The Jedi High Council

Start from the beginning

Cyrus was taken aback by this. He knew that something involving him would be coming up, but he had no idea that they'd trust him with such an important mission.

Weiss: We have made our decision, the only thing left to do is to make sure Cyrus is up for the task.

They turned their heads to Cyrus.

Ren: Young Valen, we know that you may be apprehensive to the dangers that this mission poses. We leave the decision to you.

Cyrus took a moment to ponder this. He knew his answer from the beginning, but he still thought of the possibilities for the future. He then stood proudly and gave his response.

Cyrus: I'll do it, Master Ren. I accept this assignment willingly.

Weiss gave Cyrus an approving nod. He had come so far over the years. He went from a traumatized 6 year-old boy on the streets of Mantle who had known not of the force. Now, he was 17 years old and on the fast track to mastering his gifts and potentially becoming one of the most skilled fighters that the Jedi Order has ever seen.

Ren: Then it's decided. The young Valen will be sent to Argus as soon as possible to convene with Master Xiao Long. Then, we will execute the plan and eliminate the Valerin threat. That will be all. You are all dismissed.

The masters stood up and began to exit through the large door. Cyrus waited for Weiss and walked through the corridor with his master.

Weiss: This will be a big step for you, Cyrus. I have no doubts that you can accomplish these goals flawlessly.

Cyrus: Thank you, master. I won't let you down.

As he gave his master a slight bow, they were approached by another Jedi Master.

	As he gave his master a slight bow, they were approached by another Jedi Master

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Author's Note: I don't own this image, as usual. Don't credit me for this.

Ruby: This is going to be a tough mission for you, young Cyrus.

Cyrus: Master Rose. I assure you that I have the skill to accomplish it.

Ruby: I know you do. I just came to say good luck... and... may the Force be with you.

Cyrus: And also with you...

Cyrus bowed to Ruby and she walked down the corridor.

Weiss: I think it's time we go to the launchpads. Your airship will be ready any minute now.

Cyrus: We? I thought you wouldn't be coming.

Weiss: I won't be, but I'd like to wave you off for your most important mission.

Cyrus: Oh, I see... Thank you, I guess.

Meanwhile at an unknown location

A pair of mechanically augmented eyes opened and stared at the world around them. As the owner of these eyes gained consciousness, they could hear machines whirring to life. It wasn't long before they noticed the scientists and engineers surrounding them. Standing directly in front of them was a figure that seemed familiar and foreign to them at the same time. This man was obscured by shadows, so not every feature could be made out. The owner of the eyes then spoke, but was surprised to hear that their voice, like their vision, was now mechanical in nature.

???1: Who are you people...

The figure in the center stepped out of the shadows, revealing his face to the mechanical person.

???2: I... am your savior.

???1: I did not ask to be saved.

???2: You did not ask to be disfigured either. But these force users... the Jedi and the Sith... they didn't give you a choice.

???1: You want me to be your weapon... your slave... Why should I be little more than your tool of war?

???2: Because I can give you a chance of redemption. A chance at revenge. Revenge on the Jedi who made you who you are right now. I gave you these gifts out of the kindness of my heart. Now I ask that you use them for good. Help us retake our planet from those who have corrupted it. Help the Valerins in their quest for purification.

The mechanical figure paused for a moment before responding.

???1: What do you request of me?

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