7. Nathan.

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Daddy the elevator is going to close on you" I mentally palmed my face hearing Mason giggle. I was too engrossed in my thoughts that I didn't hear or see that the elevator had opened. I smiled at Mason picking him up so that I can carry him seeing that Nolan was carrying Madison.

I didn't want him to be left out though I thought he would fight me but to my surprise he didn't. Mason doesn't want to treat him like a kid, he thinks of himself as an adult but in my eyes, he will always be a baby.

We walked towards my car slowly, Madi and Nolan seeming to have a conversation of their own and judging by the smile on her lips I think it's about animals. Whenever Madi makes a friend, she makes sure to tell them about her love for animals, I was happy that Nolan was listening intently humming to whatever she was saying the sight was beautiful, just perfect. A father and a daughter so engrossed in their own world, I wish he was here when I gave birth to them, us being a family it would have been a beautiful family for sure.

He would have loved that moment; it was so magical. "My driver will drive us" I say with a smile on my lips.

"Dad, I want uncle Nolan to carry me" Mason said feeling jealous of his sister. I think they can also feel the bond. After all Nolan's blood is flowing in their veins. Yet at the same time I was surprised, my son Mason Wright wanting to be carried this was new.

"He is carrying Madi, he can't carry the both of you. If you haven't seen yourself Theo was right, you're both growing up quickly" I tried to cheer him up. I think it worked because he started giggling, he loves it when you tell him that he was growing.

"Give him to me it's ok" Nolan said, I didn't even know that he was listening to our conversation.

"You can't carry the both of them" I bit my lips hard when he smiled at me in determination. His smile is so beautiful and contagious that I also smiled as I handed Mason over to him who giggled happily. Nolan was so fit, the way he carried both of them like they weigh nothing made me want to reach out and pass my finger over his bicep.

He is still fit like always that I can't forget the way he fucked me. He took me from heaven and back, I still dream of that moment. It was so precious to me. I shake off those feelings,

I am so stupid to be thinking about that at this moment.

I know we can't be together again but a man can wish. If you think Nolan is like a God. "It's ok hand me the keys" I told my driver who smiled at me and handed over the keys to me. I know what he was thinking, he thinks the same way as me.

I wish my family is like this forever.

"Kids what do you what to eat?" I asked after pulling out of the parking lot. Nolan is seated in the passenger's seat while the kids are buckled up the back. This time no fighting about who sits in front.

"Pizza!" they both shouted making me smile. I glanced at Nolan who was also smiled pulling at his fingers nervously. I decided to focus on the road, he was such a destruction. So handsome and cute at the same time. We reached the chug n pizza place as I got out unfastening Madi as Nolan unfastened Mason. Nolan held Mason's hand and I held unto Madison's; it was perfect just perfect.

"Hi sirs welcome to chug n pizza, this way" a waiter said with a smile. We followed behind her taking us to a table at the far end. I seat besides Madi and Nolan seat besides Mason. I was facing Nolan in this position and when I try to put my hands on the table our hands will probably touch.

"Get a pepperoni large for me and mason, princess what do you like to eat?" I asked Madi who was allergic to pepperoni.

"I will eat beef and ice cream" she said happily.

"What of you Nolan?" I asked biting my lips hard, he gave me a soft smile which didn't do justice to me body, and made me shiver in my seat. Fuck he was such a distraction.

"I think I will share with Madi, I am also allergic to pepperoni" he said looking straight in my eyes. I gasped with wide eyes.

"I'm also allergic to pepperoni" Madi beamed excited. "Let us eat beeeeef" she sung happily

"That's my favourite" Nolan replied softly smiling at Madi. I can see that he was happy about this. We ordered and the waiter left us to go prepare our order. Then the awkwardness started. Madi was busy asking her brother God knows what, then there was me and Nolan who was just looking at me in nervousness, his mouth opening and closing shaking his head as if searching for the right words to say.

"Daddy, have you noticed that me and Madi have uncle Nolan's eyes?" that kid is always observant. I knew he would ask me that.

"Oh yeah they are the same" I replied nervously looking in Nolan's beautiful eyes.

"How do you know our dad, uncle Nolan?" he asked looking at him, ugh this kid.

"Mason it's bad to.."

"It's ok Nate" Nolan said with a smile, he called my name and it sounded so good oh god this man wants to kill me "he was a special friend of mine years back" he replied looking at me.

"As in together" I gasped when I heard Madi ask. What the hell is wrong with these kids of mine and seeing the look on Nolan's face he too was surprised by this, he blushed hard.

"Madison Taylor Wright" I called out glaring at her.

"But granny said if you have a special friend, it means that you are together" she explained with her hands.

"Yes, Madi we were together" I gasped again I didn't know that he would admit that to his kids. What is wrong with him.

"Are you going to get together again" Mason asked this time his eyes filled with hope, why was he hopeful, does he want me to get back with Nolan.

"No" I hurriedly replied.

"Oh, is it because of Sebastian daddy" oh shit, these kids are going to kill me one day and why does Mason look disappointed. Ugh. One day they caught me and Sebastian making out and from that day onwards they thought we were together even though I had explained to them that it was nothing. I couldn't tell them the truth, for fucks sakes they are still kids.

"Who is Sebastian?" Nolan asked looking at Mason

"A friend of daddy, they kissed, I thought he was his boyfriend but daddy said no. But they kiss like kissing" Madi made noises with her mouth. My face heated up in embarrassment. Way to embarrass me Madi, that kid is exactly like her grandmother, so straight forward.

"Madi, we get the point" I peered at Nolan who was clenching his jaw tightly and for a second I thought I saw jealousy in his eyes but as soon as it came it disappeared like it hasn't been there. I thanked the living God that our pizza had arrived at that moment. I glanced at Mason and he was looking at me weirdly.

"Is everything ok buddy?" I asked to make sure.

"It's just that I don't want to see you with uncle Sebastian. You're not compatible together" my eyes widened at that. I opened my mouth and closed it again not knowing what to say to that. I didn't know he felt like this and he was do damn serious when he said it. Nolan gazed at me with wide eyes.

I shrugged it off enjoying my lunch with my family but my mind was still wandering. Doesn't he like Sebastian. I don't want to ask more questions about it so I let it go.

Nolan started asking the kids their dislikes and likes, the kids replied him happily. It was like he was trying to know his kids better which I let him to do. I am not that heartless to deny him that right. I know he had fucked up but he has the right to know his kids like I have and I know this was the only time he will see them; he will be going back to Germany after this case is settled so there is no need to drool.

"Uncle Nolan you have ice cream on your nose" Madi said giggling

"Really, where" Nolan touched his face smearing ice cream all over his face making the kids to laugh out loud. "Did I get it" he asked.

"No, it's all over your face, you're a messy eater" Madi stood up getting a napkin to clean him.  "There I got it " she says sitting down.

"Thank you, princess" he said wiping the remaining one in the face.

"Daddy bathroom" Madi said, I nodded asking the waiter to direct her which she did.

"Uncle Nolan, can I sleep on your shoulder I am so tired" Mason said yawning.

"Come here champ I will carry you, let me pay and I take you home" I said but Nolan stopped me adjusting himself, Mason put his head on his lap.

"Thank you" I heard Nolan say in a whisper.

"For what" I asked confused.

" For this Nate, I never thought you would let me see my children and I am so happy that you had two beautiful kids. I wish I was in their lives from the beginning" he said looking at Mason who was deep in sleep.

"It's ok" I didn't know what to reply to that, I just wanted him to know his kids that's all. "It's a good thing you have seen them, that's what matters" I shrugged. He was about to say something when Madi came back, I thanked the waiter then paid and we got out. "I am taking them home, they need to rest and they won't sleep at the office" I said to Nolan.

" Daddy, you promised to buy me a princess dress remember" oh shit I almost forgot about that.

"Princess, Mason is sleeping, how about I take you this weekend" she frowned looking away from me "I will buy you extra dolls and whatever you like" she smiled.

"Ok pinky promise daddy" she said putting her pinky up. I wrapped mine against hers making a promise. We climbed into the car as I drove off to the firm again so that Nolan can get his car. In just few minutes I parked outside, he was hesitant to get out as he looked at the sleeping beauties. Madison also gave up.

"Can I see them again Nate" he looked at me pleadingly.

"Nolan, I can never deny you to see your kids. If you want you can see them as much as you like" I replied looking behind to make sure the kids didn't hear me. He squatted over placing a kiss on both their foreheads with a smile.

"Thank you, Nate, they are beautiful. I-" he trailed off.

"It's ok Nolan" I said with smile "if you want you can join us this Saturday" I blurted out without thinking "if you're not busy of course but it's ok if you are and you are not obligated" I stuttered out. It has been years since I ever stutter but Nolan always brings out the worst in me, I always feel nervous when he is involved.

"It will be my pleasure Nate, thank you. I had a wonderful time with them and I will totally want to spend more time with them" he smiled at me, that smile I had missed over the years. "See you Nate" he said getting out if the car.

"I will call you when I find out something" I said my eyes never leaving his. How much I want to kiss him. Oh god Nate get a hold of yourself. I scolded myself.

"Let me hope you believe me Nate. I didn't rape that girl"

"I never thought for a second that you did Nolan" I replied truthfully.

"Thank you" I nodded as he walked away to his car. My eyes never leaving his back. He had grown into a muscled man, he did grow some butt, his shoulders were straight and oh God he looked so edible. A strangled moan slipped out of mouth shamelessly at my dirty thoughts, I wish I can squeeze that butt so hard then touch his muscles to see if they are hard like they looked.

'Stop Nate, Nolan will never look at you or more so see you as more. To him you will be the father of his children nothing more. Get that into your smart little head like he said that day' I heaved a heavy sigh driving off to my house with one thought, at least I will see him more often.


Another chapter done

Nate is letting Nolan to see his kids.

Did you see that coming, let's wait and see if Nolan won't fuck up again.

Comment and tell me what you think.

Vote are also appreciated.

Love y'all.

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