10. Nathan

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I knocked on the door softly as I scanned the house. The house was big but it looked like a haunted one, my greatest fear is ghosts but I have to do this for Nolan, only thinking about his name gives me goosebumps all over my body. I feel my skin burn up at the thought of him. I checked my phone to see the time and it was time for the kids to be picked up from school, I think he is already there. When I called him, I thought he changed his mind, I thought he would never want to see them again or me but he surprised me when he said yes.

I actually lied to him that my car broke down, I just wanted to give him time to spend it with his kids, to get to know them and the kids haven't stopped talking about him. They loved him and I thought it's only fair for him to spend time with them. At least they will get to know their other dad, I won't be selfish about it.

Of course, if he wants it!

I sighed lowly knocking on the creepy door again feeling myself get annoyed. I moved away from the door looking around to see a girl at the window but as soon as our eyes contacted, hers widened in shock and let the curtain fall instantly, she looked terrified about something. I was about to shout at her when the door opened revealing a man probably in his forties with a scowl on his face.

"Who are you and what are you doing here" his voice sent chills all over my body in a very, very bad way, he was shirtless, showing off his beer belly. His voice hard and annoyed.

"Hi my name is Nathaniel Wright" I said composing myself giving him a hand shake which he ignored by looking at it like it's going to burn him or something "I am here for the sake of my client Mr. Nolan Thompson; I would love to talk to Ms. Everly Usoro about what happened" I say as politely as possible. His eyes scanned me up and down while licking his lips like the pervert he was. I stood up straight putting on my cold hard face everyone fears and that seemed to calm him down as he looked back up at me.

"There is nothing to talk about boy, just do what we asked for and nothing will happen to the pretty boy" he huffed out, did he just call me boy. I closed my eyes to control my temper and not lash out at him.

"I just need some details from her sir" I inhaled deeply.

"There is nothing Everly has to say to you mister, I caught that man with my daughter he has to pay or else I will see him in court" he swing on his bottle his eyes so red in anger " he touched my gorgeous girl, my daughter is now in trauma and you want to trigger her more by talking about it" he seethed at me in anger.

"I am sorry about that sir but-"

"No but, my daughter had been crying since that day. She looks so broken" he shakes his head. It was clearly written on his face that he was lying. The question was why.

"I know she deserves justice sir, but why are you asking money instead of trying to put the person who did that to her in prison" this doesn't make sense, he asked for two million dollars not to sue Nolan and if he is saying that his daughter is in pain, I think he would need justice not so. If something like that happens to my princess, I would surely want to kill the motherfucker responsible or put them in jail for a very long time. I won't ask for money for it to disappear.

"Because I don't want her to go through that trauma again. I just want a peaceful life for my kids, that's all" he replied faking hurt on his face but I can see through him this was all an act which he is so bad at. Something is going on and I need to find out.

"With a therapist she will get better" I say.

"I am really tired of this bullshit" he spat out probably tired of pretending "go tell your client that I am giving him two weeks to pay the money or else he will rot in jail" he said slamming the door in face. I sighed deeply; ok this didn't go as I planned it would but at least I found out that something was fishy about it.

I looked up at the window and there is a different face of a child looking outside. She had a sad expression on her features. I felt like she was crying out to me. I smiled at her but I didn't get any reaction from her, she just looked at me with sad eyes. I am good at reading people and the sadness in this girl's eye showed me that something is really wrong. I pulled out my wallet getting out my business card, I have seen something like this while I was still an intern it looks familiar.

I walk slowly towards a rock making sure the little girl is seeing me. I put the card and some money under it as I put the rock back. I made eye contact with her smiling at her again, she didn't smile back but at least she saw what I did.

With one last glance, I wave at her as I walked towards my car telling my driver to drive. Something was up in that house and I will find out. Why was this man so protective and why doesn't he want me to speak to his daughter? I pulled out my phone calling my assistant immediately.

"Hey Elin, can you look in to Erik Usoro, I need you to find out everything about him and don't leave any detail out got it" with yes sir I hang up on her looking outside the window. I thought about Nolan and the kids, did he drop them off at the house or not. I contemplated whether to call him or not. I gripped my phone hard contemplating with myself.

"Take me home" I say to Carson who nods in agreement. I don't know what I want with Nolan but I know I want him like never before. Since I laid my eyes on him yesterday, all the feelings I had came back though I think they never left in the first place. The ringing of my phone got me out of my trance.

"Hey Sebastian, how are you" I ask with a heavy sigh.

"Hey you, want to meet up tonight" he asks with smile in his voice and I can feel how excited he was to see me.

"Sorry I can't, I have so much to do. Maybe next time" I say tiredly rubbing my temples, I have too much to think about right now and being with him is the last thought on my mind.

"That's why we need to meet up Nate, to relieve stress" he says in an interesting voice and I almost said yes but then I thought about Nolan, the reason why I am going home is to make sure he dropped off the kids and if not, at least I would get a chance to see him.

"I know Sebastian but I am not in the mood. Next time" I say looking out of the window, the day was slowly disappearing in the dark clouds. It looked beautiful to watch.

"Are you avoiding me Nathan" he said in a small disappointed voice.

"I am not, I'm tired Sebastian, see you on Saturday" I hung up before he could say anything else. I close my eyes to calm my nerves down. I shouldn't have talked to Sebastian like that, he always helped me when I am stressed. He was a good friend to me. I got out of the car when Carson parked outside my house. I thanked him as I walked inside

I opened the door getting in "Earth are the kids back" I asked her when I was fully inside.

"Yes, sir they are upstairs w.." I nodded jogging upstairs to ask how the day went with Nolan not letting Earth complete her sentence. I came to an abrupt stop when I saw Nolan seated on the floor in Madison's room building a castle with her.

"Now the prince has to climb up from here, it doesn't have to be this tall" Mason whined showing Madison the window. Mason never liked these kinds of games.

"No Mason, the teacher said it has to be tall so that the prince gets a hard time climbing up" Madi whined too adjusting her glasses which were seated on the bridge of her nose.

"Now how will they meet when it's this tall, do you want the prince to fall off and die before meeting her. Mrs. Maximo doesn't know what she was talking about" Mason replied. The scene was amazing to watch, Nolan had a big smile on his face looking at the bickering kids.

"She is the teacher, she knows everything" Madison replied glaring at her brother.
"Sometimes teachers make mistakes Madi because they are humans and don't take everything they say. You have to think with your brain sometimes" Mason gritted his teeth "now if the teacher tells you to drink dirty water would you" Mason added.

"That's so stupid Mas, I'm not that dense" Madison responded.

"That's the point, the castle has to be at least five feet tall" Mason said shaking his head in disbelief.

"B...." Madison was about to say something when Nolan cut her off.

"Ok both of you are right, the castle has to be tall like in the movies and the prince has to climb up the ladder to get his princess and Mason the teacher is always right" Nolan said with a smile, Mason rolled his eyes at that.

"Ugh this is exhausting uncle Nolan; I don't get people sometimes. If you want the prince to meet the Princess why put obstacles" Mason groaned out. I stood behind the door watching innocently, I wanted to see how Nolan was going to stop this and how did he get Mason to participate in this kind of activity.

"If you love someone Mason you have to go through ups and downs to get them. If you know that person is precious than why not go through the trouble. You will find out when you grow up" Nolan replied

"Have you ever been in love" Madison asked

"Yes, but I messed up big time bubble. But if given another chance with that person again I will make sure to never mess up again with them" oh God, my heart started to beat frantically in my chest hearing him say those words. Stop flattering yourself Nate he wasn't talking about you.  I scolded myself.

"Well, that's complicated, at least for me everything is planned. I won't go through trouble with the person I love" Mason shrugged dreamily. he always talks like that "will you play football with me" Mason changed the subject.

"I will but you will first ask your daddy" I smiled; I wish we can be a family. We would look perfect together. The four of us.

"You promised if I build this dumb castle you will play with me, I hate people who don't keep their promises" Mason said looking at Nolan.

"Hey, don't call my castle dumb" Madison whined too, I decided to make myself known before hell breaks through.

"Hey kiddos" I said entering the room. They both jumped up running towards me " How was school and how was your day" I asked pulling out of the hug.

"It was great daddy; uncle Nolan took us to the park and bought us ice cream and candy. Then we played games with aunt Jessica and we did girls stuff while Mason was doing men's stuff with uncle Nolan" my heart skipped a beat hearing a girl's name. Was she one of Nolan's women, it hurt?

"That was great, now go wash up dinner will be ready" I smiled not showing my broken heart. Why do I keep on forgetting that Nolan is straight? Mason walked out of the room going to his bedroom.

"Daddy can uncle Nolan stay for dinner"

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