17. Nathan

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I watched the video again and again and it was the same thing. I can't believe it, these people are professionals at this. I looked at my assistant who was also looking at the video intently, I think it's useless depending on her expression on her face she is like me. " This is stupid" I grumbled, I have only one damn week to go to court but I still have no evidence to show that Nolan is innocent. I knew this case won't be simple at all.

" Let's play the video again, I have a feeling that we will find something" Elin said playing the video again but I was too tired to watch it again, it was useless. I can't believe they deleted all the important parts, it shows Nolan kissing the girl who I have come to find out that she may not be fifteen as her father claims to be. She looks a bit older. The video shows after kissing, Nolan pulls out his phone as he whispered something to the girl, the girl nodded then Nolan gets out. The video stops there.

See it's useless, I need something, " Nate see here" Elin said smiling posing the video " you see that" she pointed at the man in the back ground, I  hurriedly zoomed in, my eyes widened in shook.

" What was he doing in the club" I said confused.

" See his eyes Nate, they are watching Everly. Now Nate I think you got a little bit of evidence" Elin smiled at me, that's why I love her, she helps me with these kinds of cases, she is so intelligent. I have worked with Elin since I had become a lawyer and we get a long perfectly, we behave like friends. She is not a girl who flirts with there bosses.

" This will partly do but I need more Elin, did You find out why Erik Usoro hosts parties every Thursday" I asked, we looked in to the man and we found out unpleasant information about him and if possible I would like that man to go to prison, first he is a drug dealer and my guts tell me there is more to him than that.

" Not yet but I am working on it" I nodded looking at the screen of my computer again, now I have to find out what that man was doing in that club. " You go do your work Elin and thank you, if it weren't for you I wouldn't have gotten anything" I say to her with s smile.

" Yes you would have Nate, for god's sakes your Nathaniel Wright, a famous lawyer. You have made a name for yourself and I never doubted in you. This case is making your head spin but I believe in you sir. Just sit relax and think like you always do" with that she left me stunned, wow that was an encouragement speech.  I started to go through the files to get something, I need something big, something that will intrigue the judge but I have nothing. The ringing of my phone startled me.

I glanced at it and smile appeared on my face " hello baby" I said with a smile on my lips. Things with Nolan had been going pretty well, one week and half since we started dating and I have never been happier. He talked to my dad the next day after our date saying that he didn't like the way I introduced him to Asher so he said the sooner the better, he was dying to make me his boyfriend. They talked with dad in private and I don't know what they talked about but the good thing they got out with no one bleeding.

" Hello love" there came his voice which melts my heart. " Let me hope you're not busy baby,I just missed you and I wanted to hear your voice to settle my heart so I couldn't restrain myself" that put a smile on my face.

" Yeah I am busy but the case is driving me crazy. I really needed to hear from you" I replied

" Is it my case baby" he asked and I can hear worry in his voice.

" Yes"

" I am sorry baby" he Said.

" It's ok this is my Job and I like it" I say in a small voice. " I really miss you" I have not seen him for three days straight but I really miss him.

" What about I come to your house for dinner" Nolan suggested " I will bring wine" I laughed at that " so that we can't miss eachother so much" I nodded in agreement but then I remembered that he wasn't seeing me. As I agreed. We talked for some more minutes than we said good bye. He makes me happy.

Nolan had created a bond with the twins in that they feel sad when they don't see him. The way Nolan treats them, proves that he is good father. He is currently helping Mason to play football since Nolan himself was a star in highschool and I know he was happy because his son was moving in his footsteps. Mason loves football so much and I believe one day he will be a star just like his father even though Nolan didn't take it as a profession.

I sighed deeply as I tried to call Sebastian but again no answer. He is giving me a cold shoulder since he found out about Nolan, I miss him but Theo is right, I need to give him some space. He even doesn't come to our game night anymore, I think I messed up this time. I never intended to play with his feelings but he knew what he was getting himself in to, it was just sex nothing more, no strings attached, he knew it. Just because I got stuck with him only to pleasure me doesn't mean that something was there so he has to sank up and get over it.

I put my phone down as I continued doing my work brushing off the feeling of Sebastian. I then remembered the day me and Nolan shared a bed for the first time and a smile appeared on my face, it was wonderful waking up to the man you love.

It was the best feelings people, even though we did nothing sexual, just kisses here and there. He was sure taking the slow thing so very well and I was happy he isn't forcing me to take the next step yet I feel like I want to take it, I want him each passing day I need him to make love to me like the first time he d... The intercom this time got me out of my day dreaming. I pressed the button. " Yes Elin" I said.

"Nate Mrs Lorraine is on the phone she wants to tell you something. It's urgent" she said and the way she said it my heart thumped in my chest. I told her to pass her through as she did

" Hello Mr Wright something happened" Mrs Lorraine said.

" Hello Mrs Lorraine, what happened" I bit my lip hard my whole body shaking. Please God let my kids be fine please.

" It's Mason we are taking him to the hospital, he fell while playing football and broke his hand. It's bleeding so badly and he wants his daddy" my eyes widened in shock.

" Which hospital" she told me the hospital and I started gathering my things in a hurry " I am on my way, I will be there in five" I said seeing the hospital is not that far from the firm. I was panicking, I didn't want anything to happen to the kids. I reached the car as I told Carson to drive. I wasn't in position to drive at the way I am shaking.

I am really scared in that my eyes started to sting. I don't want anything to happen to my kids, this kills me and probably Madison is crying now. I told Carson to speed up as I remembered something. I pulled out my phone dialling Nolan's number " Nate, don't tell me you miss me already" he joked but I wasn't in the mood right now.

" I am heading to the hospital Nolan" I say in a shaky Voice.

" What happened baby, Are you ok, which hospital. I am on my way" his voice was panicky

" I am ok,it's Mason just come" I say, telling him the hospital we were heading at and I hang up. At least I don't have to go through this alone and I can't call dad, he is still sick and I didn't want to disturb them. I reached the hospital rushing in. I asked the nurse the location as I rushed to the elevator my heart pounding hard in my chest.

I reached the floor the nurse told me and I  saw Mrs Lorraine trying to comfort the crying Madi. I rushed towards them " how is he" I asked picking up Madi hugging her tightly.

" He passed out on the way here but the doctor said it's because of exhaustion" Mrs Lorraine explained " they said that he will be fine, but his hand is bleeding much let's hope he doesn't need a surgery" I nodded trying to comfort Madi. I too wanted to cry, my son's condition isn't that good but I have Madi to calm down. She looks scared. I can't even imagine it, she is Mason's twin they share everything.

Please let him to be ok.

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