32. Nathan

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I got out of the court room with a big smile on my face, I can't believe I have done it again. I have put them behind bars like I promised I will, this gives me a warm feeling inside my heart. I was able to prove that the love of my life is innocent and I have helped those boys and girls who went through the abuse in the hands of those men.

The judge was fair and we loved her judgement, she gave the senator 100 years for all the crimes he had committed and she gave others 80 years which to me was fair enough cause they will probably die in there seeing that they were old. I think they won't even last five years in there, they will be dead.

And the way people are angry at them I don't think they will last long

Nolan was by my side holding my hand tightly never letting go, the way he held it, it's like I was going to varnish any minute from now, he was holding it with proud and love on his face. We reached outside news reporters asking questions as I replied them the best I can. But I was tired and I needed to rest my muscles. I think I need to sleep like two days coz I have worked my body too much these past days. After answering all questions we walked towards my car were my friends and family were waiting for us.

" Congratulations Nate" Mateo beamed loudly hugging me tightly. " I can't believe what those bastards did, they deserved what they got" we all agreed with him

" We are so proud of you Nate" mom said hugging me tightly.

" Thank you guys" I replied with a tired smile.

" Drinks on me tomorrow, it would have been today but you look tired" Theo said with a smile. I looked over at Nolan to know whether he would like to go, he seemed to understand my question as he nodded yes. " Ok see you then" I nodded as they moved to there car driving off.

" Nate, let me talk to my father I will be right back" I nodded, Nolan leaned in kissing me softly . He walked towards his father who was leaning against his car looking at us.

" You're pregnant right" I almost choked on my spit hearing what dad was saying. I looked at him with wide eyes my heart beating fast.

" What? no dad why would you think that" I asked in a whisper looking around to make sure no one had heard him say that. If the news reporters head him,this won't leave the mouths of the new Yorkers.

" First your pale and second your were throwing up Nate, i know the signs" he said as I gulped hard bitting my lips nervously.

" Is it true Nate" Mom asked concerned.

" I don't know really" I say flickering around not meeting there eyes. " I am going to find out today, I am heading to the hospital" I added looking down at my shoes, not meeting their Eyes, I don't want to see the disappointed look on there faces. It will break my heart.

" Why are you scared Nate, your are a grown up. You look scared what is it" dad asked worriedly. They know me too well.

" I am scared because if it's true I might lose Nolan again dad" I inhaled " he told me that he wasn't ready to have other kids, I don't want to lose him. I have just gotten him back but I fear that he might run away again if it's true that I am pregnant" I voiced out my fear. My parents had been with me through in bad and good times, there is no need to lie to them

" Then he doesn't deserve you" Mon commented ruffling my hair back like she did when I was still little. She knew that calmed me down when she did it" just know whatever happens we are here ok" I nodded hugging her.

" If he leaves this time, I will hunt him down and put a bullet in his head" dad threatened making me chuckle " call us when you get the news but by the looks of it I think you have another little bean" dad joked " I am so proud of you son, remember we will always be here for you" I nodded thanking them, my eyes stinging in happiness. I'm so happy to have them in my life and I'm so happy that they are my parents.  I'm so damn lucky.

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