Chapter 16

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October, 2003.

I had been grounded for a month in my uncle's house.

He had warned me to not  step out of the house until and unless I have his permission to do so.
Saif's operation was successful  and now he was undergoing speedy recovery as per what I had learned from Margon.

Ivaan, well...he was still mad at me, he trusted me, and I broke his trust.

Not once had he called me throughout my house arrest, to ask about my whereabouts. He would ask Margon to place a call where he stood on conference muting his mike, I didn't know about it, until one day I got a text from Margon, saying that Ivaan stays on conference, muted, to make his presence known but at the same time, to show that he was still mad at me.

What a kid, I found it cute though.

But at the same time  I wish Ivaan could understand the motive behind my actions, it was all so that I could have him safe in my arms. 

I didn't want Uncle David to give him any trouble, but I also knew that he won't talk to me, at least not until I leave this house.

Uncle David  had treated me like his house maid. He hadn't even once thought about my freedom, my dreams or aspirations, and then he acts like whatever he is doing, is for my good.

True story, it's just to keep his image.

Not that he cared about me anyway. All day after completing my  household chores, I used to study  or lean against the balcony railing, missing Ivaan and thinking of the good times that we had in the past months.

I don't remember a single day where I didn't see our picture doing wierd activities, especially my favorite one, in which he was pulling my hair and I was scolding him , picture credit goes to Margon, ofcourse. There hadn't been a single day that I hadn't  shed a tear, while I was having enough of Uncle testing my patience.

It was just another one of these days, where I was sitting out on my balcony, as I was  just ending up a call with Saif, he told me that he was perfectly fine now, and the dialysis machine had also been removed, Nisha, had also been good, though she was good the day itself when her operation had been successful, she had been brave.

Sure she had shed a tear or two, but it was all while she had a proud smile on her face.

I heard some footsteps coming from the entrance of the house.

My room was on the first floor, Uncle David had been living downstairs. I came back to my room, and went down the wooden stairs, my warm hands growing cold under the touch of the wooden handles of the staircase.

Uncle David was back home. He told me to pour him some red wine, it seemed that he was already drunk, but I lacked the guts to ask him if he was fine.

I went into the kitchen, passing through the living room . It was a small comfy space, on the side of the staircase leading to the first floor. I took out some wine, from the wine safe he had, and carried it to him.

"Uncle, here." I said, passing the wine glass.

He didn't say a word, he was quite.

After a few seconds, he finally told me to sit down next to him.

Weird, though.

This had been the first time, he was this decent with me. I wracked my brain, trying to understand the reason behind his behaviour.

"You are free to move out of the house, provided, you inform me about your whereabouts. Don't forget to ask me before stepping out. I am going for sleep right now, you ought to return before 6 pm." He told me sounding very low.

Inspite of the way uncle treated me, I had sympathy towards him, I wasn't even happy about my freedom right now, I was just worried about uncle.

"Uncle, is there anything wrong? " I asked politely.

"Nova, life isn't the way it seems to be. You are too young to understand life. As of now I am having a severe headache, just let me take my meds, you can leave then." He said, and moved towards his room.

I poured him a glass of water, and handed him over the meds, before he went upto his room. He lied down on his bed. I kept the medicine and another glass of water on the side table, incase he needed it.

He didn't seem to be in the best condition to wrap himself in a blanket, so I helped him with it, and quietly moved out of the room, shutting the lights behind me. I had never seen him this ill. I don't know what's wrong with him, hopefully it's nothing too serious.


Any guesses, what's wrong with him?

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