18. Nolan

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I ran out of Jessica's apartment when Nate told me what happened to Mason leaving Jess behind confused. I needed to be with Nate right now, he sounded Panicked and I think he was on verge of crying, I need to be there for my baby and son. I drove my car like a mad man and I was lucky I wasn't pulled over at the way I was driving. In about ten minutes I reached the hospital Nate had told me rushing in, the receptionists told the floor they were at. She was nice enough to not ask questions and directed me.

I rushed to the elevator and cursed under my breath,it was moving slowly and I hate it and more especially I hated the woman who was standing besides me giving me flirty smiles which I hated so much. 'Woman get a grip I have a boyfriend whom I love so much' I said to myself not giving her my time all my thoughts are on Nate and Mason.

Finally the elevator opened and I rushed out without looking at the flirty lady. I looked right and left and I saw Nate standing with Mrs Lorraine who was telling him something whilst Nate was trying to calm Madi down. I walked towards them in hurry " Nate" I called putting my hand behind his lower back. He heaved a heavy sigh when he saw me.

" Uncle Nolan" Madison called putting her hands forward so that I can carry her and I did gladly. "Mason was bleeding uncle Nolan" Madi sobbed in my neck saying " I am scared, he didn't wake up" hearing my daughter say my heart ached in pain. If I could I would take the pain away from her.

" Don't worry bubble, he will be fine" I caressed her back trying to calm her down all my eyes on Nate who looked like he wants to cry but he was controlling himself.

" Call me Mr Wright if anything happens, I have to go back to school" Mrs Lorraine said, Nate just nodded sitting down on the waiting bench. Mrs Lorraine walked away with one last pity full glance at Nate. I seat down putting Madi on my lap as I put my palm on Nate's thigh softly.

" He will be fine love" I whispered in his ear making sure Madi isn't hearing us. He glanced at me for a second nodding as he looked back down on his fingers. He was chewing on the insides of his mouth meaning he was scared and nervous " I am here baby" I whispered placing a kiss on his cheek smiling at him. He weakly smiled at me and he was trying so hard to not cry and it pained me that he was sad.

I left my hand on his thigh moving it up and down to comfort him while place kisses on Madison's head who had stopped crying. We waited for what felt like forever and I was freaking out, what are they doing in there. Nate had now stood up pacing around the hallway and thank God Madison fall asleep.

" Nate" I called him,he stopped Pacing looking at me with teary eyes " come here baby" I say patting the sit next to me so that he can sit next to me. He sighed sitting, I pulled him towards my shoulder soothing him. It hurt me to see him like this, he was scared.

" I am scared" he barely uttered gripping his fingers.

" I know love" I replied placing a lingering kiss on his head " everything will be ok" I say in a small voice. I felt him sob and I knew he couldn't hold on any longer.

" They said he was bleeding Nolan" he said between sobs " he passed out Nolan, he was in pain and he was calling me but I wasn't there Nolan" he rumbled as my heart ached. Imagine he has been there for them since birth and the moment Mason called him and he wasn't there hurt him. He was really a good father not like me who ran like a coward.

" You're a good daddy love, stop blaming yourself for things you don't have control of" I voiced out my thoughts.

" But-" I cut him off

" But nothing Nate, Mason and Madi are so lucky to have a daddy like you. Your the best father in this world, so Caring and You love your kids unconditionally, which I couldn't do" I say with a smile wiping his strained tears. He put his head back on my shoulder as I pulled him towards me inhaling his hair.

" Family of Mason Wright" the doctor called. Nate was on his feet in a second.

" I am his daddy, how is he. Will he be fine,is he still in pain, can I see him" I placed a hand on his back to calm him down. The doctor looked at him amused by this.

" Calm down Mr Wright, he is fine. His elbow is bruised, we did a scan and  he fractured his inner bone in his elbow but it's not that bad. We stopped the flowing of blood and we put a cast on his whole hand" the doctor said, I realized a heavy breath which I didn't know I was holding.

" Why did he faint" Nate asked the question I was about to ask myself.

"Probably he was just scared and tired but he is fine" Nate sighed in relief " you will be able to take him home today but he will be sleeping for four hours straight because of the medication we injected him. He is in room 43, You can go see him" the doctor said.

" Thank you doctor" I said shaking hands with him. He gave us a nurse who took us to Mason's room. My son was deep in sleep so does Madison, I put her on the couch placing a small blanket I found on top of her. Nate was seated in the chair all his eyes on mason's sleeping face. I slug my hands  behind him placing a tender sweet kiss on his temple. He snuggled next to me putting his hand over my own.  " Calm down love" I whispered in his ear placing a kiss on his earlobe softly.

" I hate seeing him like this" he whispered pressing himself into me.

" Me too baby, at least he is fine" he nodded.

" I wish he can quit football"

" He loves it so much Nate, it was an accident it won't happen every time he plays" I say to him softly.

" You're saying that because you love it" he chuckled.

" That too, I love to see my son  walking in my footsteps" I smile at that thought.

" Thanks for being here with me,I don't know what I should have done if You weren't" he put his nose in my chest inhaling deeply. I shivered at that but I composed myself, this is not the time to think about that. I have been horny now days but Nate is not ready for that and I will wait entnity for him.

" I will be here Nate forever, I promise" I told him as we stayed like that and after a few minutes I heard even breaths from him  meaning he had slept. I smiled at that. He makes me happy, this past days I have been with him are my happiest days of my life.

I talked to his dad and the way he pleaded to me to not break Nate's heart again and I promised the man, this time I'm here to stay.  Now I know that he is the love of my life, and me hurting him again I don't think so. The man threatened to cut my balls off if I ever hurt him again.

Now looking at my family here with me put a smile on my lips. I have wasted many years but now the waste is over I will never leave them again.

Nate looked tired and we have like two hours and half left for Mason to wake up and Madison was restless " Nate baby can you wake up" he stirred up instantly.

" What happened" he asked looking at Mason's bed.

" Nothing happened baby" I placed a kiss on his forehead " I was thinking, you go home with Madison she looks uncomfortable and your tired I will stay here with Mason until he wakes up" I alluded

" What if he wakes up and asks for me, I want to be here when he wakes up" he said

" I will be here Nate remember I am his dad too" I tried to reason.

"Yes But he doesn't know that" he sighed looking at Madi who was moving in her sleep.

" I know but he knows me Nate. Trust me on this baby. You trust me right" he nodded " now trust me go home have a shower and rest I will call you if anything happens and before you know it we will be home together like it's supposed to be" he smiled at me " what's funny"

" You called my home your home" he smiled.

" Don't you like to be my home too" I asked my heart fluttering.

" I want that so much" he replied pulling me in a kiss. I deepen the kiss tasting his delicious mouth. Oh God he tastes good he is driving me crazy, I pulled him by his waist so that he can sit on my lap as he let out a deep moan in his throat and that made me kiss him harder so that I can hear him moan more for me forgetting were we are until....

" Dad why are you kissing uncle Nolan"

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