(7) Fights and panic attacks

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I woke up in my bed alone. I sat up turning my alarm clock off. I looked down smiling, seeing i was still in rays hoodie. I got up and walked down to the bathroom. I took it off, folding it nicely on the sink. I put the rest of my clothes in the Hamper. I got in the shower, just relaxing.

Once I was done, I got out, wrapping a towel around my waist. I grabbed the sweatshirt and walked back to my room. I sat it on my bed and got dressed in some new clothes. I grabbed rays hoodie, pulling it on. A knock came on my door and I turned to see Ray walk in. He smiled, shutting the door then walked over to me. He put his arms out and I walked over to him. He wrapped his arms around me pulling me against him. I laid my head down in the crook of his neck. "You ready to go to school love? If they try and bother you again, come find me. I'll deal with them alright?"

He pulled back enough so he could see me. I shook my head yes putting my finger out. He looked at me, letting go. I went to my bed and grabbed my notebook.

When did you bring me in here? I woke up alone...

He took the notebook giving me a sad look. "I'm sorry love, I brought you back after you fell asleep. I didn't want you staying in my room and my parents catching us. We can't let that happen. I'm sorry"

I slowly shook my head, looking down. "I'm sorry Mikey. I promise one day, once I graduate and get my own apartment you can come over and we can cuddle all day long alright?"

I shook my head again, wiping away a stray tear. He pulled me back against his chest and we stood there together for awhile. I heard gerards door open and we let go of each other. He gave me a kiss on my forehead, then turned walking out. I grabbed my phone and notepad, throwing my backpack over my shoulder. Lets go deal with another day in hell I guess.

I was walking down the hall to my 8th period when I felt someone grab my backpack. I was jerked backward until I hit the floor. I looked up to Josh and Tyler. They both laughed at me. "Look here guys. The little fags got nobody to protect him! Wheres your big brother now, huh?"

He reached down, grabbing my collar on the hoddie and pulling me up my feet. He slammed me back against the lockers. "Still not gonna talk fag? Or has that mouth been fucked too much?"

He lifted his fist, punching me right in the face. I lifted my hand to my nose, looking at the blood on my fingers. I could feel myself beginning to cry. Tyler laughed, "come on Michael, can't stand up for yourself? Gotta always have somebody do it for you?"

He reached down, punching me in the gut. I leaned over, holding my stomach in pain. He picked his knee up, hitting me right in the face. My glasses fell to the floor and I couldn't see. I got down on my knees, trying to find them. Until I heard them crunched. "Opps better watch where your putting your stuff"

They both laughed out. The bell rang and people began to come out to the hall. All kinds of people began to circle around us three. Josh and Tyler seemed happy about it cause they were laughing. One of them grabbed me by the back of my head. I put my hand up, trying to get them to let go of my hair. He reached his arm back, swinging and hitting my jaw. I let out a cry of pain as best as I could. I couldn't tell if I was bleeding or crying. "Hey!!"

I heard some one yell and he let go of me. I fell back against the locker crying. Everybody began to yell fight. I saw rays huge afro through the blurriness. Little black began to make my vision worse. I looked down at my blood covered hands, then back up. One of the guys was on the ground and ray was ontop of him, punching the shit out of him. I heard a teacher yell for everybody to leave. He pulled Ray off of him. He came over to me, wrapping his arms around me. "I'm so sorry Mikey, I'm here now. I've got you"

The Mute BoyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora