaving his hands on my waist. "Are you alright?"

I shook my head yes blushing. He smiled, looking down. "Good, wouldn't want you getting hurt"

He tapped my side, then let go, walking down the steps. Gerard walked out of his room and looked over at me. "You alright mikes, your as red as my hair"

I shook my head yes, then hurried down the steps. I stopped in the kitchen, grabbing myself a poptart. Ray was already out in the car. I got upfront just as Gerard got outside. "Hey!! No fair!"

He came running and got in the back. I opened my poptarts and just as I went to bite, Ray snatched it out of my hands. "Thank you for breakfast"

I blushed grabbing the other. We drove to school in silence. He pulled into a spot and short guy with black hair came running up. "Bro why you not answer me!! Where you been all week?"

"With them"

"No offense, but who are you two?"

"Well these are my brothers, Gerard and Mikey"

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